Title: Proper Motions and Galactic Astronomy
Volume: 127 Year: 1997 View this Volume on ADS
Editors: Humphreys, Roberta M.
ISBN: 1-886733-47-3 eISBN: 978-1-58381-463-5
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Paper Title Page Authors
Astronomy of Minnesota 3 Upgren, Arthur R.
Proper Motion Surveys 15 van Altena, W. F.; Girard, T.; Platais, I.; Kozhurina-Platais, V.; Liu, C.-I.; Lopez, C. E.
The Lick Northern Proper Motion Catalogs 23 Hanson, Robert
Measuring Proper Motions with the USNO PMM 31 Monet, Dave
The Sloan Digital Sky Survey: Proper Motions and Galactic Structure 33 Hindsley, Robert
The New Luyten Proper Motion Survey 41 Humphreys, Roberta M.; Cornuelle, Chris; Larsen, Jeff; Aldering, Greg; Cabanela, Juan
The Reduction of Measurements: Progress and Problems 45 Eichhorn, Heinrich
The APS Catalog of the POSS I, Image Database, and Luyten Proper Motion Catalog 55 Cornuelle, C. S.; Aldering, G.; Humphreys, R. M.; Larsen, J.; Cabanela, J.
The Proper Method of Measuring Luminosity Functions 63 Reid, Neill
Pursuing Luyten's Discoveries: The Quest for Cooler and Nearer Dwarfs 73 Kirkpatrick, J. Davy
M Sub-Dwarfs and the Galactic Halo Luminosity Function 83 Gizis, John E.
Proper Motion Studies of Star Clusters and Related Objects 91 Cudworth, Kyle M.
The Proper Motion of the Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy Ursa Major 103 Schweitzer, Andrea E.; Cudworth, Kyle M.; Majewski, Steven R.
Astrometric Distances to Globular Clusters 109 Rees, Richard F., Jr.
Galactic History via Corrections for Proper Motion Biases 117 Carney, Bruce W.
Proper Motion Surveys of the Galactic Bulge 129 Rich, R. Michael; Terndrup, Donald
Is Galactic History Evident in Halo Streams? 137 Hamlin, Michael
Comparisons with Galaxy Models in the NGP Field 153 Spagna, Alessander; Lattanzi, Mario G.; Lasker, Barry M.
Tidal Streams from the Carina and Draco Dwarf Galaxies 163 Smith, H. A.; Kuhn, J. R.; Hawley, S. L.
Flat Fielding the Galaxy-Fitting a Galactic Model to APS Star Counts 169 Larsen, Jeffrey A.
First Results of a CCD Starcount Survey of Selected Areas with the Swope 1 Meter Telescope 175 Siegel, M. H.; Majewske, S. R.; Reid, I. N.; Thompson, I.
From Proper Motions to Galaxy Formation and Evolution 183 Wyse, Rosemary F. G.
Stellar and Galaxy Kinematics: The Future 191 Gilmore, Gerry; Perryman, Michael