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Paper: Current Research Updates: Communicating New Science to Students While Keeping Costs Down
Volume: 537, ASP 2022: A Virtual Conference
Page: 129
Authors: Bellinger, R.; Leary, M.
Abstract: Both opensource and low-cost media can be used to help astronomy educators communicate new science to students. After taking the feedback of the astronomy education community into account, we have responded to the tandem challenges of keeping course materials affordable while developing new ways to help instructors communicate that science is an ongoing endeavor. We will demonstrate Current Research Updates, which are annual, peer-reviewed content updates to a low-cost introductory astronomy ebook that summarize new astronomical discoveries for students – thereby eliminating the need for frequent new editions that would increase course material costs. We will also discuss Teaching Astronomy By Doing Astronomy, a blog by and for instructors that functions as an open resource for incorporating up-to-the moment discoveries into one's introductory astronomy curriculum.
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