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Paper: Innovative Assessments: Breaking Out of the Mold
Volume: 537, ASP 2022: A Virtual Conference
Page: 36
Authors: Berryhill, K.
Abstract: One of our most challenging tasks as faculty is to assess whether our students have actually learned the objectives we've set for them. While we all know they're not ideal, we often end up using multiple choice tests. Sometimes it's unavoidable due to time requirements, but for those times when we can choose something different, what more innovative options do we have to assess student learning that are also more engaging for students and even help them develop transferable skills? I will share some of mine and, in order to collect even more possibilities, attendees will have the opportunity to share ideas in the chat (which will be saved and sent to attendees). To prepare for that, think back to a favorite assignment from your student days. What made that assignment memorable and engaging? How did it support your learning in the course, and what transferable skills did it help you develop?
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