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Paper: Radiative Feedback in the Formation of the First Protogalaxies
Volume: 393, New Horizons in Astronomy: Frank N. Bash Symposium 2007
Page: 215
Authors: Johnson, J.L.; Greif, T.H.; Bromm, V.
Abstract: The formation of the first galaxies is influenced by the radiative feedback from the first generations of stars. Using a ray-tracing method in three-dimensional cosmological simulations, we self-consistently track the formation of, and radiative feedback from, individual stars in the course of the formation of a protogalaxy in the early universe. We follow the thermal, chemical, and dynamical evolution of the primordial gas as it becomes incorporated into the protogalaxy. While the IGM is, in general, optically thin to Lyman-Werner (LW) photons over cosmological distances, the high molecule fraction that is built up in relic H II regions and their increasing volume-filling factor renders even the local IGM optically thick to LW photons over physical distances of the order of a few kiloparsecs. Overall, we find that the local radiative feedback from the first generations of stars suppresses the star formation rate by only a factor of, at most, a few.
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