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Paper: Forbidden Line Polarimetry to Detect the Evolution of the Coronal Magnetic Field
Volume: 526, Solar Polarization Workshop 8
Page: 173
Authors: Li, H.; Landi Degl'Innocenti, E.; Qu, Z. Q.
Abstract: Most of the activity in the solar corona is dominated by magnetic fields. However, the diagnostics of magnetic fields in the corona is still challenging, simply because the field is very weak. The forbidden line polarimetry technique was first suggested by Charvin (1965) to determine the orientation of the coronal magnetic field projected on the plane of sky. In this paper, we adopt the quantum theory for the generation and transfer of polarized radiation, in the framework of the density matrix formalism, and we present the linearly polarized coronal emission in forbidden lines resulting from models of the coronal magnetic field based on the potential field assumption. The results indicate that the forbidden line polarimetry technique may provide a possible way to investigate the polarity reversal of the coronal magnetic field during the solar cycle.
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