Title: NASA Office of Space Science Education and Public Outreach Conference
Volume: 319 Year: 2004 View this Volume on ADS
Editors: Narasimhan, Carolyn; Beck-Winchatz, Bernhard; Hawkins, Isabel; Runyon, Cassandra
ISBN: 1-58381-181-8 eISBN: 978-1-58381-254-9
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Paper Title Page Authors
Opening Remarks   
Welcome Message 3 Rosendhal, J.D.
NASA Space Science -- Our Commitment to E/PO 5 Weiler, E.J.
Knock, Knock ... Who's There? Looking into Our Schools 17 Lopez Freeman, M.A.
Session on Science Education Research   
Context for the Panel on Science Education Research 25 Narasimhan, C.; Beck-Winchatz, B.; Hawkins, I.; Runyon, C.
The Evaluation of Adult Science Learning 26 Miller, J.D.
Educational Research: the Example of Light and Color 35 Sadler, P.M.
Is the Teacher of Science a Scientist? 44 Lee, S.A.
Sessions on Issues in Formal and Informal Science Education   
Context for the Panels on Formal and Informal Science Education 51 Narasimhan, C.; Beck-Winchatz, B.; Hawkins, I.; Runyon, C.
Issues in Formal Science Education   
Issues in Formal Science Education Keynote Presentation 55 Nelson, G.D.
Summary of Formal Education Discussions 73 Teays, T.J.
Professional Development For SOFIA's E/PO Program 77 DeVore, E.K.; Bennett, M.
The Committee for Action Program Services (CAPS) 85 Davis, L.
The NASA Student Involvement Program 87 Mahootian, F.
Systemic Change in Delaware and Its Use of NASA-Generated Materials 88 Shipman, H.
Building a Technology Culture in 29 Chicago Schools 94 York, D.G.
Achieving Coherence, Effectiveness and Widespread Usage in NASA-Related Standards-Based Curriculum Development 95 Barber, J.
New Opportunities Through Minority Initiatives in Space Science 102 Kawakami, A.J.; Crowe, R.
Guide to Inquiry-Based Learning Using NASA Resources 107 Barstow, D.
Yerkes Observatory Professional Development Programs 109 Hoette, V.
Astronomy in the Ice: Bringing Neutrino Astronomy to the Secondary Schools 111 Madsen, J.; Atkins, R.; Briggs, M.; Cooley, J.; Dingus, B.; Halzen, F.; Millar, S.; Millar, T.; Rawlins, K.; Steele, D.
Research-Based Public Outreach and Education 114 Bothun, G.
NASA/JPL Solar System Educators Program 115 Brunsell, E.
Empowering Teachers to Address Space Science Content Standards in the Classroom 120 Guzik, T.G.; McNeil, R.; Babin, E.
A Research Based Approach to Developing Engaging Classroom Ready Curriculum 125 Prather, E.E.; Slater, T.F.
Exploring the Solar System: A Science Enrichment Course for Gifted Elementary School Students 130 Kiefer, W.S.; Herrick, R.R.; Treiman, A.H.; Thompson, P.B.
Issues in Formal Education as Systemic Programs 133 Pollock, G.
Issues in Informal Science Education   
Issues in Informal Science Education Keynote Presentation 139 Knappenberger, P.
Summary of Informal Education Discussions 147 Hawkins, I.
Creating Full-Dome Experiences in the New Digital Planetarium 155 Sumners, C.; Reiff, P.
Coyote, NASA, and other Informal Educators 160 Moroney, L.
Creating Authentic and Compelling Web-Based Science Experiences for the Public: Examples from Live @ The Exploratorium Series 163 Semper, R.
Understanding Planetariums as Media 165 Sweitzer, J.
The Big Picture: Planetariums, Education and Space Science 169 Wyatt, R.
Planetariums in K-12 Science Education 174 Laatsch, S.
An Urban Partnership: Inservice and Science Enrichment Programs for a Hispanic Serving Charter School 175 Morris, P.A.; Garza, O.G.; Lindstrom, M.; Allen, J.; Wooten, J.; Obot, V.D.
Windows to the Universe — A Web Resource Spanning Formal and Informal Science Education 178 Johnson, R.M.; Alexander, C.J.; Bergman, J.J.; Deardorff, C.R.; Gardiner, L.; Genyuk, J.; Henderson, S.; LaGrave, M.; Mastie, D.; Russell, R.
