Paper Title |
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Authors |
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The Evolution of Quasars at High Redshift and Their Connection with Galaxies |
1 |
Osmer, P. S. |
The luminosity function and clustering evolution of Quasars |
9 |
Cristiani, S.; La Franca, F.; Andreani, P. |
The Evolution of Radio-Loud Quasars at High Redshift |
17 |
Hook, I. M.; Shaver, P. A.; McMahon, R. G. |
The Rise and Fall of the Quasars |
26 |
Cavaliere, A.; Vittorini, V. |
Dust and Molecular Gas in High Redshift Quasars |
35 |
Omont, A.; Petitjean, P.; McMahon, R. G.; Guilloteau, S.; Cox, P. |
The IR and X-ray emissions from AGN and unified models |
40 |
Danese, L.; Silva, L.; Granato, G. L.; Franceschini, A. |
The most distant radio galaxies and the formation of massive galaxies |
49 |
Rottgering, H.; Best, P.; Pentericci, L.; De Breuck, C.; van Breugel, W. |
Keck spectropolarimetry of radio galaxies at Z ~2.5 |
59 |
Cimatti, A.; Alighieri, S. D. S.; Vernet, J.; Cohen, M. H.; Fosbury, R. A. E. |
Dust Emission as a Tracer of the ISM in High-redshift Quasar Host Galaxies |
66 |
Andreani, P.; Franceschini, A.; Granato, G. L. |
The colours of Z ~~ QSO host galaxies |
70 |
Aretxaga, I.; Terlevich, R. J.; Boyle, B. J. |
The Statistical JR properties of Seyfert nuclei |
74 |
Fadda, D.; Giuricin, G. |
NIGMOS Imaging of Distant Radio Galaxies |
76 |
McCarthy, P. J. |
A Multi-Colour Deep CCD Survey in the Marano Field: The Final Catalogue |
80 |
Mignoli, M.; Zamorani, G. |
The Evolution of Giant Radio Galaxies to z=1: First spectroscopic results and the Hubble diagram |
84 |
Schoenmakers, A. P.; van der Laan, H.; Rottgering, H. J. A.; de Bruyn, A. G. |
ISO Observations of Seyfert Galaxies |
88 |
Schulz, B.; Clavel, J.; Altieri, B.; Barr, P.; Claes, P.; Heras, A.; Leech, K.; Metcalfe, L.; Salama, A. |
How fast do luminous quasars evolve7 |
92 |
Wisotzki, L.; Vanelle, C.; Christlieb, N.; Reimers, D. |
The Evolution of Faint Field Galaxies: Implications from the Hubble Deep Field |
96 |
Gronwall, C. |
Galaxy Counts; Sizes; Colours and Redshifts in the Hubble Deep Field |
102 |
Shanks, T.; Metcalfe, N.; Fong, R.; McCracken, H. J.; Campos, A.; Gardner, J. P. |
Kinematics of Galaxies at z~3 in the Hubble Deep Field |
110 |
Lowenthal, J. D.; Simard, L.; Koo, D. C. |
The ISO Survey of the Hubble Deep Field |
118 |
Rowan-Robinson, M. |
The Photometric Redshift Distribution of Galaxies in the Field of the QSO BR1202-0725 |
126 |
Giallongo, E.; D'Odorico, S.; Fontana, A.; Cristiani, S.; Egami, E.; Hu, F.; McMahon, R. G. |
The Calar Alto Deep Imaging Survey for Galaxies and Quasars at Z > 5 |
134 |
Meisenheimer, K.; Beckwith, S.; Fockenbrock, H.; Fried, J.; Hippelein, H.; Huang, J.; Leinert, Ch.; Phleps, S.; Roser, H.-J.; Thommes, E.; Thompson, D.; Wolf, C.; Chaffee, F. |
Two Lensed Galaxies at Z = 4.92 |
142 |
Franx, M.; van Dokkum, P.; Illingworth, G. D.; Kelson, D. D.; Tran, K.-V. |
Pushing Back Studies of Galaxies Toward the Dark Ages: High-Redshift Ly-alpha Emission-Line Galaxies in the Field |
148 |
Hu, E. M. |
Galaxy Formation and Evolution: Hints from the Far-IR |
158 |
de Zotti, C.; Mazzei, P.; Granato, C. L.; Danese, L.; Franceschini, A.; Burigana, C. |
Velocity and Density Fields of Protogalaxies on Sub-Kiloparsec Scales |
167 |
Rauch, M.; Sargent, W. L. W.; Barlow, T. A. |
The Galaxy-Absorber Cross-Correlation Function |
175 |
Lanzetta, K. M.; Webb, J. K.; Barcons, X. |
Resolving the Stellar Populations in a Z = 4.04 Lensed Galaxy |
182 |
Bunker, A.; Moustakas, L.; Davis, M.; Frye, B.; Broadhurst, T.; Spinrad, H. |
The Complex Line of Sight Towards Q2059-360 |
186 |
Leibundgut, B.; Robertson, J. G. |
