Paper: |
Las Campanas Robotic Observatory EPO Program: Overview and Progress to Date |
Volume: |
537, ASP 2022: A Virtual Conference |
Page: |
123 |
Authors: |
Beaton, R. L.; Monson, A.; Durbin, M.; Rich, J. |
Abstract: |
The Las Campanas Robotic Observatory (LCRO) is a 12-inch telescope in a roll-off shed at Las Campanas developed via partnership with private partners. About 25% of the time each year is allocated for use in Education and Public Outreach efforts. With a 52 arcmin x 52 arcmin FOV, 0.76” pixel scale, and a suite of broad- and narrow-band filters (L, R, G, B, H-alpha. O-III, S-II, g', r', i'). The telescope is optimal for a number of astro-photography and scientific activities. LCRO is operated fully remotely requiring only an internet browser and an internet connection; it can be run manually or via scripts. Over the last year, we have (1) developed training materials for telescope operation, (2) determined exposure times for ‘classic' objects and observations including example observation scripts, and (3) established data processing protocols that are fully automated and work in the cloud for broad access (Python-based Google Colaboratory notebooks with all software dependencies installed). Our next stage of development is to determine what laboratory-style exercises could be performed with the telescope that would benefit astronomy educators in both formal and informal environments. This poster will show some of the capabilities of the facility, our progress toward developing it for broad use, and, hopefully, serve as a starting point to build new partnerships to use the facility. |