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Paper: Engaging Undergraduate Students in Astronomical Research Opportunities
Volume: 537, ASP 2022: A Virtual Conference
Page: 14
Authors: Knierman, K.; Hewitt, H. B.; Lipson, R.
Abstract: An ongoing goal of undergraduate programs is to increase students' knowledge and skills in astronomical research to use in their future. Panelists will share a diverse perspective on engaging undergraduate students in research and discuss ongoing programs including 1) The Astronomical and Planetary Sciences online degree program at ASU has created several online research opportunities for students including online CURE and group-based research experiences along with coordinating in-person laboratory experiences. To serve both on campus and online students, the School of Earth and Space Exploration is creating a system to help our 700 undergraduates navigate finding research opportunities appropriate for their background and interests. 2) More about the development and future assessment of the first ever course-based undergraduate research experience (CURE) for online astronomy majors. Students in this course learn about exoplanet transits, work with Exoplanet Watch in order to update the ephemerides of a Hot Jupiter, and collaboratively write a short paper to submit for publication. 3) TIMESTEP is a personal and professional development program for undergraduate students at the University of Arizona, designed to increase retention and graduation among minoritized students by strengthening their technical skills, STEM identity, and ability to navigate and persist in their degree. TIMESTEP is open to all students, regardless of identity, serving approximately 100 students each year, half of whom are from populations historically excluded from STEM fields. Most students participating are majoring in astronomy, physics, and/or mathematics. Weekly meetings throughout the school year focus on support for incoming students, grad school applications, obtaining research positions, exploring industry career paths, applying for internships, and engaging with diverse mentors. TIMESTEP also includes both a research apprenticeship program with faculty during the academic year and a summer internship program with local tech companies.
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