Title: From Stars to Galaxies: The Impact of Stellar Physics on Galaxy Evolution
Volume: 98 Year: 1996 View this Volume on ADS
Editors: Leitherer, C.; Fritze-von-Alvensleben, U.; Huchra, J.
ISBN: 1-886733-19-8 eISBN: 978-1-58381-434-5

Paper Title Page Authors
An Overview of Spectral Synthesis of Stellar Populations 3 O'Connell, R. W.
Evolutionary Population Synthesis: UV to IR 14 Bruzual, G.
Evolutionary Synthesis on the World Wide Web 26 Loxen, J.; Fritze-v. Alvensleben, U.; Fricke, K. I.
Spectral Evolutionary Synthesis Models-Reliability, Spatial Resolution, and CMDs 29 Ostlin, G.
A Method for an Accurate Simulation of Crowding Effects in Synthetic CM Diagrams 31 Aparicio, A.; Gallart, C.
Metallicity Effects on Stellar Populations 33 Sadat, R.; Guiderdani, B.
Spectral Evolution of Stellar Populations 36 Traat, P.
Spectro-photometric Models of Elliptical Galaxies with infall 42 Tantalo, R.; Chiosi, C.; Bressan, A.; Fagotto, F.
Differential Spectral Synthesis with a Library of Elliptical Galaxies 44 Gregg, M. D.
Elliptical Galaxies: The Age-Metallicity Dilemma 49 Bressan, A.; Chiosi, C.; Tantalo, R.
Star Formation History in Normal and Starburst Galaxies 51 Poggianti, B. M.; Barbaro, G.
Simulations of Starburst Spectral Evolution Superimposed on Old Populations 56 Schmidt, A. A.; Alloin, D.; Bica, E.
Interpretation of Spectroscopic Data of Starburst Regions 58 Ronnback, J.; Bergvall, N.
Diagnosing Galaxies by Stromgren Colors 60 Steindling, S.; Rakos, K.; Brosch, N.
Evolutionary Synthesis of Starburst Galaxies-An Infrared Perspective 62 Doyon, R.
Spectrophotometric Evolution from the UV to the NIR 67 Fioc, M.; Rocca-Volmerange, B.
Evolutionary Synthesis in Blue Compact Galaxies: A Multiwavelength Approach 69 Mas-Hesse, J. M.; Kunth, D.
Stellar Libraries 77 Olofsson, K.
The Effect of Metallicity on Starburst Spectra 90 Heap, S. K.; de Koter, A.
Theoretical Continuum Energy Distribution of Wolf-Rayet Stars 92 Schmutz, W.
An improved Library of Theoretical Stellar Spectra 94 Lejeune, T.; Cuisinier, F.; Buser, R.
Theoretical Calibration of Magnesium and Iron Stellar Indices 100 Chavez, M.; Malagnini, M. L.; Morossi, C.; Buzzoni, A.
Constraints on the Stellar Population of Elliptical Galaxies from UV Spectra 105 Dorman, B.; O'Connell, R. W.
Characteristic Temperature of UV Upturn of Elliptical Galaxies 111 Demarque, P.; Yi, S.; Oemler, A., Jr.
An Answer to the UV Upturn Phenomenon of the Elliptical Galaxies? 113 Yi, L.; Demarque, P.; Oemler, A., Jr.
Stellar and Star Cluster Libraries in the Context of Population Synthesis 115 Alloin, D.
Near-Infrared Spectroscopy in Population Synthesis Studies of Star Forming Galaxies 123 Lancon, A.
Stellar Population Synthesis of AGN at IR Wavelengths 128 Boisson, C.; Joly, M.; Pelat, D.
A Comprehensive Ultraviolet Stellar Spectral Atlas 130 Wu, C.-C.; Schiffer, F. H., III; Crenshaw, D. M.
The Massive Star Content of Starburst Galaxies: Synthesis of FOS/HST Ultraviolet Spectra 133 Robert, C.
Stellar Evolution: High Mass 141 Maeder, A.
Structure and Evolution of Massive Stars 156 Oedegaard, K. J. R.
