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Paper: ALTA, The APERTIF Long Term Archive
Volume: 527, Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXIX
Page: 255
Authors: Holties, H.; de Goei, R.; Vermaas, N.
Abstract: ALTA, the APERTIF Long Term Archive, hosts science data-products generated by the imaging and time-domain science teams for APERTIF. APERTIF is the upgrade of the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope resulting in the transformation to a survey instrument in the radio domain. APERTIF science surveys have started in July 2019. The APERTIF science teams will generate data releases on a regular basis, the first of which is to be based on the Science Verification Campaign (SVC) that has been performed in preparation for the scientific surveys in Spring 2019. SVC data is planned to be released October 2019, resulting in first public use of ALTA.
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