Results on Galaxy Evolution from the CNOC2 Field Galaxy Redshift Survey |
190 |
Lin, H.; Yee, H. K. C.; Carlberg, R. G.; Morris, S. L.; Sawicki, M.; Patton, D. R.; Wirth, C. D.; Shepherd, C. W.; Ellingson, E.; Schade, D.; Marzke, R. O.; Pritchet, C. J. |
The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: Preliminary Results |
198 |
Maddox, S. |
Peculiar Motions and the Galaxy Density Field |
202 |
Marinoni, C.; Giuricin, C.; Costantini, B.; Monaco, P. |
Evolution of Spheroidal Galaxies in the Hubble Deep Field |
206 |
Marleau, F.; Broadhurst, T. |
Faint Infrared-Excess Field Galaxies: FROGs |
210 |
Moustakas, L. A.; Davis, M.; Zepf, S. E.; Bunker, A. J. |
Number counts and colours in the Hubble Deep Field: The effect of IGM absorption on high-z galaxies |
214 |
Pozzetti, L.; Madau, P.; Zamorani, G. |
The ISO-IRAS Faint Galaxy Survey |
220 |
Smith, H. E.; Hurt, R. L.; Lonsdale, C. J.; Levine, D. A.; Helou, G.; Beichman, C.; Cesarsky, C.; Elbaz, D.; Klaas, U.; Laureijs, R.; Lemke, D.; Lord, S.; McMahon, R.; Moshir, M.; Neugebauer, G.; Soifer, B. T.; van Buren, D.; Wehrle, A.; Wolstencroft, R. |
Searches for galaxies at Z greater than or approximately equal to 4 through Lyman-limit imaging |
225 |
Stevens, R.; Lacy, M.; Rawlings, S. |
The Epoch of Disk Formation: Observational Constraints on High Redshift Disk Galaxies |
229 |
Vogt, N. P. |
Tracing the current SFR of the Local Universe and beyond |
235 |
Gallego, J.; Zamorano, J.; Garcia-Dabo, C. E.; Aragon-Salamanca, A.; Guzman, R. |
Star Formation in High Redshift Galaxies |
241 |
Bechtold, J.; Elston, R.; Yee, H. K. C.; Ellingson, E.; Cutri, R. M. |
Probing beyond the epoch of galaxy formation |
249 |
Haehnelt, M. G. |
Evolution of Elliptical Galaxies under a Universal IMF |
255 |
Chiosi, C. |
The First Structures in the Universe: Pop III Objects |
263 |
Ferrara, A.; Marri, S. |
The K-band Hubble diagram for the brightest cluster galaxies: a test for galaxy formation and evolution models |
268 |
Aragon-Salamanca, A.; Kauffmann, C. M. B.; Kauffmann, G. |
The chemical evolution of the Inter-Galactic Medium in distant galaxy clusters |
275 |
Colafrancesco, S. |
Whatare the Galaxies Contributing to the Cosmic Infrared Background? |
283 |
Guiderdoni, B. |
Galaxy Evolution and the Cosmic Rate of Supernovae |
289 |
Madau, P. |
The Main Epoch of Metal Production in the Universe |
298 |
Renzini, A. |
Tracing the Star Formation Rate in the Local Universe: The UCM Survey |
306 |
Alonso, O.; Garcia-Dabo, C. E.; Zamorano, J.; Gallego, J. |
Reconstructing Galactic Initial Conditions From Present day Structural Parameters |
310 |
Hernandez, X.; Gilmore, G. |
The [S/Zn] ratio in the DLA systems: evidence for solar ratios at low metallicities |
314 |
Molaro, P.; Vladilo, G.; Centurion, M. |
Dynamics In The Cosmological Mass Function |
318 |
Monaco, P. |
Impact of SNIa on the galaxy SED: sizable effects on magnitudes and colours |
322 |
Raimondo, G.; Savaglio, S.; Brocato, E. |
Star Formation Rate at Z = 0.2 derived from H alpha luminosities: constraint on the reddening |
326 |
Tresse, L.; Maddox, S. J. |
Spectral properties of galaxies in the Stromlo-APM redshift survey: clues on the local star-forming galaxies |
330 |
Tresse, L.; Maddox, S. J.; Loveday, J. |
Models of Galaxy Spectral Evolution from the UV to the Sub-Millimeter |
334 |
Silva, L.; Danese, L.; Granato, G. L.; Bressan, A.; Franceschini, A. |
A limit on dust extinction in B3QS sample |
338 |
Vigotti, M.; Sanchez, S. F.; Gonzalez-Serrano, J. I.; Carballo, R.; Benn, C. R. |
Elemental abundances of Damped LY alpha systems corrected from dust |
343 |
Vladilo, G.; Molaro, P.; Centurion, M. |
Deep 12 and 25 Micron Imaging with the Wide-Field Infrared Explorer |