Accuracy of Stellar Evolution Scenarios to Predict Abundances in A-Type Supergiants 158 Venn, K. A.; Lennon, D. I.; Lemke, M.
Hydrostatic Effects of Rotation on Stellar Models 160 Meynet, G.
Mass Loss from Stars 162 Lamers, H. J. G. L. M.; Cassinelli, I. P.
Combined Stellar Structure and Atmosphere Models for Massive Stars: Revised Ionizing Fluxes for O Stars 174 Schaerer, D.
Spectroscopic Observations of Blue Supergiants in M33 179 Monteverde, M. I.; Herrero, A.; Lennon, D. J.; Kudritzki, R. P.
Evolution of Low and lntermediate Mass Stars in Relation to Population Synthesis 181 Chiosi, C.
Theoretical Magnitudes in the Photometric Systems of HST 193 Chiosi, C.; Vallenari, A.; Bressan, A.
Integrated Colors of SSPs Applied to the Study of LMC Star Clusters 195 Girardi, L.; Chiosi, C.; Bertelli, G.; Bressan, A.
Metallicity Dependence of Terminal AGB Luminosity 197 Willson, L. A.; Bowen, G. H.; Struck, C.
AGB Models, the Yields of Helium and CNO Products from Intermediate Mass Stars, and Planetary Nebulae Abundances 202 Buell, J. F.; Henry, R. B. C.; Baron, E.
Spectroscopy of Faint, New Planetary Nebulae Close to the Galactic Center 207 van de Steene, G. C.; Jacoby, G. H.
Mass-luminosity Relationship for Very-Low-Mass Stars 209 Baraffe, I.; Chabrier, G.
Destruction of 3He in Low Mass Stars and Implications for Chemical Evolution 213 Charbonnel, C.
Evolutionary Population Synthesis: The Effects of Binary Systems 218 Cerviño, M.; Mas-Hesse, J. M.
Supernovae and Their Progenitors 220 Langer, N.; Woosley, S. E.
Giant HII Regions as a Clue to Stellar Populations 232 Stasinska, G.
The impact of Stellar Evolution and Atmospheres on Photoionization Models 244 Garcia-Vargas, M. L.
Shocks and the Evolution of Active Galaxies 259 Dopita, M.; Bicknell, G. V.; Sutherland, R. S.
Comparison of Models and Young/Star-forming Galaxies 275 Charlot, S.
Stellar Population Synthesis Models for Elliptical Galaxies 287 Arimoto, N.
Comparison of Chemical Evolution Models for the Galactic Disk 299 Tosi, M.
Star Formation Histories of Dwarf Galaxies 315 Gallagher, J. S.
Episodic Star Formation in the Carina dSph Galaxy 328 Smecker-Hane, T. A.; Stetson, P. B.; Hesser, J. E.; Vandenberg, D. A.
HST/WFPC2 Imaging of the Tucana Dwarf Galaxy 333 Lavery, R. J.; Seitzer, P.; Walker, A. R.; Suntzeff, N. B.; Da Costa, G. S.
Spectral Synthesis of Resolved Galaxies: Two Nearby Dwarf Ellipticals, N185, and N205. Predictions for HST 335 Delisle, S.; Hardy, E.
Morphology of BCD and LSB Dwarf Galaxies in Virgo 337 Heller, A.; Almoznino, E.; Brosch, N.
Modelling the Old and Intermediate-Age Star Formation History of Dwarf irregular Galaxies 339 Gallart, C.; Aparicio, A.; Bertelli, G.
The Star Formation History of the Post-Starburst Galaxy NGC 1569 341 Vallenari, A.; Bomans, D. J.
HI in NGC 1569 343 Stil, J. M.
Spectroscopic Properties and Environment of Star Forming Dwarf Galaxies 345 Vilchez, J. M.
Star Formation in Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxies 350 Papaderos, P.; Loose, H.-H.; Fricke, K. J.; Thuan, T. X.
Star Formation Histories of Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxies in the Virgo Cluster 352 Brosch, N.; Almoznino, E.
Clumpy, Irregular Galaxies, Clues of Galaxy Evolution-Spectroscopic Study of KUG1626+413 354 Surace, C.; Hecquet, J.; Coupinot, M.; Auriere, M.
