Title: Unveiling Large-Scale Structures Behind the Milky Way
Volume: 67 Year: 1994 View this Volume on ADS
Editors: Balkowski, Chantal; Kraan-Korteweg, R. C.
ISBN: 0-937707-86-4 eISBN: 978-1-58381-403-1
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Paper Title Page Authors
The Early History of Galaxy Searches in the ZOA 3 Kerr, F. J.
Introduction: Why and How to Probe the Zone of Avoidance? 7 Lahav, O.
Visualization of Nearby Large-Scale Structures 21 Fairall, A. P.; Paverd, W. R.; Ashley, R. P.
The Leiden/Dwingeloo Survey of HI in our Galaxy 31 Burton, W. B.; Hartmann, D.
The 2 Micron All Sky Survey. 41 Huchra, J.; Pughe, W.; Kleinmann, S.; Skrutski, M.; Weinberg, M.; Beichman, C.; Chester, T.
How Well should the DENIS Survey Probe through the Galactic Plane? 53 Mamon, G. A.
How ESO-LV Did and Did Not (?) Look through the Galaxy 63 Valentijn, E. A.
X-Ray Observations in the Zone of Avoidance 73 Fabian, A. C.
The Expansion and Update of the 'Southern Redshift Catalogue' 77 Fairall, A. P.
Optical Identification of Galaxies along the Northern Milky Way: a Status Report on a Project at Innsbruck 81 Seeberger, R.; Saurer, W.; Weinberger, R.; Lercher, C.
An Optical Galaxy Search from the Hydra/Antlia to the Great Attractor Region 89 Kraan-Korteweg, R. C.; Woudt, P. A.
The 3-Dimensional Galaxy Distribution in the ZOA from Hydra/Antlia to the Great Attractor Region 99 Kraan-Korteweg, R. C.; Cayette, V.; Balkowski, C.; Fairall, A. P.; Henning, P. A.
Mapping Large Scale Structure Behind the Galactic Plane. 113 Marzke, R.; Huchra, J.
A Visual Search for Galaxies behind the Southern Milky Way on the UK Schmidt Atlas 121 Saito, M.
Galaxy Surveys near the Galactic Center Region and the Ophiuchus Supercluster 131 Wakamatsu, K.; Hasegawa, T.; Karoji, H.; Sekiguchi, K.; Menzies, J. W.; Malkan, M.
A Search for Galaxies in the Anticenter ZOA 143 Pantoja, C. A.; Altschuler, D. R.; Giovanardi, C.; Giovanelli, R.
Results from Multifiber Spectroscopy of Galaxies in the Zone of Avoidance 155 Cayatte, V.; Balkowski, C.; Kraan-Korteweg, R. C.
A Presentation of Galaxies Identified in the Region 120 degrees less than or equal to L less than or equal to 130 degrees, -10 degrees less than or equal to B less than or equal to 10 degrees 159 Lercher, G.
A Search for Galaxies behind the Galactic Plane at L equals 220 degrees 163 Terlevich, A. I.
Study of the Shapley Concentration 167 Bardelli, S.; Zucca, E.; Scaramella, R.; Vettolani, G.; Zamorani, G.
Wiener Reconstruction of All-Sky Spherical Harmonic Maps of the Large-Scale Structure 171 Lahav, O.
Wiener Reconstruction of the Large-Scale Structure in the Zone of Avoidance 185 Hoffman, Y.
Modelling Large Scale Velocity Flows with Incomplete Sky Coverage 197 Hendry, M. A.; Newsam, A. M.; Simmons, J. F. L.
Searching at 21-cm for Galaxies in the Zone of Avoidance 203 Henning, P. A.
Recent Radio Continuum Surveys of the Southern Milky Way and a Future MultiBeam HI-Survey 213 Stewart, R. T.
HI-Studies Related to the Optical Thickness of Spiral Galaxies 217 Bottinelli, L.; Gouguenheim, L.; Paturel, G.; Teerikorpi, P.
An HI-Search for IRAS Galaxies in the Galactic Plane 225 Bottinelli, L.; Gouguenheim, L.; Loulergue, M.; Martin, J. M.; Theureau, G.; Paturel, G.
IRAS Galaxies in the Perseus Supercluster North-East Extension 231 Hauschildt-Purves, M.
Large-Scale Structures in the Highly Obscured Orion-Taurus Region 239 Lu, N. Y.; Freudling, W.
The Quality of Extragalactic IRAS Selections 249 Meurs, E. J. A.
Quantifying Large-Scale Structure behind the Milky Way Using the IRAS Point Source Catalogue 257 Saunders, W.; Sutherland, W. J.; Efstathiou, C.; Tadros, H.; Maddox, S.; McMahon, R. G.; White, S. D. M.; Rowan-Robinson, M.; Oliver, S. J.; Keeble, O.; Frenk, C. S.; Smoker, J. V.
Search for IRAS Galaxies behind the Milky Way and the Puppis Hidden Concentration of Galaxies 269 Yamada, T.
LEDA:The Lyon-Meudon Extragalactic Data Base 281 Durand, N.; Bottinelli, L.; Gouguenheim, L.; Paturel, G.; Garnier, R.; Marthinet, M. C.; Petit, C.
Distribution of IRAS Galaxies behind the Milky Way 285 Takata, T.
Comments on the Conference 289 Lynden-Bell, D.
An overview of the Optical Galaxy Searches in the Zone of Avoidance 297 Kraan-Korteweg, R. C.; Woudt, P.
Thanks to the organizers 299 van Woerden, H.