Title: Relationships Between Active Galactic Nuclei and Starburst Galaxies
Volume: 31 Year: 1992 View this Volume on ADS
Editors: Filippenko, Alexei V.
ISBN: 0-937707-50-3 eISBN: 978-1-58381-367-6
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Paper Title Page Authors
Multiwavelength Observations of Active Galactic Nuclei and Starburst Galaxies 3 Sun, Wei-Hsin
Activity in the Extended 12 Micron Galaxy Sample 21 Rush, Brian; Malkan, Matthew A.
Variability of AGNs and Implications for Starbursts 29 Peterson, Bradley M.
The 2-Dimensional Transfer Function and the Nature of Nuclear Activity 41 Perez, Enrique; de La Fuente, Luis; Robinson, Andrew
Patterns of Change in the Emission Lines of the AGN Fairall 9 47 Zheng, Wei; Binette, Luc
Broad Line Profiles and Variability in AGNs: A Test of Geometry 51 Mannucci, Filippo; Stanga, Ruggero M.; Salvati, Marco
Color Variation of the AGN Blue Bump 55 Lin, Sung-Nan; Sun, Wei-Hsin
AGN Hosts and Ultraluminous Galaxies 61 Rieke, G. H.
Compact Radio Cores in Seyfert and Starburst Galaxies 71 Norris, R. P.; Roy, A. L.; Allen, D. A.; Kestevan, M. J.; Troup, E. R.; Reynolds, J. E.
Compact Starbursts in Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies 79 Condon, J. J.; Huang, Z.-P.; Yin, Q. F.; Thuan, T. X.
The Radio/Far-Infrared Correlation of Seyfert Galaxies 83 Roy, A. L.; Norris, R. P.; Allen, D. A.; Troup, E. R.; Kesteven, M. J.
Destruction of PAHs in Active Galaxies 87 Voit, G. M.
The Bulge/Starburst Connection 93 Rich, R. Michael
Surface Photometry of the SO Galaxy NGC 5102 105 Sohn, Young-Jong; Chun, Mun-Suk; Byun, Yong-Ik
Near-Infrared Luminosity Profiles of Active Galaxies (Poster talk) 111 Hunt, L.; Mandolesi, N.; Palazzi, E.; Wade, R.
Far-Infrared Morphologies of Active Galaxies 117 Marston, A. P.
The Components to the Far-Infrared Emission of Centaurus A (NGC 5128) 123 Marston, A. P.
On the Ring Structure of the Grand Design Galaxies 127 Yuan, Chi
The Starburst Model for AGNs 133 Terlevich, Roberto
The broad-line region as supernova remnants 147 Tenorio-Tagle, Guillermo; Terlevich, Roberto; Franco, Jose; Melnick, Jorge
Starburst Origins for AGNs 159 Scoville, N. Z.
Starburst/Black-Hole Models for AGNs Supernovae; Radiative Shocks; Broad Lines; and Fueling 169 Perry, Judith J.
Stellar Populations and Gas in AGNs and Starburst Galaxies 181 Liaz, Angeles
Evolutionary Models for Extragalactic HII Regions: Laboratories for Star Formation Studies 197 Garcia-Vargas, Maria Luisa; Diaz, Angeles I.
Calcium Triplet Synthesis in Starburst Galaxies 205 Garcia-Vargas, Maria Luisa; Liuz, Angeles; Terlevich, Elena; Terlevich, Roberto
The Effect of Internal Dust on the Lya/HP Ratio 211 Binette, Luc; Magris, C. Gladis; Bruzual, A. Gustavo
The Optical Spectra of Wolf-Rayet Galaxies 217 Vacca, William D.; Conti, Peter S.
Infrared Hotspots Discovered in the Nucleus of the Starburst Galaxy NGC 225 Forbes, Duncan A.; Ward, Martin J.; Depoy, D. L.
