Paper: |
Hydro-, Magnetohydro-, and Dust-Gas Dynamics of Protoplanetary Disks |
Monograph: |
9, Protostars and Planets VII |
Page: |
465 |
Authors: |
Lesur, G.; Flock, M.; Ercolano, B.; Lin, M.; Yang, C.; Barranco, J. A.; Benitez-Llambay, P.; Goodman, J.; Johansen, A.; Klahr, H.; Laibe, G.; Lyra, W.; Marcus, P. S.; Nelson, R. P.; Squire, J.; Simon, J. B.; Turner, N. J.; Umurhan, O. M.; Youdin, A. N. |
Abstract: |
The building of planetary systems is controlled by the gas and dust dynamics of protoplanetary disks. While the gas is simultaneously accreted onto the central star and dissipated away by winds, dust grains aggregate and collapse to form planetesimals and eventually planets. This dust and gas dynamics involves instabilities, turbulence and complex non-linear interactions which ultimately control the observational appearance and the secular evolution of these disks. This chapter is dedicated to the most recent developments in our understanding of the dynamics of gaseous and dusty disks, covering hydrodynamic and magnetohydrodynamic turbulence, gas-dust instabilities, dust clumping and disk winds. We show how these physical processes have been tested from observations and highlight standing questions that should be addressed in the future. |