Paper Title |
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Authors |
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An HI' View of the Universe |
1 |
van Gorkom, J. |
Molecules in External Galaxies |
7 |
Lo, K.-Y. |
Molecular Gas and Triggers of Star Formation in Galaxies: Spiral Arms; Bars and Mergers |
19 |
Kawabe, R.; Ishiguro, M.; Ishizuki, S.; Okumura, S. K.; Kasuga, T.; Morita, K.-L.; Tosaki, T. |
(CII) 158 a M Line Images of Spiral Galaxies |
29 |
Stacey, G.; Geis, N.; Jackson, J. M.; Poglitsch, A. |
Disrupted HI Environment Around M82 |
35 |
Yun, M. S.; Ho, P. T. P.; Lo, K.-Y. |
Molecular Clouds as Tracers of Galactic Spiral Structure |
43 |
Dame, T. M. |
Active Nuclei and Molecular Megamasers |
45 |
Baan, W. A. |
A 13 CM Recombination Line Survey of the Southern Galaxy |
57 |
Gaylard, M. J. |
Nature of Megamasers |
63 |
Burdyuzha, V. V. |
Periodic Variations of the Extragalactic H2O Maser in NGC 4258A. D. |
67 |
Haschick, Aubrey David; Baan, W. A. |
Water Maser Variability in Mira Variables |
73 |
Little Marenin, L. R.; Benson, P. J. |
Detection of Local CO Absorption Toward BL Lac:A Probe of AU-Scale Structure in Molecular Clouds |
79 |
Marscher, A. P.; Bania, T. M.; Wang, Z. |
Frequency Dependence of SiO Maser Polarization |
83 |
McIntosh, A. C.; Predmore, C. R. |
Properties of H20 Masers from Arcetri Atlas |
89 |
Tofani, A.; Brand, J.; Catarzi, M.; Comoretto, A.; Giovanardi, C.; Felli, M.; Massi, M.; Palla, F.; Palagi, F.; Cesaroni, R. |
Recent Progress in Molecular Spectroscopy of Evolved Star Envelopes 95 |
95 |
Bieging, J. H. |
High Mass Star Formation Regions |
105 |
Jaffe, D. T. |
HIl Region/Molecular Cloud Interfaces |
115 |
Stutzki, J. |
Methanol Masers and Submillimeter WavelengthWater Masers in Star-Forming Regions |
119 |
Menten, K. |
Massive Star Formation in Outer Galaxy Molecular Clouds |
137 |
Snell, R. L.; Carpenter, J. M.; Schloerb, F. P. |
Molecular Gas Surrounding the Galactic Center |
143 |
Szczepanski, J. C.; Ho, P. T. P.; Gusten, R. |
Massive Stellar Wind-Molecular Cloud Interactions D. 0.5. |
153 |
Wood; Churchwell, E.; MacLow, M.-M.; van Buren, D. |
First Results from a Composite Large-Scale CO Survey at High 159 Galactic Latitudes in the Second Quadrant |
159 |
Heithausen, A.; Stacy, J. A.; Thaddeus, P. |
Excitation of Millimeter and Submillimeter Water Masers in Warm Astrophysical Gas |
163 |
Neufeld, D. A.; Melnick, G. J. |
NOC 7538 IRS 1: Subarcsecond Resolution Recombination Lineand 15 NH3 Maser Observations |
171 |
Gaume, R. A.; Johnston, K. J.; Nguyen, H. A.; Wilson, T. L.; Dickel, H. R.; Goss, W. M.; Wright, M. C. H. |
A Molecular Shell Surrounding the Galactic Center |
177 |
Ho, L. C.; Szczepanski, J. C.; Ho, P. T. P.; Jackson, J. M.; Armstrong, J. T. |
A Hydrodynamical Model for the Fragmentation of the W49A Star-Forming Region |
183 |
Keto, E.; Lattanzio, J.; Monaghan, J. |
High Resolution Observations of NGC 7538 IRS 1 in theJ=1@O Transition of 13C0 |
185 |
Pratap, P.; Snyder, L. E.; Batrla, W. |
Millimeter Wavelength Molecular Maps of the Clumped Gas Around SGR B2(OH) |
191 |
Snyder, L. E.; Kuan, Y.-J.; Pratap, P. |
A CO Survey of the GEM 0B1/1C443 Molecular Cloud Complex |
197 |
Stacy, J. A.; Thaddeus, P. |
A Comparative Study of Protostellar Cores in L1641 and Taurus-Auriga |
203 |
Strom, K. M.; Strom, L. E. |
Ammonia Observations of Stellar Nurseries |
215 |
Benson, P. J. |
Formation and Dispersal of Molecular Cloud Cores |
