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Paper: Stellar Spectra Models Classification and Parameter Estimation Using Machine Learning Algorithms
Volume: 535, Astronomical Data Analysis Software and SystemsXXXI
Page: 83
Authors: Flores R., M..; Corral, L. J.; Fierro-Santillan, C. R.
Abstract: The growth of sky surveys and the large amount of stellar spectra in the current databases, has generated the necessity of developing new methods to estimate stellar parameters, a fundamental task on stellar research. In this work, we present a comparison of different machine learning algorithms, used for the classification of stellar synthetic spectra and the estimation of fundamental stellar parameters including temperature, and luminosity. For both tasks, we established a group of supervised learning models, and propose a database of measurements with the same structure to train the algorithms. These data include equivalent-width measurements over noisy synthetic spectra in order to replicate the natural noise on a real observed spectrum. Different levels of signal to noise ratio are considered for this analysis.
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