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Paper: Education with the American Astronomical Society
Volume: 537, ASP 2022: A Virtual Conference
Page: 116
Authors: Rice, T. S.
Abstract: In this talk I'll give an overview of how the American Astronomical Society (AAS) is working to improve the effectiveness, accessibility, and equity of astronomy and astrophysics education on a national level. The AAS's new Strategic Plan and recent education-focused task force initiatives specify a number of efforts to address issues in the education and mentoring of young scientists, as well as improving the reach and impact of education and outreach to audiences of non-scientists. The AAS has an active 12-member Education Committee run by volunteers with interest and expertise in astronomy education. The AAS's recent acquisition of Sky & Telescope magazine is enabling a new effort to adapt S&T materials for classroom use. Our projects in partnership with other scientific disciplinary societies include the TEAM-UP Together program, the Inclusive Graduate Education Network (IGEN), and Mentoring365 – all of which aim to improve university astronomy and astrophysics education at all levels.
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