Oliveira, C.M.

Volume Paper Title Page Number Authors
348 D/H along the line of sight of REJ1738+665 76 Dupuis, J.; Hebrard, G.; Oliveira, C.M.; Moos, H.W.; Sonnentrucker, P.
348 The sight line towards WD2116+736 with FUSE: H, N, O and more 94 Sonnentrucker, P.; Dupuis, J.; Vennes, S.; Hebrard, G.; Friedman, S.D.; Oliveira, C.M.; Moos, H.W.
348 O/H in the Local Bubble 454 Oliveira, C.M.; Dupuis, J.; Chayer, P.; Moos, H.W.
391 UV and FUV Spectroscopy of the Hybrid PG1159-Type Central Star of NGC7094 125 Ziegler, M.; Rauch, T.; Reiff, E.; Werner, K.; Kruk, J.W.; Oliveira, C.M.