Title: M.A.S.S.-- Model Atmospheres and Stellar Spectra: 5th Vienna - Workshop
Volume: 108 Year: 1996 View this Volume on ADS
Editors: Adelman, Saul J.; Kupka, Friedrich; Weiss, Warner W.
ISBN: 1-886733-28-7 eISBN: 978-1-58381-444-4

Paper Title Page Authors
Introduction 1 Castelli, F.; Cowley, C. R.
Model Stellar Atmospheres and Real Stellar Atmospheres 2 Kurucz, R. L.
The Status of Continuous Opacities 19 Lester, J. B.
Magnetic Stars 34 Landstreet, J. D.
The Determination of Effective Temperature and Surface Gravity for B to G Stars 43 Smalley, B.
Effective Temperature Determinations Using Balmer Line Profiles: The Influence of the Structure of the Model 56 van't Veer-Menneret, C.
Turbulent Convection: Old and New Models 62 Canuto, V. M.
Beyond Mixing Length Theory 73 Kupka, F.
Convection in the ATLAS9 Code 85 Castelli, F.
Problems in Modeling Photospheric Convective Overshooting 93 Freytag, B.
On the Importance of Non-LTE abundance Corrections: Iron and Carbon 99 Rentzsch-Holm, I.
Non-LTE Calculations of Radiative Forces for Thallium in the Atmospheres of HgMn Stars 103 Proffitt, Ch. R.; Brage, T.; Leckrone, D. S.
On the Dependence of the Polarization Intensity of Radiation from a Unit Stellar Surface Element 109 Karitskaya, E. A.; Bochkarev, N. G.; Loskutov, V. M.; Sakhibullin, N. A.
Introduction 112 Johannson, S.; Vujnovic, V.
Atomic Data for High Resolution Stellar Spectroscopy: A Review 113 Johansson, S.; Leckrone, D. S.
The Hydrogen Paschen Lines 123 Stehle, C.
A Note on the Hydrogen and Helium Spectral Line Profiles in Low Density Plasmas 134 Vujnovic, V.
Accurate Collisional Cross Sections: Important Input Data in NonLTE Calculations 140 Mashonkina, L. J.
Hyperfine Structure Measurements in Complex Spectra 154 Pickering, J. C.
Introduction 159 Lester, J. B.; Piskunov, N. E.
Status of the ATLAS 12 Opacity Sampling Program and of New Programs for Rosseland and for Distribution Function Opacity 160 Kurucz, R. L.
Calculations of Spherically Symmetric NLTE Model Atmospheres 165 Kubat, J.
Automatic Spectrum Synthesis 170 Cowley, C. R.
Spectroscopy Made Easy 175 Valenti, J. A.; Piskunov, N. E.
Experiments in Spectrum Synthesis 180 Pintado, O. I.; Adelman, S. J.
The Spectrophotometric Fitting Program STELLAR 184 Hill, G.; Gulliver, A. F.; Adelman, S. J.
Version of CCP7 SYNSPEC Code 193 Zboril, M.
STARSP: A Software System For the Analysis of the Spectra of Normal Stars 198 Tsymbal, V.
A Comparison Between Three PC-based Codes for Spectrum Synthesis 200 Iliev, I. Kh.; Barzova, I. S.
Computer Codes for Stellar Atmospheres Analysis Used in the CIS 207 Sakhibullin, N. A.
Spectrum Synthesis in Polarised Light: Software Engineering Issues and Serendipitous Results on Broadband Circular Polarisation 217 Stift, M. J.
Remarks on Microturbulence and Filtering 223 Cowley, C. R.
Introduction 228 Adelman, S. J.; Ryabchikova, T. A.; Wahlgren, G. M.
Some Personal Reflections on the State of Abundance Analyses 230 Adelman, S. J.
A Spectrograph's Instrumental Profile and Scattered Light 232 Gulliver, A. F.; Hill, G.; Adelman, S. J.
Continuum Placement with the Aid of Synthetic Spectra 240 Wahlgren, G. M.
Abundance Analyses of Broad-Lined Stars: Possible and Needed 254 Hill, G. M.; Landstreet, J. D.
Zeeman Effect Measurements at the 6-in Telescope 259 Najdenov, I. D.; Klochkova, V. G.; Panchuk, V. E.
The Magnetic Field of the "Mild" AM Star 15 VUL 262 Savanov, I. S.; Savelyeva, Y. Y.
Helium Lines in the He-weak Star 36 Lyncis 265 Ryabchikova, T. A.; Stateva, I.
The UV Spectrum of Lambda Boo 270 Gerbaldi, M.; Gulati, R. K.; Faraggiana, R.; Kurucz, R. L.
Rotational Velocities; Effective Temperatures; and Iron Abundances of Beta Scuti Stars 275 Solano, E.; Fernley, J.
Lithium and Metal Abundances in Two Long Period AM Binaries 283 Iliev, I. Kh.; Budaj, I.
On Metal Line Equivalent Width Scales 288 Adelman, S. J.
Modern High Resolution Spectrographs at the 6-in Telescope 291 Panchuk, V. E.; Klochkova, V. G.
Telluric Lines 293 Adelman, S. I.; Gulliver, A. F.; Holmgren, D. E.
Introduction 299 Griffin, R. E. M.; Kupka, F.
The Other Side of Science 300 Griffin, R. E. M.
The Structure of VALD 307 Piskunov, N. E.