Title: |
The Hy-Redshift Universe: Galaxy Formation and Evolution at High Redshift
Volume: |
Year: |
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Editors: |
Bunker, Andrew J.; van Breugel, Wil J. M.
Paper Title |
Page |
Authors |
| |
Observations of Hyron Spinrad |
1 |
King, I. R.; Liebert, J. W.; de Pater, I. |
The 3CR Sample - 1962-1999 |
11 |
Longair, M. S. |
Complete Samples of Radio Sources |
23 |
McCarthy, P. J. |
The Early Evolution of Radio Galaxy Hosts |
34 |
Dey, A. |
Ultra-Steep Spectrum Radio Galaxies at Hy Redshifts |
44 |
van Breugel, W.; De Breuck, C.; Stanford, S. A.; Röttgering, H.; Miley, G.; Stern, D.; Minniti, D.; Carilli, C. |
The Vigor of Radio Astronomy at Hy Age: A Review of Faint Radio Source Population |
55 |
Windhorst, R. A.; Hopkins, A.; Richards, E. A.; Waddington, I. |
Ionisation, Shocks, and Evolution of the Emission Line Gas of z &sim 1 Radio Galaxies |
71 |
Best, P. N.; Röttgering, H. J.; Longair, M. S. |
High-z Radio Galaxies and the 'Youth-Redshift Degeneracy' |
75 |
Blundell, K. M.; Rawlings, S. |
The Ages of Compact, Steep-Spectrum Quasars |
79 |
de Silva, E.; Saunders, R.; Baker, J.; Hunstead, R. |
Star Formation and Polarization in Aligned Radio Galaxies |
83 |
De Young, D. S. |
The Nature of the Compact/Symmetric Near-IR Continuum Source in 4C 40.36 |
86 |
Egami, E.; Arumus, L.; Neugebauer, G.; Soifer, B. T.; Evans, A. S.; Murphy, T. W., Jr. |
No Evidence for a 'Redshift Cut-Off' for the Most Powerful Classical Double Radio Sources |
90 |
Jarvis, M. J.; Rawlings, S.; Willott, C. J.; Blundell, K. M.; Eales, S.; Lacy, M. |
HST Imaging of Two z > 4 Radio Galaxies |
94 |
Lacy, M. |
Infrared Spectroscopy of the High Redshift Radio Galaxy MRC 2025-218 and a Neighboring Extremely Red Galaxy |
98 |
Larkin, J. E.; McLean, I. S.; Graham, J. R.; Becklin, E. E.; Figer, D. F.; Gilbert, A. M.; Glassman, T. M.; Levenson, N. A.; Teplitz, H.; Wilcox, M. K. |
Keck Spectropolarimetry of z ~ 2.5 Radio Galaxies |
102 |
Vernet, J.; Fosbury, R. A. E.; Villar-Martín, M.; Cohen, M. H.; di Serego Alighieri, S.; Cimatti, A. |
A Complete Sample of Millijansky Radio Sources |
106 |
Waddington, I. |
HST Images of Radio-Selected Groups |
110 |
Zirbel, E. L.; Oemler, A., Jr.; Allington-Smith, J.; Ellis, R. S.; Dickinson, M. |
NICMOS Imaging of High-Redshift Radio Galaxies |
114 |
Zirm, A.; Dey, A.; Dickinson, M.; McCarthy, P. J.; Eisenhardt, P.; Djorgovski, S. G.; Spinrad, H.; Stanford, S. A.; van Breugel, W. |
Stellar Population Synthesis Models |
121 |
Bruzual, A.G. |
The Formation Epoch of Massive Ellipticals, as Traced by Radio Galaxies |
133 |
Dunlop, J. S. |
Distant Disk Galaxies: Kinematics and Evolution to z ~ 1 |
145 |
Vogt, N. P. |
The Evolution of Early-Type Galaxies as a Function of Galaxy Mass |
156 |
Pahre, M. A. |
Mid-UV Spectroscopic Dating of LBDS 53W091 |
167 |
Heap, S. R.; Lanz, T. M.; Brown, T.; Hubeny, I. |
