Paper Title |
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Authors |
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X-Ray Observations of cooling Flow Clusters |
1 |
Allen, S. W.; Fabian, A. C. |
X-ray Imaging of Cooling Flows |
11 |
Bohringer, Hans |
"Listening" To Cluster Cooling Flows: Radio Emission and The Cluster Environment |
21 |
Burns, Jack O.; Loken, Chris; Gomez, Percy; Rizza, Elizabeth; Bliton, Mark; Ledlow, Michael |
Line-Strength Gradients in Cooling Flow Galaxies |
31 |
Cardiel, N.; Gorgas, J.; Aragon-Salamanka, A. |
High redshift cooling flows |
38 |
Crawford, C. S. |
Emission Line Nebulae in Cluster Cooling Flows |
48 |
Donahue, Megan; Voit, G. Mark |
The cooling flow fraction to a redshift of 0.3 |
59 |
Edge, A. C. |
Multiphase Chemical Evolution in Elliptical Galaxies |
62 |
Fujita, Yutaka; Fukumoto, Junji; Okoshi, Katsuya |
Numerical Simulations of Rotating Cooling Flow Clusters |
68 |
Garasi, Christopher J.; Loken, Chris; Burns, Jack O. |
The Search for Molecular Gas in the H I Cloud between UGC 7636 and the Cooling Flow Galaxy NGC 4472 |
75 |
Irwin, J. A.; Frayer, D. T.; Sarazin, C. L. |
Cooling Flows and Shocks in the Temperature Structure of Clusters |
82 |
Jones, C.; Forman, W.; David, L.; Churazov, E.; Gilfanov, M. |
Cooling Flows and Shocks in the Temperature Structure of Clusters. |
83 |
Jones, C.; Forman, W.; David, L.; Churazov, E.; Gilfanov, M. |
Lyman alpha Absorption as a Sensitive Probe of the H I Column in Cooling Flows |
92 |
Laor, A. |
Cooling Flows in Elliptical Galaxies |
100 |
Loewenstein, Michael |
Optical Properties of Cooling Flow Central Cluster Ellipticals |
109 |
McNamara, Brian R. |
Two-Phase Cooling Flows with Magnetic Reconnection |
121 |
Meiksin, Avery |
3C295, a Cooling Flow Cluster at z=0.46 |
128 |
Neumann, Doris M.; Bohringer, Hans |
Cooling Flows: Thermal Instability; Magnetic Fields in the IGM; Galaxy Formation |
135 |
Nulsen, P. E. J. |
Constraints on Cold Gas and Magnetic Fields in the IntraCluster Medium |
147 |
O'Dea, Christopher P.; Baum, Stefi A. |
Cooling Flows in ROSAT observations of clusters of galaxies |
157 |
Peres, C. B.; Allen, S. W.; Edge, A. C.; Fabian, A. C.; Johnstone, R. M.; White, D. A. |
Heat-Flux Induced Magnetic Field Tangling |
165 |
Pistinner, S. L. |
Cluster Cooling Flows: Recent Progress and Outstanding Questions |
172 |
Sarazin, Craig L. |
Magnetic Fields and Inflow in Cluster Cooling Flows |
182 |
Soker, Noam |
Mergers as a cooling-flow alternative |
192 |
Sparks, William B. |
Multiphase Cooling Flows |
202 |
Thomas, Peter A. |
The Effect Of Cooling Flows On General Cluster Properties - an X-Ray Image Deprojection Analysis Of 207 Cluster Of Galaxies |
210 |
White, D. A. |
X-Ray Properties of a Complete Sample of Elliptical Galaxies: Implications for Cooling Flow Models |
217 |
White, Raymond E., III; Davis, David S. |