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Paper: Starlink: the 2021A release
Volume: 535, Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXXI
Page: 457
Authors: Bell, G. S.; Berry, D. S.; Graves, S. F.; Currie, M. J.; Draper, P. W.
Abstract: Starlink is an open-source collection of software for astronomy containing tools for data reduction, analysis and visualization. It is currently maintained by the East Asian Observatory, with recent progress predominantly driven by evolving instrumentation at the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope. We present the 2021A release, which includes the last three years of developments. HDF5 is now the default data format for Starlink data files and the associated libraries (HDS and NDF) have been updated to allow for large data arrays (> 2 31 pixels). Various applications have been updated to support these large arrays.
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