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Paper: New Astronomy OER: Activities, Interactive Lectures, and Projects Aligned with OpenStax Astronomy
Volume: 537, ASP 2022: A Virtual Conference
Page: 79
Authors: Goering, A.; Wagner, R.
Abstract: Recently, a new collection of open educational resources (OER) for introductory astronomy was published on OER Commons. The new materials include interactive lecture slides (with embedded concept tests and discussion questions), in-class activities, and project prompts. The materials are aligned with the OpenStax Astronomy textbook, organized into three units (Solar System, Stellar Astronomy, and Galaxies & Cosmology), and sorted by textbook chapter. We would like to share the new materials, demonstrate how to access them on OER Commons, and invite other college astronomy educators to use our materials, give us feedback, and help us continue to improve the collection! The development of these materials was supported by the OER Librarian at Lane Community College in Eugene, Oregon. We're happy to answer questions from prospective OER authors about the training and funding opportunities that helped support this work.
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