Is the Nucleus of NGC 4151 Unresolved? 231 Terlevich, Elena; Terlevich, Roberto; Liaz, Angeles
The Origin of the Blue Continuum in Type 2 Seyferts; and Unified Models 241 Cid Fernandes, Roberto, Jr.; Terlevich, Roberto
The Starburst Knots and Extended Emission Line Region of NGC 1068 249 Bruhweiler, Frederick C.
Low-Level Activity in Active Galactic Nuclei: Connections to Starbursts 253 Filippenko, Alexei V.
The Nature of Star-Like Nuclei in Late-Type Galaxies 267 Shields, Joseph C.; Filippenko, Alexei V.
Radio Observations of NGC 4395; a Dwarf Seyfert Galaxy 273 Sramek, Richard
Spatially Resolved Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of LINERs: New Insights into the LINER Phenomenon 277 277 Reichert, G. A.; Puchnarewicz, E. M.; Filippenko, A. V.; Mason, K. O.; Branduardi-Raymont, G.; Wu, C.-C.
On the Origin of the Inner Ring in NGC 4736 285 Munoz-Tunon, C.; Varela, A. M.
Activity at the Center of the Milky Way Galaxy 289 Rieke, Marcia J.
Evidence for Intrinsic Activity of SGR A at the Galactic Center 295 Zhao, Jun-Hui; Goss, W. M.; Lo, K.-Y.; Ekers, R. D.
Luminous Infrared Galaxies: Interactions and Environment 303 Sanders, D. B.
High Redshift OH Megamasers 317 Kazes, Ilya; Baan, Willem A.
Violent Motions in Luminous FIR Galaxies: The Magamaser in IRAS 10039+3338 323 Kazes, Ilya; Mirabel, I. Felix
CO Absorption in Nine Luminous Infrared Galaxies 329 Ridgway, S. E.; Wynn-Williams, C. G.; Becklin, E. E.
Mass Supply to Active Galactic Nuclei and Starburst Galaxies 335 Shlosman, Isaac
Gas Accretion into Active Galaxies 347 Mirabel, L. F.
Fueling Starburst Galaxies with Gas-Rich Mergers 351 Hernquist, Lars
Circumnuclear Molecular Gas in Seyfert and Starburst Galaxies and Starburst-Implosion Fueling of AGNs 357 Taniguchi, Yoshiaki
Infrared Classification of Emission-Line Galaxies and the Starburst Properties in Seyfert Galaxies 365 Taniguchi, Yoshiaki; Mouri, Hideaki
Star Formation in the Seyfert 2 Galaxy NGC 5427 371 Gonzalez-Delgado, Rosa M.; Perez, Enrique
Star Formation in Active and Normal Galaxies 375 Carone, Timothy E.
High-Resolution Spectroscopy of Extended Emission Line Regions in Seyfert Galaxies 379 Wagner, Stefan J.
Long-Slit Spectroscopy of Extended Emission Line Regions in UGC 5101 385 Stanga, R. M.; Mannucci, F.; Rodriguez Espinosa, J. M.
The Effect of Cluster Environment on Star Formation in Spirals 391 Moss, C.; Whittle, M.
Overabundance of Type 1 Seyfert Galaxies in Large-Separation Pairs of Galaxies 397 Taniguchi, Yoshiaki
High Redshift Radio Galaxies and their Evolution 403 McCarthy, Patrick J.
TheLuminosity Function of the Host Galaxies of Quasars 417 Yee, H. K. C.
AGNs: The Most Efficiently Lensed Sources? 423 Wu, Xiang-Ping
Disks and Jets: Implications for Models of AGNs 427 Chiueh, Tzihong
Intrinsically Asymmetric Jets: Energetic and Dynamical Implications for AGN 435 Wang, John C. L.; Sulkanen, Martin E.; Lovelace, Richard V. E.
A Non-Starburst Model for AGN Broad Emission Lines 443 Blandford, R. D.; Emmering, R. T.; Shlosman, L.
Are Weak Bump Quasars Edge-On Sources? 449 Wang, T. G.; Cheng, F. H.; Zhou, Y. Y.
Concluding Summary 455 Blandford, R. D.