223 |
Hayashi, M.; Hasegawa, T.; Ohashi, N.; Sunada, K.; Kawabe, R.; Fukul, Y. |
Structure and Kinematics of NH3 Cores in G10.6.4 |
233 |
Cool, A. M.; Ho, P. T. P. |
The Anomaly of AB Aurigae: Big Star in a Land of Small Cores |
241 |
Ladd, E. F.; Myers, P. C. |
The Optical' Emission Line Spectrum of Herbig-Haro Objects and Its Interpretation |
247 |
Raga, A. C. |
Radio Continuum and Molecular Line Observations Toward Herbig-Haro Objects |
257 |
Torrelles, J. M. |
Extremely High Velocity Molecular Gas Near HH7-11 |
269 |
Koo, B.-C. |
HI in the HH7-11 and NGC 1333 Regions |
273 |
Rodriguez, L. F.; Lizano, S.; Canto, J.; Escalante, V. |
VLA Observations of the High-Density Gas Mound the Exciting Source of HH34N-S |
279 |
Anglada, G.; Estalella, R.; Rodriguez, L. F.; Torrelles, J. M.; Canto, J.; Ho, P. T. P. |
CS Mapping of Regions Around Outflow Sources |
285 |
Estalella, R.; Lopez, R.; Anglada, G.; Buj, J.; Pastor, J.; Planesas, P. |
Radio Observations of HH Objects in GGD-37 |
291 |
Hughes, V. A. |
Mass Stars |
297 |
Ladd, E. F.; Fuller, A. A.; Myers, P. C.; Stacy, J. A.; Benson, P. J.; Goodman, A. A. |
The Extremely High Velocity CO Flow in HH 7-11 |
303 |
Masson, C. R.; Mundy, L. A.; Keene, J. |
Deuterium in the Galactic Center Molecular Clouds |
305 |
Walmsley, C. M.; Jacq, T. |
Methanol in Space and in the Laboratory |
313 |
Herbst, E. |
Observational Implications of Protostellar Collapse and Accretion Models |
323 |
Boss, A. P. |
Magnetic Fields: A Photo Essay |
333 |
Goodman, A. A. |
Laboratory and Astronomical Spectroscopy of NewInterstellar Molecules |
349 |
Saito, S. |
Circumstellar Winds from Red Giants |
363 |
Lewis, B. M. |
Kinetic Temperature Structure in Circumstellar Envelopes |
369 |
Kastner, J. H. |
A Measurement of the Stellar Size of W Hya and theLocation of Its H20 Maser Emission |
375 |
Reid, M. J.; Menten, K. |
BIMA and VLA Observations of S106 |
381 |
Crutcher, R.; Loushin, R.; Bieging, J.; Troland, T. H. |
The Ortho to Para Ratio for Ketene in TMC-1 |
387 |
Ohishi, M.; Kawaguchi, K.; Kaifu, N.; Irvine, W. M.; Minh, Y. C.; Yamamoto, S.; Saito, S. |
Proper Motions and Magnetic Fields in W3(OH) |
393 |
Bloemhof, E. E.; Reid, M. J.; Moran, J. M. |
Leptonic Atoms (Positronium and Muonium) in Astrophysical Objects |
399 |
Burdyuzha, V. V.; Kauts, V. L.; Yudin, N. P. |
H20 and SiO Masers in OH/IR Stars |
403 |
Gomez, Y.; Moran, J. M.; Rodriguez, L. F. |
Interstellar HNO: Confirming the Identification |
407 |
Hollis, J. M.; Snyder, L. E.; Ziurys, L. M.; McGonagle, D. |
Modeling the SiO Masers |
413 |
Lockett, P.; Elitzur, M. |
The Comparability of Water Maser Emission and the Visible Light Curve in T Virginis |
417 |
Woods, T. C.; Little Marenin, L.; Benson, P. J. |
The Nobeyama Millimeter Mray and Its Future Plan |
421 |
Ishiguro, M. |
Millimeter-Wave Receivers for Radioastronomy |
423 |
Blundell, R. |
The Haystack 3mm Upgrade |
437 |
Barvainis, R.; Ball, J. A.; Ingalis, R. P.; Antebi, J.; Zarghamee, M. |
The Submillimeter Wave Astronomy Satellite |
439 |
Melnick, A. J.; Dalgarno, A.; Fazio, A. A.; Stauffer, J.; Thaddeus, P.; Erickson, N. R.; Goldsmith, P. F.; Snell, R. L.; Hollenbach, D. J.; Harwit, M.; Koch, D. A.; Neufeld, D. A.; Winnewisser, A. F.; Schieder, R. |
The MPE/UCB Far-Infrared Imaging Fabry-Perot Interferometer (FIFI) |
451 |
Poglitsch, A.; Beeman, J. W.; Geiz, N.; Genzel, R.; Haggerty, M.; Hailer, E. E.; Jackson, J.; Rumitz, M.; Stacey, A. J.; Townes, C. H. |