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Paper: Probing Multiple Populations of Globular Clusters: A Near-Infrared Approach with BOAO/KASINICS
Volume: 536, The Twelfth Pacific Rim Conference on Stellar Astrophysics
Page: 153
Authors: Kim, H.-S.; Sung, H.-I.; Kim, T.-H.; Lee, J.-W.
Abstract: Recent studies have revealed that Galactic globular clusters (GCs) host multiple stellar populations exhibiting variations in light element abundances, including carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen. We have successfully developed the JWL34, JWL39, and JWL43 filters, enabling precise photometric measurements of NH, CN, and CH molecular absorption bands in the near-ultraviolet/optical region. In this study, we extend the JWL filter system to the infrared region, introducing JWL1.1 and JWL2.3 filters to measure the intensity of CN and CO molecular absorption bands, respectively. Using the near-infrared photometric data acquired with the JWL1.1 and JWL2.3 filters mounted on BOAO/KASINICS, we estimate the relative abundances of CN and CO bands for stars in the five Galactic globular clusters and analyze their spatial distribution. We find that the CN-strong populations in M3, M15, and M71 are more centrally concentrated, while M5 and M10 show similar radial distributions for both populations. We discuss the implications of our findings for the origin and formation of multiple populations in GCs.
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