Title: The Solar Cycle: Proceedings of the National Solar Observatory/Sacramento Peak 12th Summer Workshop
Volume: 27 Year: 1992 View this Volume on ADS
Editors: Harvey, Karen L.
ISBN: 0-937707-46-5 eISBN: 978-1-58381-363-8
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Paper Title Page Authors
The Flux-Transport Model and Its Implications 1 Sheeley, N. R., Jr.
Solar Interior Processes Suggested by Large-Scale Surface Patterns 14 McIntosh, Patrick S.
About the Large-Scale Turbulent Transport of Magnetic Field 35 Ambroze, Pavel
On the Large-Scale Distribution of Solar Magnetic Fields 44 Howard, Robert F.
The Effect of Fractal Distribution on the Evolution of Solar Surface Magnetic Fields 48 Lawrence, J. K.; Schrijver, C. J.
The Solar Cycle Pattern in the Direction of the Magnetic Field along the Long Axes of Polar Filaments 53 Martin, Sara F.; Marquette, William H.; Bilimoria, Rajash
Fractals in Magnetograms 67 Schrijver, C. J.; Zwaan, C.; Balke, A. C.; Tarbell, T. D.; Lawrence, J. K.
Smokestacks and Balloonmen: A Magnetic Rotation Controversy 71 Snodgrass, Herschel B.
On the Validity of the Babcock-Leighton Approach to Modeling the Solar Cycle 83 Stenflo, Jan Olof
Active Nests on the Sun 89 van Driel-Gesztelyi, Lidia; van der Zalm, Ed B. J.; Zwaan, Cornelis
In Situ Disappearance of 6.Sunspots 97 Wang, Haimin
Flux Emergence in a Coronal Hole Region 108 Wang, Jingxiu; Wang, Halmin; Shi, Zhongxian
The Reversal of the North Polar Field 116 Wilson, P. R.
Magnetic Flux Transport in Solar Active Regions 124 Hongqi, Zhang
The Solar Cycle and Dynamo Theory 139 Levy, E. H.
Recent Advances in Stellar Cycle Research 150 Saar, S. H.; Baliunas, S. L.
Joy's Law and Limits on the Magnetic Field Strength at the Bottom of the Convection Zone 168 D'Silva, Sydney
Amplification of Fibril Magnetic Fields by Chaotic Flows 173 Fisher, George H.; Deluca, Edward E.; Patten, Brian M.
Does the Sun Rotate on a Single Axis? 182 Goode, Philip R.; Thompson, Michael J.
Coronal Holes as Indicator of Deep-Seated Global Magnetic Fields 187 Obridko, Valdimir; Shelting, Bertha
Magnetic Intermittency on the Sun 189 Ruzmaikin, Alexander
The Magnetic Cycle of Kappa Ceti 197 Saar, S. H.; Baliunas, S. L.
Synoptic Observations of Large Scale Velocity Patterns on the Sun 205 Snodgrass, Herschel B.
What Can We Learn About Solar Cycle Mechanisms from Observed Velocity Fields? 241 Gilman, Peter A.
The Statistics of CA 11-K Plage Macrostructure (January 1969 - May 1980) 256 Antalova, A.; Stepanyan, N. N.
A Search for Existence of Large-Scale Motions on the Sun 265 Bertello, Luca; Restaino, Sergio R.
Cycle Dependent Rotation of Solar Large Scale Patterns as Determined from Millimeter-Range Observations 274 Brajsa, R.; Ruzdjak, V.; Vrsnak, B.; Jurac, S.; Pohjolainen, S.; Terasranta, H.; Urpo, S.
Rotation of the Sun's Core 282 Goode, Philip R.; Frohlich, Claus; Toutain, Thierry
On the Interpretation of Inversions of Helioseismic Rotational Splltting Measurements 286 Hill, Frank
Rotation of Leading; Following Portions of Plages; Sunspot Groups 297 Howard, Robert F.
New Solar Cycle Data from the NASA/NSO Spectromagnetograph 315 Jones, Harrison P.
Rotation Rate Determined from Small Photospheric Magnetic Features 325 Komm, R. W.; Howard, R. F.; Harvey, J. W.; Forgach, S.
The Cyclic Behavior of Solar Activity 335 Harvey, Karen L.
Theoretical Implications of the Extended Activity Cycle 368 Wilson, P. R.
Comment on the Discussion of the Extended Activity Cycle 376 Wilson, P. R.
Fourier Analysis of the LDE Flare Index (1969 - 1991) 377 Antalova, A.
The Solar Cycle as Seen from Prominence and Green Corona Line Data 386 Dermendjiev, V. N.; Stavrev, K. Y.; Buyukliev, G. T.
The Solar Cycle Variation of Coronal Temperature during Cycle 22 395 Guhathakurta, M.; Altrock, R. C.
The Large-Scale Magnetic Field at the Sunspot Minimum and the Activity Level in the Two Following Sunspot Cycles 404 Makarov, V. I.; Mikhallutsa, V. P.
Some Comments to the Problem of Extended Cycles in Large-Scale Magnetic Fields 410 Obridko, Vladimir; Gaziev, Gulu
Green Coronal Emission and the Global Solar Cycle 415 Sivaraman, K. R.; Makarov, V. I.
Constralnts on Solar Activity from Empirical and Global Modelling 417 Sofia, Sabatino; Fox, Peter A.
Comments on the Concept of an "Extended Solar Cycle" 421 Stenflo, Jan Olof
On the Reality of Active Zones on the Sun 425 Vermaand, V. K.; Pande, M. C.
The Distribution of the North-South Asymmetry for the Various Activity Cycles 429 Verma, V. K.
Solar Luminosity Variation 439 Foukal, Peter
Luminosity Variability of Lower Main-Sequence Stars 450 Radick, Richard R.
Photospheric Cycles of RS CVn and by Dra-Type Systems 465 Cutispoto, Giuseppe; Rodono, Marcello
Area^2 Dynamos Performing on Center Stage? 472 Gray, David F.
The Active Regions on the Edipsine Binary AR Lac (HD 210334) 476 Pagano, Isabella; Rodono, Marcello; Neff, James E.
Variability of Solar UV Irradiance and Its Relation to the Variability in Coronal Green Line Index and Equivalent Width of He Line at 1083nm 483 Pap, J.; Gohathakurta, M.
Two-Parameter Model of Total Solar Irradiance Variation over the Solar Cycle 491 Pap, Judit M.; Willson, Richard C.; Donnelly, Richard F.
Solar and Stellar Chromospheric Contrast 503 Restalno, Sergio R.; Donahue, Robert A.
The Origin of the Solar Cycle 511 Rosner, R.; Weiss, N. O.
The Solar High Latitude Magnetic Field Reversal 532 Benevolenskaya, Elena E.; Makarov, V. I.
Turbulent Pumping in the Solar Dynamo 536 Brandenburg, Axel; Moss, David; Tuominen, Ilkka
Nonlinear Feedbacks in the Solar Dynamo 543 Jennings, R. L.
On Long-Term Dynamics of the Solar Cycle 547 Ruzmaikin, Alexander; Feynman, Joan; Kosacheva, Valentina