The International Planetarium Society 182 Ratcliffe, M.
The Accessible Universe: Making Space Science Accessible to People with Special Needs 185 Grice, N.
Collaborative Support for Solar Eclipse 2001 Activities 187 Thomas, V.L.; Carruthers, G.R.; Takamura, E.
Reaching the Spanish-speaking Community through the Adler Course Program 191 Salgado, J.F.
Spacelink: Providing Updates in Space Science and Astronomy 194 Mendez, F.J.; O'Leary, J.P.
The Small Planetarium: Its Nature, Mission, and Needs 196 Bishop, J.E.
Journey through the Universe — Taking Underserved Communities to the Frontier 200 Goldstein, J.; Bobrowsky, M.; Livengood, T.; Smith, S.; Riddle, B.
StarDate/Universo: Astronomy for the Masses 202 Preston, S.; Hemenway, M.K.
Session on Scientists' Participation in Education and Public Outreach   
Context for the Panel on Scientists' Participation in Education and Public Outreach 205 Narasimhan, C.; Beck-Winchatz, B.; Hawkins, I.; Runyon, C.
Space Science Education: The Emergence of a Professional Community 207 Lopez, R.E.
Scientists' Participation in Education and Outreach 214 Fraknoi, A.
Impressions from the OSS Conference on Education and Outreach 220 McGruder, C.H.
The Importance of Involving Research Scientists in Education and Outreach 221 Fortson, L.F.
Poster Session   
Summary of the Poster Session 231 Beck-Winchatz, B.; Runyon, C.
NASA/MSFC/NSSTC Science Communication Roundtable 235 Adams, M.; Gallagher, D.L.; Koczor, R.
Issues in Informal Education: Event-Based Science Communication Involving Planetaria and the Internet 237 Adams, M.; Gallagher, D.L.; Whitt, A.
Student Participation in Prototype Mars Rover Field Tests 239 Arvidson, R.E.; Bowman, C.D.; Sherman, D.M.; Squyres, S.W.
Discovery Missions: Unique Approaches to Education and Public Outreach 241 Asplund, S.E.
Bringing the Mysteries of Space Down to Earth and Into Your Classroom 244 Baguio, M.; Fischer, M.W.; Fowler, W.T.
The Role of Amateur Astronomers in Informal Education and Outreach 246 Bennett, M.
Working with Informal Education: A Partnership with the Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA) on a National Level 249 Betrue, R.
NASA Robotics Education Project 252 Bowman, C.D.; Boyer, F.; Hering, J.; Leon, M.J.
The International Space Station Amateur Telescope 254 Brettman, O.H.; Beaman, B.
Space Science Education and Outreach Activities in the Washington, DC Metropolitan Area 257 Carruthers, G.R.; Thomas, V.L.
The Educator Ambassador Program for NASA's GLAST Mission 260 Cominsky, L.R.; Plait, P.
Our Sun -- the Star of Classroom Activities and Public Outreach Events 262 Craig, N.; Miller-Bagwell, A.; Larson, M.B.
Seven Years of Growing Space Science Education 263 Craig, N.; Miller-Bagwell, A.; Hawkins, I.
Effective Use of Space Science Data and Research in the Classroom 264 Croft, S.K.
NOMISS: Integrating Space Science and Culture Through Summer Programs and Professional Development Experiences 267 Crowe, R.; Kawakami, A.J.
The National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers 270 Davis, D.L.
Developing a Simulation-Based Curriculum: Challenges and Opportunities 272 Doxas, I.
Making the Connection Between Formal and Informal Learning 275 Dusenbery, P.B.; Morrow, C.A.
Developing Exhibitions through Public/Private Partnerships: A Case Study of the Space Weather Center Exhibit 278 Dusenbery, P.B.; Mayo, L.
IDEAS GRANT: An Opportunity for Creative Collaboration 281 Eisenhamer, B.; Bradbury, H.
The American Geological Institute's National Earth Science Week 284 Ellis, L.; Callahan, C.; Martinez, C.; Smith, M.
The Educational Activities of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 286 Fraknoi, A.; Chippindale, S.; Bennett, M.
