Paper: |
VO Paris Federation |
Volume: |
351, Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XV |
Page: |
394 |
Authors: |
Simon, G.; Dubernet, M.L.; LeSidaner, P.; Aboudarham, J.; Barache, C.; Berthier, J.; Boone, F.; Borsenberger, J.; Caillat, M.; Chilingarian, I.; Crovisier, J.; Dantel-Fort, M.; Debatz, B.; Dedieu, C.; Egret, D.; Gontier, A.M.; Guibert, J.; Guillaume, D.; Haigron, R.; Hennebelle, P.; Jegouzo, I.; Lainey, V.; LeBourlot, J.; LePetit, F.; Martin, J.M.; Micheneau, P.; Moreau, N.; Pelat, D.; Perault, M.; Prugniel, P.; Renie, C.; Roques, F.; Royer, F.; Schneider, J.; Tajahmady, F.; Theureau, G.; Thuillot, W.; Tran-Minh, F.; Vachier, F.; Vetois, J.; Viallefond, F.; Baillard, A.; Bertin, E.; Desert, J.M.; Ferlet, R.; Hebrard, G.; Magnard, F.; Malapert, J.-C.; Marquette, J.B.; Marmo, C.; Mellier, Y.; McCracken, H.; Sarkissian, A.; Didelon, P.; Lesquoy, E. |
Abstract: |
VO Paris Federation is a partnership between Paris Observatory, IAP, IPSL and CEA. Its objectives are to provide VO access to its databases ressources, contribute to international standards developments, implement VO compliant simulation codes and data visualisation and analysis software. The various activities are organised into portals whose functions are (i) to provide visibility and information on the projects and (ii) to encourage collaborations. The portals are linked to thematic activities and resources: solar system (ephemerides, astrometry, physical characteristic of small bodies of the solar system, planetology), reference systems, exoplanet database, legacy (archives from the Nançay Radio Telescope, some specific data from the DENIS and EROS surveys, MAMA), solar physics, stellar and galactic databases and services, atomic and molecular databases and services, simulation codes and data analysis. |