Ohashi, S.

Volume Paper Title Page Number Authors
402 Lens Mapping of Dark Matter Substructure with VSOP-2 290 Ohashi, S.; Chiba, M.; Inoue, K.T.
476 Mapping Observations of the Horsehead Nebula and the NGC 2023 Region in the NH3 (1,1),(2,2) and (3,3) Lines with the Nobeyama 45 m Telescope 345 Ohashi, S.; Kitamura, Y.; Akashi, T.
499 Thermal Starless Ammonia Core Surrounded by CCS in the Orion A Cloud 189 Tatematsu, K.; Hirota, T.; Ohashi, S.; Choi, M.; Lee, J.E.; Yamamoto, S.; Umemoto, T.; Kandori, R.; Kang, M.; Mizuno, N.
499 The Chemical Variation in the Orion A Cloud Cores 191 Ohashi, S.; Tatematsu, K.; Choi, M.; Kang, M.; Umemoto, T.; Lee, J.-E.; Hirota, T.; Yamamoto, S.; Mizuno, N.