Title: LiBeB, Cosmic Rays, and Related X- and Gamma-Rays
Volume: 171 Year: 1999 View this Volume on ADS
Editors: Ramaty, Reuven; Vangioni-Flam, Elisabeth; Cassé, Michel; Olive, Keith
ISBN: 1-886733-93-7 eISBN: 978-1-58381-507-6
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Paper Title Page Authors
The Synthesis of Light (LiBeB) Elements: a Brief Historical Overview 1 Audouze, Jean
On the Flatness and Dispersion of the Li Spite Plateau 6 Molaro, P.
Lithium and Binaries 17 Spite, F.
Observations of 6Li in Halo Stars 23 Hobbs, L. M.
LiBeB and Big Bang Nucleosynthesis 36 Olive, Keith A.; Fields, Brian D.
Light Element Settling in Main-Sequence Pop II Stars and the Primordial Lithium Abundance 48 Vauclair, Sylvie
The Galactic Lithium Evolution Revisited 55 Romano, Donatella
The Helioseismic Constraints on 7Li and 9Be from SOHO 64 Brun, A. S.; Turck-Chièze, S.
Constraints on Galactic Center Activity: A Search for Enhanced Galactic Center Lithium and Boron 72 Lubowich, D. A.
Consistent Analyses of Oxygen, Lithium, Beryllium, and Boron Abundances in Metal-Poor Stars 77 García López, Ramón J.
Effects of NLTE and Granulation on LiBeB Abundance Determinations 85 Kiselman, Dan
Measurements of the Isotopic Abundances of Galactic Cosmic Rays and their Implications for Cosmic Ray Origin 96 Binns, W. R.; Hink, P. L.; Klarmann, J.; Lijowski, M. L.; Christian, E. R.; von Rosenvinge, T. T.; Cummings, A. C.; Leske, R. A.; Mewaldt, R. A.; Stone, E. C.; George, J. S.; Wiedenbeck, M. E.; Yanasak, N. E.
Spallogenic Light Elements and Cosmic-Ray Origin 104 Ramaty, Reuven; Lingenfelter, Richard E.
The Galactic Evolution of Beryllium and Boron 118 Fields, Brian D.; Olive, Keith A.
Light Element Evolution in the Galactic Halo 131 Alibés, Andreu; Canal, Ramon
How Cosmic Rays Get Started 138 Shapiro, Maurice M.
Nonthermal Particles in Star Forming Regions 146 Bykov, Andrei M.
Time Dependent Models for Li, Be and B Production in the Early Galaxy 154 Parizot, E.; Drury, L.
Galactic Cosmic Rays & Gamma Rays: A Synthesis 162 Strong, Andrew W.; Moskalenko, Igor V.
Constraints on Cosmic-Ray Origin Theories From TeV Gamma-Ray Observations 170 Lessard, R. W.; Bond, I. H.; Bradbury, S. M.; Buckley, J. H.; Burdett, A. M.; Carter-Lewis, D. A.; Catanese, M.; Cawley, M. F.; Dunlea, S.; D'Vali, M.; Fegan, D. J.; Fegan, S. J.; Finley, J. P.; Gaidos, J. A.; Hall, T.; Hillas, A. M.; Horan, D. K.; Knapp, G.; Krennrich, F.; Le Bohec, S.; Masterson, C.; Quinn, J.; Rose, H. J.; Samuelson, F. W.; Sembroski, G. H.; Vassilev, V. V.; Weeks, T. C.
Galactic Antiprotons and Supersymmetry 178 Salati, Pierre; Chardonnet, P.; Donato, F.; Bottino, A.; Fornengo, N.
The Origin of the Present Day Cosmic Rays (I) 187 Meyer, Jean-Paul; Ellison, Donald C.
The Origin of the Present Day Cosmic Rays (II) 207 Ellison, Donald C.; Meyer, Jean-Paul
Prospects for the INTEGRAL Spectrometer SPI 217 Schönfelder, V.
Nonthermal X-Rays from the Galactic Ridge: a Tracer of Low Energy Cosmic Rays? 226 Tatischeff, V.; Ramaty, R.; Valinia, A.
Neutrino Process Contributions to LiBeB Nucleosynthesis 235 Hartmann, D.; Myers, J.; Woosley, S.; Hoffman, R.; Haxton, W.
Nuclear Data for Gamma-Ray Astronomy 250 Kiener, J.
Concluding Remarks: Observations 261 Cayrel, R.
Concluding Remarks: Theoretical Aspects 268 Vangioni-Flam, Elisabeth; Ramaty, Reuven; Cassé, Michel; Olive, Keith