Title: Viña Del Mar Workshop on Cataclysmic Variable Stars
Volume: 29 Year: 1992 View this Volume on ADS
Editors: Vogt, Nikolaus
ISBN: 0-937707-48-1 eISBN: 978-1-58381-365-2

Paper Title Page Authors
On the Reliability of White Dwarf Radial Velocity Curves determined from Emission-Line Velocities 3 Robinson, E. L.
White Dwarf Masses in Nova Systems and the Maximum-Magnitude vs. Rate-of-Decline Relation 4 Livio, M.
UGSU Stars - Statistics Based on Light-Curves 12 Richter, G. A.
Cataclysmic Variables in the GCVS an Appeal for Suggestions of Presentation Improvement 18 Samus, N.
Discussion Session: Fundamental Parameters 24 Warner, B.
Physiscs of the Disc-Star Transition Zone 41 Duschl, W.; Tscharnuter, W. M.
The Impact of Accretion of the Secondary; the White Dwarf and the Disk ill Quiescent CVs. 42 Szkody, P.
Observational Properties of the Optical Flickering in Cataclysmic Variables and Scenarios for Physical Mechanisms 47 Bruch, A.
Discussion Session: Accretion Physics 53 Shaviv, G.
The Continuum Radiation from Accretion Discs and the Boundary Layer 65 Nofar, I.; Shaviv, G.; Welirse, R.
Two Dimensional Boundary Layer Modelling 80 Godon, P.; Shaviv, G.
Accretion Disk Chromospheres due to Boundary Layer Radiation 90 Williams, G. A.
Discussion Session: Accretion Physics 99 Shaviv, G.
A Model for the UV-Delay at the Onset of Dwarf Nova Outbursts 117 117 Duschl, W. J.
Multifrequency Behaviour of SS Cygni 119 Giovannelli, F.; Martinez-Pals, I. G.; Graziati, L. Sabau
CanWe Learn Nonlinear Dynamics from the SS CYG Outburst Series? 125 Kurths, J.; Schwarz, U.
Discussion Session: Outburst Physics 130 Duschl, W. J.
Superhumps and Superoutbursts 136 O'Donoghue, D.
Superhump Timing in SU UMa Systems: Implications of the Data for the Precessing Disk Model 142 Molnar, L. A.
Observations of SU UMa through Several Outbursts 148 Rutten, R. G. M.; Harlaftis, E. T.; The ITP Team
Discussion Session: Outburst Physics (Second Part) 153 Duschl, W. J.
Hydrodynamics Studies of Accretion on to 0/Ne/Mg White Dwarfs 166 Sparks, W. M.; Starrfield, S. G.; Politano, M. J.; Truran, J. W.; Weiss, A.
WZ Sge: an Accretion Test Case 167 Sparks, W. M.; Sion, E. M.; Starrfield, S. G.; Austin, S.
What do Nova Outbursts and Active Phases of Symbiotic Stars tell us about their Physics? 173 Friedjung, M.
Model Atmospheres for Nova during the Early Stages 178 Hauschildt, P. H.; Wehrse, R.; Starrfield, S.; Shaviv, G.
Discussion Session: Outburst Physics (Third Part) 190 Duschl, W. J.
Accretion onto AM Herculis Binaries with a Multipole Magnetic Field 203 Wu, K.; Wickramasinghe, D. T.
Shock Osciliations and the Quasi-Periodic Osciliations of the AM Her-culis Objects 208 Imamura, J. N.; Wolff, M. T.; Wood, K. S.
Evidence for Synchronization of the Polar BY Cam 216 Mason, P. S.; Chanmugam, G.
X-Ray Luminosity Functions of Magnetic CVs and their Detection in Globular Clusters 222 Ray, A.; Chanmugam, G.; Singh, K. P.
Effects of Magnetic Fields on QPO Properties in AM Herculis Binaries 223 Wu, K.; Chanmugam, G.
Discussion Session: Magnetic Phenomena 230 Chanmugam, G.; Imamura, J.
