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Paper: SOCCI: A Multi-Mission Software Engineering Platform for Science Operations
Volume: 527, Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXIX
Page: 497
Authors: Del Río, S.; Navarro, V.; Lumi, K.; Hanson, K.; Pašenkov, E.; Mutso, M.; Lember, A.
Abstract: In this era, high quality software engineering is key to success. Recently, advances in information technology have created powerful and complex tools where software engineering platforms are increasingly gaining importance for successful application development. The Science Operations Configuration Control Infrastructure (SOCCI) is born to address the specific needs for Science Operations at ESA’s European Space Astronomy Center (ESAC). The purpose of SOCCI is to guide the software development life cycle of science systems, delivering a single environment that allows engineering systems and tools to become a much easier task. SOCCI offers a suite of products covering every aspect of software engineering, from requirements management to testing. The environment is based on existing state-of-the-art technologies such as Jira, Confluence, Bitbucket, SonarQube and Nexus, among others. This platform is available in two provisioning models: Software as a Service and Software as a Package. SOCCI is operational since November 2016 and is currently used by concluded, current and upcoming missions and teams (Integral, Gaia, BepiColombo, PLATO, the ESAC Science Data Center, the GNSS Science Support Center, among others). New organizations, missions and teams are expressing great interest in this platform. In future releases, improvements and many additional features (such as Model-Based Software Engineering [MBSE] concept in the short-mid term) are planned.
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