H-alpha Bubbles in a Sample of Nearby Star Forming Galaxies 356 Iglesias-Paramo, J.; Vilchez, J. M.
IZwl8: New Results from HST Imagery and Spectroscopy 358 Dufour, R. J.; Garnett, D. R.; Skillman, E. D.; Shields, G. A.
A Comparison of the Stars and Gas in IZw18 366 Skillman, E. D.; Palmer, R. C.; Garnett, D. R.
Stellar Populations in Spiral Galaxies 368 Fagotto, F.; Corradi, R. L. M.; di Bartolomeo, A.
Starburst Galaxies-Laboratories to Study Star Formation and Stellar Evolution 373 Leitherer, C.
The Stellar Cluster at the Center of the Galaxy 386 Eckart, A.; Genzel, R.; Krabbe, A.; Hofmann, R.; Tacconi-Garman, L. E.; Kroker, H.; Thatte, N.
Adaptive Optics NIR imaging of Ri36 in 30 Doradus: The Stellar Population of a Nearby Starburst 388 Brandl, B.; Sams, R.; Bertoldi, F.; Eckart, A.; Drapatz, S.; Genzel, R.; Hofmann, R.; Lowe, M.
Old and Young Stellar Populations in Star-Forming Galaxies 392 Alonso-Herrero, A.; Aragon-Salamanca, A.; Zamorano, J.; Rego, M.
HST Observations of OB Associations in M101 394 Bresolin, F.
Red Supergiants in NGC 604: A Clue to its Evolutionary State 399 Diaz, A. I.; Terlevich, E.; Terlevich, R.; Gonzalez-Delgado, R. M.; Perez, E.; Garcia-Vargas, M. L.
The Stellar Content of Giant HII Regions in NGC 2403 406 Drissen, L.; Roy, J.-R.
High Spatial Resolution Near-infrared Observations of M82: A Laboratory for Starburst Theories 411 Satyapal, S.; Watson, D. M.; Pipher, J. L.; Forrest, W. J.; Fischer, M. A.; Greenhouse, H. A.; Smith, J.; Woodward, C. E.
Revealing the Nature of the Nuclear Starburst in M82 417 Forster, N. M.; Boker, T.; Krabbe, A.; Genzel, R.
An investigation of the Stellar Population and Dust Content of M82 419 Marcum, P. M.; O'Connell, R. W.
The Age of the Brightest Stars in the Disk of M82-Tidal Triggering or Interruption of Star Formation? 421 Notni, P.; Karachentsev, I.; Makarova, L.
Modeling the Starburst Galaxy NGC 7714 423 Garcia-Vargas, M. L.; Gonzalez-Delgado, R. M.; Perez, E.
The Age of the NGC 7714 Nuclear Starburst 428 Nota, A.; Pasquali, A.; Leitherer, C.; Goldader, J.
Inferring the Hot-Star Populations of Wolf-Rayet Galaxies 433 Conti, P. S.
Population of Massive Stars in the New Wolf-Rayet Galaxy MRK 712 439 Contini, T.; Davoust, E.
The Spatial Distribution of Stellar CO Absorption in M83 444 Puxley, P. J.; Doyon, R.; Ward, M. J.
The Effects of Dust in Starburst Galaxies 446 Calzetti, D.
Mass-Dependent Dust Extinction in Starbursts 451 Gasda, S.; Leitherer, C.
IR Mapping Spectroscopy of the Nearby Starburst NGC 3310 453 Lumsden, S. L.; Puxley, P. J.
Near-infrared imaging Spectroscopy of IC342: Spatially Resolving a Bar-Driven Central Starburst 455 Boker, T.; Forster, N.; Krabbe, A.; Genzel, R.
Spectroscopy of infrared Galaxies at 2 MU m, Starburst Diagnostics and Results 461 Goldader, J. D.
Elliptical Galaxies: Abundance Ratio Trends and Implications 467 Worthey, G.
Formation Epoch of Globular Cluster Systems Around Elliptical Galaxies 479 Kodama, T.; Arimoto, N.
