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Paper: Open-source Analysis Tools for Multi-instrument Dark Matter Searches
Volume: 535, Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXXI
Page: 17
Authors: Miener, T.; Kerszberg, D.; Nigro, C.; Rico, J.; Nieto, D.
Abstract: The nature of dark matter (DM) is still an open question in Physics. Gamma-ray and neutrino telescopes have been searching for DM signatures for several years and no detection has been obtained so far. In their quest, these telescopes have gathered a wealth of observations that, if properly combined and analyzed, can improve on the constraints to the nature of DM set by individual instruments. In this contribution, we present two open-source analysis tools aimed at performing the before mentioned combined analysis: gLike, a general-purpose ROOT-based code framework for the numerical maximization of joint likelihood functions, and LklCom, a Python-based tool combining likelihoods from different instruments to produce combined exclusion limits on the DM annihilation cross-section.
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