Evolution of Spheroidal Galaxies at z< 1 from the Deep Extragalactic Evolutionary Probe (DEEP) |
171 |
Im, M.; The Deep Team |
Determination of AGN Host Galaxy Ages |
175 |
Nolan, L. A. |
CO Observations and the Tully-Fisher Relation at High Redshift |
179 |
Tutui, Y.; Sofue, Y.; Honma, M.; Ichikawa, T.; Wakamatsu, K.; Kazes, I.; Dickey, J. |
The Low-Mass Stellar IMF at High Redshift: Faint Stars in the Ursa Minor Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy |
181 |
Wyse, R. F. G.; Gilmore, G.; Feltzing, S.; Houdashelt, M. |
On the Age Estimation of LBDS 53W091 |
185 |
Yi, S.; Brown, T.; Heap, S.; Hubeny, I.; Landsman, W.; Lanz, T.; Sweigart, A. |
The Evolution of Galaxies: A View from Toronto |
191 |
Lilly, S. |
DEEP'S Field Surveys: The View from Santa Cruz |
203 |
Koo, D. C. |
The View of Galaxy Formation from Hawaii: Seeing the Dark Side of the Universe |
213 |
Cowie, L. L.; Barger, A. J. |
Deep Field Surveys: The View from Pasadena |
224 |
Hogg, D. W. |
High Redshift Galaxies and the Hubble Deep Fields |
234 |
Dickinson, M. |
Galaxy counts at 450 μm and 850 μm |
246 |
Blain, A. W.; Ivison, R. J.; Kneib, J.-P.; Smail, I. |
High-Redshift Galaxies in the NICMOS Parallel Fields |
250 |
Corbin, M. R.; Thompson, R. I.; O'Neil, E.; Vacca, W. D. |
The 15 μm Extragalactic Background Light from ISOCAM galaxies |
254 |
Elbaz, D.; Cesarsky, C.; Aussel, H. |
The NOAO Deep Wide-Field Survey |
258 |
Jannuzi, B. T.; Dey, A. |
The Deepest Spectrum of the Universe? Constraints on the Lyman Continuum Background at High Redshift |
262 |
Marleau, F. R.; Bunker, A. J.; Graham, J. R. |
Near Infrared Properties of Galaxies in the HDF-N |
267 |
Papovich, C.; Dickinson, M.; Hanley, C. |
The HDF, The Arizona View |
271 |
Thompson, R. I.; Weymann, R. J.; Storrie-Lombardi, L. |
Deep Sub-millimeter Surveys: Highly Luminous Far-Infrared Sources at High Redshift |
275 |
Webb, T.; Lilly, S.; Eales, S.; Gear, W.; Dune, L.; Clements, D.; Bond, D.; Crampton, D.; Hammer, F.; Fèvre, O. L. |
Galaxy Evolution in Clusters: the MORPHS Study |
281 |
Oemler, A., Jr. |
Population Gradients in Galaxy Clusters at 0.2 < z < 0.6 |
292 |
Ellingson, E.; Lin, H.; Yee, H. K. C.; Carlberg, R. G. |
Morphological Evolution in High Redshift Galaxy Clusters |
304 |
Stanford, S. A. |
The Star Formation History of Ellipticals from the Fossil Evidence |
312 |
Renzini, A.; Cimatti, A. |
X-ray Observations of Groups and Clusters - A Relic of the High Redshift Universe |
323 |
Mushotzky, R. |
X-ray Emission from the Host Clusters of Five Intermediate-Redshift 3CR Quasars |
336 |
Crawford, C. S.; Fabian, A. C.; Lehmann, I.; Hasinger, G.; Bremer, M. N. |
The Evolution of Stellar Populations in Intermediate Redshifts Clusters. |
340 |
Kelson, D. D.; Illingworth, G. D.; Franx, M.; van Dokkum, P. G. |
Extremely Red Galaxies in the Field of QSO 1213-0017: A Galaxy Concentration at z = 1.31 |
