Title: |
Progress in the Search for Extraterrestrial Life: 1993 Bioastronomy Symposium
Volume: |
Year: |
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Editors: |
Shostak, G. Seth
Paper Title |
Page |
Authors |
| |
Chirality, the Cosmos, and Life |
15 |
Bonner, W. |
The Complexity Ratchet |
31 |
Cairns-Smith, A. |
Giant Planets: A Neglected Factor in Drake's Equation |
41 |
Delsemme, A. |
Brain Evolution in Dolphins, Humans and Other Mammals: Implications for ETI |
53 |
Falk, D. |
Status of the Search for Life on Mars |
65 |
Klein, H.; Farmer, J. |
SETI Begins at Home: Searching for Terrestrial Intelligence |
73 |
Marino, L. |
Is Solar System Evolution Cometary Dominated? |
83 |
Marochnik, L.; Mukhin, L. |
Cyanide Polymers in the Solar System and Beyond: Prebiotic Chemistry |
95 |
Matthews, C. |
Search for Biomolecules in SGR B2 |
107 |
Snyder, L.; Kuan, Y.-J.; Miao, Y.; Lovas, F. |
The Chemical and Biological Basis of Intelligent Terrestrial Life from an Evolutionary Perspective |
121 |
Oro, J. |
The Role of Convergence in Evolution: What Extraterrestrial Life Might Look Like |
135 |
Pfleiderer, M.; Leyhausen, P.; Pfleiderer, J. |
Biodiversity and Time Scales for the Evolution of Extraterrestrial Intelligence |
143 |
Russell, D. |
Temperature and the Evolution of the Earth's Biosphere |
153 |
Schwartzman, D. |
Characteristics of Transits by Earth-Sized Planets in Binary Star Systems |
165 |
Bell, J., III; Borucki, W. |
Comparing the Expectations for Different Planetary Search Methods |
173 |
Borucki, W.; Koch, D. |
Circumstellar Habitable Zones and Mass Loss from Young Solar-Type Main Sequence Stars. I. Theory |
183 |
Whitmire, D.; Doyle, L.; Reynolds, R.; Matese, J. |
Circumstellar Habitable Zones and Mass Loss from Young Solar-Type Stars. II. Observational Considerations |
195 |
Doyle, L.; Vikramsingh, R.; Whitmire, D.; Heather, N. |
The Current State of Target Selection for NASA's High Resolution Microwave Survey |
207 |
Henry, T.; Soderblom, D.; Baliunas, S.; Davis, R.; Donahue, R.; Latham, D.; Stefanik, R.; Torres, G.; Duquennoy, A.; Mayor, M.; Andersen, J.; Nordstrom, B.; Olsen, E. |
Prospects for VLBI Detection of Planets |
219 |
Jones, D.; Lestrade, J.-F.; Preston, R.; Phillips, R. |
Planets and Black Dwarfs |
231 |
Kumar, S. |
Differential Radial Velocity Spectrometry for Detection of Earthlike Extrasolar Planets |
237 |
Vikramsingh, R. |
On the Co-Existence of Dusty Discs and Planets around Main-Sequence Stars |
245 |
Wolstencroft, R.; Walker, H. |
A Search for Alien Artifacts on the Moon |
259 |
Arkhipov, A. |
The Interstellar Contact Channel Hypothesis: When Can We Expect To Receive Beacons? |
267 |
Blair, D. |
A Mini-Spectrum Analyzer for Molecular Spectroscopy and SETI |
275 |
Bortolotti, C.; Cattani, A.; D'Amico, N.; Grueff, G.; Maccaferi, A.; Montebugnoli, S.; Orfei, A.; Roma, M.; Tomasetti, G.; Tuccari, G.; Tugnoli, M. |
Forty Trillion Signals from SERENDIP: The Berkeley SETI Program |
285 |
Bowyer, S.; Werthimer, D.; Donnelly, C. |
The Berkeley SETI Program: SERENDIP III and IV Instrumentation |
293 |
Werthimer, D.; Ng, D.; Bowyer, S.; Donnelly, C. |
The SERENDIP Interference Rejection and Signal Detection System |
303 |
Donnelly, C.; Werthimer, D.; Bowyer, S.; Cobb, J. |
Polychromatic SETI |
313 |
Cohen, N.; Charlton, D. |
Astrophysical Coding: A New Approach to SETI Signals. I. Signal Design and Wave Propagation |
325 |
Cordes, J.; Sullivan, W., III |
Astrophysical Coding: A New Approach to SETI Signals. II. Information About the Sender's Environment |
337 |
Sullivan, W., III; Cordes, J. |
Results of Two Years of SETI Observations with META II |
345 |
Colomb, F.; Hurrell, E.; Lemarchand, G.; Olald, J. |
Argus: A Future SETI Telescope |
355 |
Dixon, R. |
Optimum Signal Modulation for Interstellar Communication |
369 |
Jones, H. W. |
A Search for Dyson Spheres Around Late-Type Stars in the Solar Neighborhood |
381 |
Jugaku, J.; Noguchi, K.; Nishimura, S. |
The Columbus Optical SETI Observatory |
387 |
Kingsley, S. |
A Strategy to Detect Primitive Life on an Exo-Planet |
399 |
Leger, A.; Mariotti, M.; Puget, J.; Rouan, D.; Schneider, J. |
The SETISAIL Project |
407 |
Maccone, C. |
Review of the Planetary Society's SETI Program |
419 |
McDonough, T. |
The Search for Extraterrestrial Technologies in our Solar System |
425 |
Papagiannis, M. |
SETI Institute: Summary of Projects in Support of SETI Research |
433 |
Pierson, T. |
SETI at Wider Bandwidths? |
447 |
Shostak, S. |
HRMS: Where We've Been, and Where We're Going |
457 |
Tarter, J.; Klein, M. |
The NASA HRMS Sky Survey X-Band Observations: A Progress Report |
471 |
Levin, S.; Olsen, E.; Backus, C.; Gulkis, S. |
A Biochemical Magic Frequency Based on the Reduction Level of Biological Carbon |
479 |
Weber, A. |
Detection of Extraterrestrial Civilizations via the Spectral Signature of Advanced Interstellar Spacecraft |
487 |
Zubrin, R. |
The Consequences of a Discovery: Different Scenarios |
499 |
Almar, I. |
Will ETI Be Space Explorers? Some Cultural Considerations |
507 |
Ashkenazi, M. |
Consequences of Success in SETI: Lessons from the History of Science |
521 |
Dick, S. |
E.T., Klingons, and the Galactic Library: SETI and Science Education |
535 |
Fraknoi, A. |
SETI As a Way to Encourage Public Awareness of Science |
537 |
Helmers, C. |
Ethological Hazards of Interstellar Travel |
545 |
Leyhausen, P.; Pfleiderer, M.; Pfleiderer, J. |
SETI and Diplomacy |
551 |
Michaud, M. |
The POST Cold War ERA and its Implications for SETI |
557 |
Schenkel, P. |
Responses to Contact: Variables to Consider |
567 |
Swift, D. |
SETI in Australia: Springboards Down Under? |
573 |
Vaile, R. |
Conference Summary |
583 |
Drake, F. |