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Paper: Bulirsch-Stoer Instability in ORSA with Java Plotly Visualisation
Volume: 535, Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXXI
Page: 461
Authors: Stenborg, T. N.
Abstract: ORSA is celestial mechanics software designed for numerical integration of the motion of planets, comets, asteroids and related bodies. ORSA is available both as a legacy GUI-based application, and as a modern numerical library. Validation of the legacy version’s integrators (leapfrog, Runge-Kutta, Bulirsch-Stoer, Everhart’s 15th order scheme) against analytical solutions revealed Bulirsch-Stoer instability. A repeatable test case which demonstrates the instability is described, then visualised from Java with the Plotly graphical library. This work was aimed at a) guiding best use of legacy ORSA, which remains in demand, by highlighting the Bulirsch-Stoer issue and b) providing an example of Java / Plotly integration that can be extended to other research visualisations.
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