Garfias, F.

Volume Paper Title Page Number Authors
71 The UNAM Scanning Fabry-Perot Interferometer (PUMA) for the Study of the Interstellar Medium 93 Angeles, F.; Bernal, A.; Cobos, F.; Garfias, F.; Guttierez, F.; Langarica, R.; Rosado, M.; Tejeda, C.; Tinoco, S.
266 Intensive observing campaign of atmospheric turbulence at San Pedro Mártir (Poster) 484 Avila, R.; Vernin, J.; Azouit, M.; Agabi, A.; Sánchez, L.; Masciadri, E.; Cuevas, S.; Garfias, F.; Harris, O.; Voitsekhovich, V.; Orlov, V.