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Paper: The NASA SHIELD DRIVE Center Broadening Impacts Effort: Changing the Face of Heliophysics
Volume: 537, ASP 2022: A Virtual Conference
Page: 39
Authors: Gross, N.; Buxner, S.; Opher, M.
Abstract: The NASA Funded SHIELD DRIVE Center has been funded for Phase 2 to build on the work started in Phase 1. SHIELD's Broadening Impacts effort is intended to change the face of heliophysics by supporting the education and professional growth of a diverse and inclusive early career community of scientists. SHIELD is continuing its Webinar series by highlighting scientists who are not only doing world class space and astrophysics, but also who have unique and compelling stories to tell. Through monthly “Coffee Chats,” we are building a graduate community that discusses some science, but also shares challenges of starting a career in academia with topics such as “work-life balance” and “time-management.” Another unique program is the “distributed” Summer REU program. Since SHIELD is a collaboration among researchers distributed across six institutions, we will have REU students participate with programs at those institutions while funded by SHIELD. SHIELD will provide training and enrichment programs specific to SHIELD Science to further support students' professional development.
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