Project ASTRO: A National Network Helping Teachers & Families with Astronomy Education 289 Fraknoi, A.; Howson, E.; Chippindale, S.; Schatz, D.
The Silicon Valley Astronomy Lectures: An Example of Institutional Cooperation for Public Outreach 292 Fraknoi, A.; Burton, K.; Morse, D.
Designing Collaborative Learning into the Curriculum 295 Garvin-Doxas, K.
Building STARBASE: Robotic Telescopes for Hands-On Science Education 298 Gelderman, R.
Touch The Universe: A NASA Braille Book of Astronomy 301 Grice, N.; Beck-Winchatz, B.; Wentworth, B.; Winchatz, M.R.
Elements of Successful Websites for Educators 305 Hammon, A.
Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) 307 Haro, L.; Hundt, L.
The SOFIA EXES Teacher Associate Program 309 Hemenway, M.K.; Lacy, J.H.; Jaffe, D.T.; Richter, M.J.
Engaging Minority Undergraduate Students in Space Science 312 Johnson, L.P.; Austin, S.; Zirbel, E.
The Invisible Universe Online: A Distance Learning Course on Astronomical Origins for Teachers 315 Keller, J.; Prather, E.E.; Slater, T.F.
Image Processing Experiments for the Classroom 318 Kiefer, W.S.; Leung, K.
Pre-College Students Contribute to the Cassini-Jupiter Millennium Flyby 321 Klein, M.J.; Roller, J.P.
Involving Students in Active Planetary Research Using 2001 Mars Odyssey THEMIS Camera Data: The Mars Student Imaging Project 323 Klug, S.L.; Christensen, P.R.; Watt, K.; Valderrama, P.
The National Education Standards "Quilts": A Display Method Aiding Teachers to Link NASA Educational Materials to National Education Standards 326 Knudsen, R.; Hammon, A.
NASA Educational CD-ROMs — Research and Evaluation 329 Knudsen, R.
SNOOPY: A Novel Payload Integrated Education and Public Outreach Project 333 Kuhlman, K.R.; Hecht, M.H.; Brinza, D.E.; Feldman, J.E.; Fuerstenau, S.D.; Meloy, T.P.; Moller, L.E.; Trowbridge, K.; Sherman, J.; Friedman, L.; Kelly, L.; Oslick, J.; Polk, K.; Lewis, C.; Gyulai, C.; Powell, G.; Waldron, A.M.; Batt, C.A.; Towner, M.C.
NASA Planetary Data: Applying Planetary Satellite Remote Sensing Data in the Classroom 337 Liggett, P.; Dobinson, E.; Hughes, D.; Martin, M.; Martin, D.; Sword, B.
The Wisconsin Idea: Bringing Knowledge to the Community Beyond the Campus 341 Limaye, S.S.; Pertzborn, R.A.
The Imagine the Universe! E/PO Program 345 Lochner, L.C.
Customer Interviews to Improve NASA Office of Space Science Education and Public Outreach Leveraging Success 348 Lowes, L.L.; Jew, G.
Using Scientific Results from the Hubble Space Telescope to Create Curriculum Support Tools 352 McCallister, D.; Eisenhamer, B.; Eisenhamer, J.; Smith, D.A.
Working with Scientists in the A.A.S. Division for Planetary Sciences 355 Miner, E.D.
An Investigation Into Student Understanding of Astrobiology Concepts 359 Offerdahl, E.G.; Prather, E.E.; Slater, T.F.
ASTRO-VENTURE: Using Astrobiology Missions and Interactive Technology to Engage Students in the Learning of Standards-Based Concepts 361 O'Guinn, C.
Project FIRST and Eye on the Sky: Space Science in the Early Grades 364 Paglierani, R.; Feldman, S.
Scientists Actively Involved in Education and Public Outreach: A Successful Experience at the MIT Center for Space Research 365 Porro, I.L.
The Search for Life in the Universe Online: A Distance Learning Course on Astrobiology for Teachers 368 Prather, E.E.; Slater, T.F.
MarsQuest Online 370 Randall, C.; Harold, J.B.; Andres, P.
Balancing Relevancy and Accuracy: Presenting Gravity Probe B's Science Meaningfully 372 Range, S.K.
Space Update: A Fun Way to Teach Space Science 374 Reiff, P.; Sumners, C.