347 |
Lonsdale, C. J.; Hacking, P.; Shupe, D. L.; Fang, F.; Xu, C. |
The Millimeter Array New Power for the Study of the Young Universe |
353 |
Vanden Bout, P. A. |
Integral Field Spectroscopy with the GEMINI Multiobject Spectrographs |
359 |
Allington-Smith, J.; Content, R. H.; Content, R. |
The High Redshift Universe with Adaptive Optics: Recent results from CFHT |
363 |
Crampton, D. |
The STIS Parallel Survey: Introduction and First Results |
367 |
Gardner, J. P.; Collins, N. R.; Hill, R. S.; Malumuth, B. Al.; Lindler, D. J.; Sandoval, J. L.; Gull, T. R.; Heap, S. R.; Woodgate, B. E.; Baum, S. A.; Ferguson, H. C.; Gilliland, R. L.; Fosbury, R. A. E.; Micol, A.; Pirzkal, N.; Tolstoy, E.; Walsh, J. R.; Green, R. F. |
The "Large Millimeter Telescop&' and its potential for high-z studies |
371 |
Olmi, L.; Mauskopf, P. |
The New Frontier at High Redshift |
376 |
Miralda-Escude, J. |
Spatial distribution of the Ly-alpha forest |
383 |
Petitjean, P.; Surdej, J.; Remy, M.; Smette, A.; Mucket, J.; Shaver, P. |
Quasar Pairs as Probes of Large Scale Structure |
391 |
Impey, C. |
The Relation between High-Redshift Galaxies and QSO Absorption Systems |
397 |
Steinmetz, M. |
Mapping X-ray large scale structures with XMM |
405 |
Pierre, M. |
Clustering at High Redshift: Observational Constraints from a Deep, Wide Area Survey |
413 |
Postman, M.; Lauer, T. R.; Szapudi, I.; Oegerle, W. |
A Progress Report on the Caltech Deep Redshift Survey |
420 |
Cohen, J. G. |
Galaxies and Large Scale Structure at z~3 |
428 |
Steidel, C.; Adelberger, K.; Giavalisco, M.; Dickinson, M.; Pettin, M.; Kellogg, M. |
Deep ISOCAM Observations of Abell 2218 |
436 |
Altieri, B.; Metcalfe, L.; Biviano, A.; Leech, K.; Okumura, K.; Schulz, B.; McBreen, B.; Delaney, M. |
Intracluster Planetary Nebulae in the Virgo Cluster |
440 |
Arnaboldi, M.; Capaccioli, M.; Freeman, K. C. |
Tunable filter imaging: structure forming around a quasar at Z = 0.9 |
444 |
Baker, J. C. |
Number counts and redshift distribution of gravitational arclets as a probe of galaxy evolution |
448 |
Bezecourt, J.; Pello, R.; Soucail, G. |
Spectra of Cluster Galaxies at Z ~ 0.4 |
452 |
Poggianti, B. M. |
Dynamics and Star Formation Properties of Giant Arcs Resolved by HST |
457 |
Soucail, G.; Kneib, J. P.; Picat, J. P.; Ellis, R. S. |
The Cluster Temperature Function at High Redshift |
461 |
Tozzi, P.; Governato, F. |
The Redshift Distribution of Distant Sources from Gravitational Depletion in Clusters |
465 |
Mellier, Y. |
X-ray Clusters at High Redshift |
470 |
Gioia, I. M. |
The Abundance of Galaxy Clusters at Z <1 |
476 |
Rosati, P. |
Powerful high redshift radio galaxies: probing clusters in the early universe |
482 |
Best, P. |
UV Imaging of the Galaxy Cluster CL0939+72 at z~0.4 |
488 |
Buson, L. M.; Bertola, F.; Cappellari, M.; Chiosi, C.; Dressler, A.; Oemler, A. |
Deep multicolour imaging of the field towards the quasar pair PC 1643+463 A&B |
492 |
Cotter, G.; Haynes, T. |
Galaxy Clusters and Large Scale Structure at High Redshifts |
496 |
Francis, P. J.; Woodgate, B. E.; Danks, A. C. |
KeckSpectroscopy of Giant Arcs in Abell 2390 |
504 |
Frye, B. L.; Broadhurst, T. J.; Spinrad, H.; Bunker, A. |
The cosmic microwave background at Cambridge |
508 |
Saunders, R. |
An JR-Selected Galaxy Cluster at Z = 1.27 |
514 |
Stanford, S. A.; Elston, R.; Eisenhardt, P. R.; Spinrad, H.; Stern, D.; Dev, A. |
Near-Infrared Imaging of a Group or Cluster of Galaxies at a Redshift of 2.39 |
520 |
Waddington, I. |
Red Galaxies Near a Quasar at z=1.1: Age Difference among the Cluster Galaxies |
526 |
Yamada, T.; Tanaka, I.; Aragon-Salamanca, A.; Kodama, T.; Ohta, K.; Arimoto, N. |