Spectral Synthesis of Low-Luminosity Elliptical Galaxies 484 Jones, L. A.
Far-UV Line Strengths in Elliptical Galaxies 486 Ferguson, H. C.; Brown, T. M.; Davidsen, A. F.
Early-Type Galaxies: Application of a New Spectrophotometric Population Synthesis Models 492 Vazdekis, A.; Peletier, R.; Casuso, E.; Beckman, J.
Stellar Populations in Early-Type Galaxies: Evidence of White Dwarfs 494 Bonatto, C.; Bica, E.; Pastoriza, M. G.; Alloin, D.
Interacting and Merging Galaxies 496 Fritze-v. Alvensleben, U.
Stellar Population in interacting Galaxies-(E+S) 510 de Mello, D. F.; Sulentic, J. W.
Near infrared imaging Spectroscopy of cD Galaxy NGC 1275 515 Sams, B., III; Genzel, R.; Krabbe, A.; Thatte, N.; Prada, F.
UV and Visible Properties of Starburst and AGN's 517 Schmitt, H. R.; Storchi-Bergmann, T.; Kinney, A. L.; Calzetti, D.
Stellar Populations in Active Galactic Nuclei 519 Serote Roos, M.; Boisson, C.; Joly, M.
Population Synthesis of Seyfert Galaxies 521 Goerdt, P. W. A.; Kollatschny, W.
A Seyfert Galaxy in the Compact Galaxy Group Shkh 355 523 Tiersch, H.; Oleak, H.; Stoll, D.; Amirkhanian, A. S.; Neizvestny, S.; Bohringer, H.
Stellar Population Synthesis as a Test for Obscured Active Nuclei 525 Shier, L. M.; Rieke, G. H.; Rieke, M. J.
Chemical Evolution at Low and High Redshift 529 Matteucci, F.
The Evolution of Radial Abundance Gradients: The Two infall Episode Model 541 Chiappini, C.; Matteucci, F.
The Chemical Evolution of the Disk of Our Galaxy 543 Prantzos, N.; Aubert, O.
From the HALO to the Galactic Bar Population 547 Ng, Y. K.; Bertelli, G.
Resonances in Barred Galaxies 549 Aguerri, J. A. L.; Munoz-Tunon, C.; Varela, A. M.; Prieto, M.
The Hubble Sequence with the Multiphase Chemical Evolution Model 551 Molla, M.; Diaz, A.; Ferrini, F.
The Chemistry of irregular Galaxies: Implications for Stellar and Galaxy Evolution 553 Garnett, D. R.; Skillman, E. D.; Dufour, R. J.; Peimbert, M.; Torres-Peimbert, S.; Terlevich, E.; Shields, G. A.; Terlevich, R. J.
Dynamical evolution of galactic disks from multi-colour profiles in edge-on galaxies 557 Just, A.; Wielen, R.; Fuchs, B.; Scorza, C.
The Chemical Evolution of Galaxies at High Redshift 559 Smith, L. J.; Pettini, M.; King, D. L.; Hunstead, R. W.
Chemically Consistent Synthesis: Spectral Evolution of Galaxies and Cosmology 565 Möller, C. S.; Fritze-v. Alvensleben, U.; Fricke, K. J.
The Evolution of High Redshift Galaxies 567 Rocca-Volmerange, B.
Identifications of Faint IRAS Sources 579 Kummel, M. W.; Wagner, S. J.
SIRTF Studies of Galaxy Evolution 581 Eisenhardt, P.; Werner, M.
The Evolutionary Cycle of Starbursting Galaxies in Distant Clusters 583 Barger, A. J.
Pure Luminosity Evolution Models for Faint Field Galaxies 588 Pozzetti, L.; Zamorani, G.; Bruzua, A.G.
Cluster Galaxy Evolution from the CNOC Survey 590 Ellingson, E.; Yee, H. K. C.; Morris, S.; Carlberg, R. G.; Sawicki, M.; Gravel, P.
A Proto-Galaxy Candidate at Z = 2.7 592 Yee, H. K. C.; Ellingson, E.; Bechtold, J.; Carlberg, R. G.
From Stars to Galaxies and Back Again. 597 Huchra, J.