Intermediate Polars and DQ Herculis Stars 242 Warner, B.
Explaining Intermediate Polars with Discs 246 Hellier, C.
Discussion Session: Magnetic Phenomena 252 Chanmugam, G.; Iniamura, J.
The Cyclic Evolution- "Hibernation" Scenario of Cataclysmic Variables 269 Livio, M.
The Dwarf Nova Period Distribution and the Evolution of Cataclys- MIC Variables 275 Shafter, A. W.
A BVRJK Survey of Novae 282 Szkody, P.
Long-term Quasiperiodic Variability in CV's and its Possible Connection with Solar-type Cycles of Secondary Components 284 Bianchini, A.
Nova Rate in M33 and in the Galaxy 292 Della Valle, M.
Discussion Session: Interconnection between Subclasses 302 Szkody, P.
The Common Envelope Phase in Novae 325 Livio, M.
A Survey of High Latitude Cataclysmic Variables 326 Szkody, P.
Discussion Session: Secular Evolution 331 Livio, M.
On the Photometric Variability of Dwarf Nova SS CYG 343 Voloshina, I.
Orbital Modulations in the UV Emissions of SS Cyg 345 Giovannelii, F.; Claudi, R. U.; Gaudenzi, S.; Lombardi, R.; Rossi, C.
Photometry and Spectroscopy of the August 1988 SS Cygni Outburst 347 Bartolini, C.; Guarnieri, A.; Lolli, M.; Piccioni, A.; Giovannelli, F.; Norci, L.; Martinez-Pais, I. Gonzales
Long Time Scale Behaviour of the Mass Transfer Rate; the Out- burst Accretion Mass and the Outburst Cycle of SS Cygni 349 Hempelmann, A.
ROSAT WFC Observations of the Decline from Outburst of SS Cygni 351 Duck, S. R.; Ponman, T. J.
The Unusual Eclipse-Like `Dip' observed in EX Hya during Out-burst 354 Buckley, D. A. H.; Schwarzenberg-Czerny, A.
Differential CCD Photometry of CI Aql; V359 CEN and RZ Leo 356 Mennickent, R.
Classical Novae as Fast Magnetic Rotators 359 Orio, M.; Ogelman, H.; Trussoni, E.
A Photoionization Model for the Coronal Emission Lines in GQ MUS (Nova MUS 1983) 362 Diaz, M. P.; Williams, R. E.; Phillips, M. M.; Steiner, J. E.
The Eclipsing Binary System Nova Herculis 1991 369 Leibowitz, E. M.; Mendelson, H.; Mashal, E.; Prialnik, D.
Results of a Backyard Nova Search: 1982 - 1991 371 Liller, W.
The Periodic Light Changes of U SCO 373 Budzinovskaya; Pavlenko, E.; Prokof'eva, V.; Shugarov, S. Yu.
The Long Term Behaviour of T Coronae Borealis 375 Luthardt, R.
The Photometric Period of the Recurrent Nova T Pyx 378 Schaefer, B. E.; Landolt, A. U.; Vogt, N.; Buckley, D.; Warner, B.; Walker, A. R.; Bond, H. E.
Testing Hibernation: The Late Decline of Novae 379 Duerbeck, H. W.
Emission from Ridge-Like Emission Regions in AM Herculis Binaries 382 Wu, K.; Wickramasinghe, D. T.
Soft X-ray Emission from Boundary Layers in Cataclysmic Variables 384 Vrtilek, S. D.
The Remarkable Period Changes in the Intemediate Polar TX Columbae 387 Buckley, D. A. H.; Sullivan, D. J.
The Photometry and Analysis of the Light Curves of the Cataclysmic Variables AY PSC and DW UMa 390 Kazennova, E. A.; Shugarov, S. Yu.
Disk Temperature Structure in Six Novalike Variables 392 Rutten, R. G. M.
Spectropolarimetry of RW Trianguli 394 Rutten, R. G. M.; Dhillon, V. S.
Some New Results on Unobvious Periodicities in Cataclysmic Variables 395 Samus, N.