Paper Title |
Page |
Authors |
| |
Introduction |
1 |
Castelli, F.; Cowley, C. R. |
Model Stellar Atmospheres and Real Stellar Atmospheres |
2 |
Kurucz, R. L. |
The Status of Continuous Opacities |
19 |
Lester, J. B. |
Magnetic Stars |
34 |
Landstreet, J. D. |
The Determination of Effective Temperature and Surface Gravity for B to G Stars |
43 |
Smalley, B. |
Effective Temperature Determinations Using Balmer Line Profiles: The Influence of the Structure of the Model |
56 |
van't Veer-Menneret, C. |
Turbulent Convection: Old and New Models |
62 |
Canuto, V. M. |
Beyond Mixing Length Theory |
73 |
Kupka, F. |
Convection in the ATLAS9 Code |
85 |
Castelli, F. |
Problems in Modeling Photospheric Convective Overshooting |
93 |
Freytag, B. |
On the Importance of Non-LTE abundance Corrections: Iron and Carbon |
99 |
Rentzsch-Holm, I. |
Non-LTE Calculations of Radiative Forces for Thallium in the Atmospheres of HgMn Stars |
103 |
Proffitt, Ch. R.; Brage, T.; Leckrone, D. S. |
On the Dependence of the Polarization Intensity of Radiation from a Unit Stellar Surface Element |
109 |
Karitskaya, E. A.; Bochkarev, N. G.; Loskutov, V. M.; Sakhibullin, N. A. |
Introduction |
112 |
Johannson, S.; Vujnovic, V. |
Atomic Data for High Resolution Stellar Spectroscopy: A Review |
113 |
Johansson, S.; Leckrone, D. S. |
The Hydrogen Paschen Lines |
123 |
Stehle, C. |
A Note on the Hydrogen and Helium Spectral Line Profiles in Low Density Plasmas |
134 |
Vujnovic, V. |
Accurate Collisional Cross Sections: Important Input Data in NonLTE Calculations |
140 |
Mashonkina, L. J. |
Hyperfine Structure Measurements in Complex Spectra |
154 |
Pickering, J. C. |
Introduction |
159 |
Lester, J. B.; Piskunov, N. E. |
Status of the ATLAS 12 Opacity Sampling Program and of New Programs for Rosseland and for Distribution Function Opacity |
160 |
Kurucz, R. L. |
Calculations of Spherically Symmetric NLTE Model Atmospheres |
165 |
Kubat, J. |
Automatic Spectrum Synthesis |
170 |
Cowley, C. R. |
Spectroscopy Made Easy |
175 |
Valenti, J. A.; Piskunov, N. E. |
Experiments in Spectrum Synthesis |
180 |
Pintado, O. I.; Adelman, S. J. |
The Spectrophotometric Fitting Program STELLAR |
184 |
Hill, G.; Gulliver, A. F.; Adelman, S. J. |
Version of CCP7 SYNSPEC Code |
193 |
Zboril, M. |
STARSP: A Software System For the Analysis of the Spectra of Normal Stars |
198 |
Tsymbal, V. |
A Comparison Between Three PC-based Codes for Spectrum Synthesis |
200 |
Iliev, I. Kh.; Barzova, I. S. |
Computer Codes for Stellar Atmospheres Analysis Used in the CIS |
207 |
Sakhibullin, N. A. |
Spectrum Synthesis in Polarised Light: Software Engineering Issues and Serendipitous Results on Broadband Circular Polarisation |
217 |
Stift, M. J. |
Remarks on Microturbulence and Filtering |
223 |
Cowley, C. R. |
Introduction |
228 |
Adelman, S. J.; Ryabchikova, T. A.; Wahlgren, G. M. |
Some Personal Reflections on the State of Abundance Analyses |
230 |
Adelman, S. J. |
A Spectrograph's Instrumental Profile and Scattered Light |
232 |
Gulliver, A. F.; Hill, G.; Adelman, S. J. |
Continuum Placement with the Aid of Synthetic Spectra |
240 |
Wahlgren, G. M. |
Abundance Analyses of Broad-Lined Stars: Possible and Needed |
254 |
Hill, G. M.; Landstreet, J. D. |
Zeeman Effect Measurements at the 6-in Telescope |
259 |
Najdenov, I. D.; Klochkova, V. G.; Panchuk, V. E. |
The Magnetic Field of the "Mild" AM Star 15 VUL |
262 |
Savanov, I. S.; Savelyeva, Y. Y. |
Helium Lines in the He-weak Star 36 Lyncis |
265 |
Ryabchikova, T. A.; Stateva, I. |
The UV Spectrum of Lambda Boo |
270 |
Gerbaldi, M.; Gulati, R. K.; Faraggiana, R.; Kurucz, R. L. |
Rotational Velocities; Effective Temperatures; and Iron Abundances of Beta Scuti Stars |
275 |
Solano, E.; Fernley, J. |
Lithium and Metal Abundances in Two Long Period AM Binaries |
283 |
Iliev, I. Kh.; Budaj, I. |
On Metal Line Equivalent Width Scales |
288 |
Adelman, S. J. |
Modern High Resolution Spectrographs at the 6-in Telescope |
291 |
Panchuk, V. E.; Klochkova, V. G. |
Telluric Lines |
293 |
Adelman, S. I.; Gulliver, A. F.; Holmgren, D. E. |
Introduction |
299 |
Griffin, R. E. M.; Kupka, F. |
The Other Side of Science |
300 |
Griffin, R. E. M. |
The Structure of VALD |
307 |
Piskunov, N. E. |