Paper: |
The AGILEScience App to execute gamma-ray scientific analyses from mobile devices |
Volume: |
535, Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXXI |
Page: |
207 |
Authors: |
Bulgarelli, A.; Parmiggiani, N.; Fioretti, V.; Baroncelli, L.; Addis, A.; Di Piano, A.; Pittori, C.; Tavani, M. |
Abstract: |
AGILE is a space mission launched in 2007 devoted to high-energy astrophysics. The AGILE Team is involved in the multi-messenger campaigns to send and receive science alerts about transient events in the shortest time possible. For this reason, the AGILE Team developed several real-time analysis pipelines to analyse data and follow-up external science alerts. However, the results obtained by these pipelines are preliminary and must be validated with manual analyses that are the bottleneck of the workflow. To speed up the scientific analysis performed by scientists, the AGILE Team developed the AGILEScience mobile application (for iOS and Android devices) that offers to the AGILE Team a password-protected section used to visualise the results of automated pipelines. We present in this contribution an improved functionality of the AGILEScience application that aims to enable the AGILE Team to execute a full scientific analysis using their mobile devices. When the analysis is completed, the system sends an email to notify the user that can visualise the results (e.g. plots, tables, and HTML pages) through the application. The possibility to perform scientific analysis from a mobile device enables the AGILE researchers to perform fast scientific analyses remotely to validate the preliminary results obtained with the automated pipelines. This workflow reduces the overall reaction time of the AGILE Team for the follow-up of transient phenomena. |