Issues in Formal Education: Building and Delivering Standards-Based E/PO Products and Activities 377 Ristvey, J.; Behne, J.
NASA Space Science Diversity Initiatives 380 Sakimoto, P.J.
Why Things Fall: What College Students Don't Understand About Gravity and How To Teach It Better 384 Shipman, H.L.; Brickhouse, N.W.; Dagher, Z.R.; Letts, W.J.
Interdisciplinary Approaches to Teaching Astronomy: Special Topics and Team-Taught Courses 385 Shipman, H.L.
A Systemic Approach to Improving K-12 Astronomy Education Using the Internet 386 Slater, T.F.; Prather, E.E.; Tuthil, G.T.
Partnering Scientists and Educators: A Model for Professional and Product Development 388 Smith, D.A.; Eisenhamer, B.; Teays, T.J.; McCallister, D.
The Art and Science of Storytelling in Presenting Complex Information to the Public, or, Give 'em More than Just the Facts 390 Sohus, A.M.; Wessen, A.S.
Using Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data in the Classroom 394 Sparks, R.; Stoughton, C.; Raddick, M.J.
Integrating Radio Physics Projects into Education: INSPIRE and Radio JOVE 397 Taylor, W.W.L.; Thieman, J.R.
How Does an Educator Find NASA Space Science Resources? 400 Teays, T.J.; Rest, C.; Smith, D.A.; Eisenhamer, B.
Schmidt Crater: Making Data from the Mars Global Surveyor Accessible to Introductory Astronomy Students 402 Thomas, F.J.
A Successful Formula for Teacher Retention and Renewal: The Teacher Leaders in Research-Based Science Education Program 405 Walker, C.E.; Pompea, S.M.
NOAO: Supporting Astronomy Education Across the Spectrum 406 Walker, C.M.; Pompea, S.M.
PROJECT ASTRO-TUCSON: The Art Of Learning About The Cosmos Around Us 407 Walker, C.E.; Pompea, S.M.
HOKU: An Online Astronomy Newsletter for Educators and Parents 408 Wells, E.L.; Bryson, L.
Astronomy Education Review: A New Journal/Magazine for Astronomy and Space Science Education 410 Wolff, S.; Fraknoi, A.
Closing Remarks   
Closing Remarks 415 Rosendhal, J.
Appendix A – The NASA Office of Space Science Education and Public Outreach Program
The NASA Office of Space Science Education and Public Outreach Program 423 Rosendhal, J.D.; Sakimoto, P.J.; Pertzborn, R.A.; Cooper, L.
Appendix B – The Office of Space Science E/PO Support Network   
The Origins Education Forum 441 Griffin, I.; Smith, D.A.; Rest, C.
NASA's Solar System Exploration Education and Public Outreach Forum 443 Miner, E.D.; Lowes, L.L.; Asplund, S.E.
Universe Education Forum: NASA — SAO Forum on the Structure and Evolution of the Universe 445 Gould, R.
The Sun-Earth Connection Education Forum 446 Thieman, J.; Hawkins, I.
DePaul University Space Science Center for Education and Outreach 448 Narasimhan, C.; Sweitzer, J.; Beck-Winchatz, B.
Mid-Atlantic Region Space Science Broker 450 Naik, N.
NESSIE: New England Space Science Initiative in Education 453 Sneider, C.; Clemens, C.; Waller, W.
SCORE — South Central Organization for Researchers and Educators 455 Shipp, S.
Southeast Regional Clearinghouse (SERCH): a NASA Office of Space Science Broker/Facilitator 457 Runyon, C.
The NASA Office of Space Education and Public Outreach Broker/Facilitator Program at the Space Science Institute of Boulder, CO 459 Morrow, C.A.; Harold, J.B.; Edwards, C.L.
Space Science Network Northwest 460 Lutz, J.
Appendix C – Excerpts from Implementing the Office of Space Science Education/Public Outreach Strategy: A Critical Evaluation at the Six-Year Mark   
Implementing the Office of Space Science Education/Public Outreach Strategy: A Critical Evaluation at the Six-Year Mark 463 SScAC E/PO Task Force
Acronym Index 476 Narasimhan, C.; Beck-Winchatz, B.; Hawkins, I.; Runyon, C.