344 |
Liu, M. C.; Dey, A.; Graham, J. R.; Steidel, C. C.; Adelberger, K. |
Near-Infrared Study of Distant Cluster Galaxies |
348 |
Yamada, T.; Tanaka, I.; Kajisawa, M.; Maihara, T.; Iwamuro, F.; Terada, H.; Goto, M.; Motahara, K.; Tanabe, H.; Taguchi, T.; Hata, R. |
Structure Formation from Numerical Simulations |
353 |
Thacker, R. J.; Davis, M. |
Fundamental Issues in Galaxy Formation |
367 |
Silk, J. |
Galaxy Clustering in the CNOC2 Redshift Survey |
377 |
Carlberg, R. G.; Yee, H. K. C.; Morris, S. L.; Lin, H.; Hall, P.; Patton, D.; Sawicki, M.; Shepherd, C. W. |
Clustering Properties of Lyman-Break Galaxies |
388 |
Giavalisco, M. |
High -Redshift Quasars as Probes of Galaxy and Cluster Formation |
397 |
Djorgovski, S. G. |
Observational Tests of the Static Universe Model and the Derivation of the Hubble Redshift |
407 |
Andrews, T. B. |
The Clustering of Faint Galaxies on Small Angular Scales |
411 |
Brainerd, T. G.; Law, C. J.; Brauher, J.; Djorgovski, S. G.; Banas, K. |
Observations of Candidate z ~ 1.54 Quasar, Host Clusters |
415 |
Hall, P. B.; Sawicki, M.; Pritchet, C. J.; Hartwick, F. D. A.; Evans, A. S. |
Structure and Content of the 53W002 "Cluster" at z = 2.4 |
419 |
Keel, W. C.; Wu, W.; Windhorst, R. A.; Cohen, S.; Waddington, I.; Pascarelle, S. |
Submillimeter-selected galaxies |
425 |
Blain, A. W.; Smail, I.; Ivison, R. J.; Kneib, J.-P. |
15 μm Extragalactic Surveys: Source Counts and Properties |
437 |
Elbaz, D.; Cesarsky, C. J.; Fadda, D.; Aussel, H.; Désert, F. X.; Franceschini, A.; Flores, H.; Harwit, M.; Puget, J. L.; Starck, J. L.; Danese, L.; Koo, D. C.; Mandolesi, R. |
Near-Infrared Emission Line Searches for High-Redshift Galaxies |
448 |
Bunker, A. J. |
Star Forming Galaxies in the Moderately Hy-Redshift Universe |
462 |
Steidel, C. C.; Adelberger, K. L. |
Cosmology and the Brightness of the Night Sky |
475 |
Madau, P. |
HST/LCO Measurements of the Optical Extragalactic Background Light |
487 |
Bernstein, R. A. |
The Extragalactic Background Light: Detections and Limits and their Cosmological Implications |
498 |
Dwek, E. |
High-z Galaxies Seen Through Cluster Lenses |
509 |
Benítez, N.; Broadhurst, T. |
Completeness and Confusion in the Identification of Lyman-Break Galaxies |
513 |
Cotter, G.; Haynes, T.; Baker, J. C.; Jones, M. E.; Saunders, R. |
Dust in High Redshift Starburst Galaxies |
517 |
Gordon, K. D.; Smith, T. L.; Clayton, G. C. |
A Serendipitous Search for Hy-Redshift Lyα Emission: A Case Study of Two Sources at z ~= 3 |
521 |
Manning, C.; Stern, D.; Spinrad, H.; Bunker, A. J. |
The Halo Formation Rate and its Link to the Global Star Formation Rate |
525 |
Percival, W.; Miller, L.; Ballinger, B. |
The Results From The NICMOS Parallel Imaging and Grism Survey |
529 |
Yan, L.; McCarthy, P. |
Galaxies at High Redshift - 1999 |
537 |
Spinrad, H. |
Galaxies of Redshift z >5: The View from Stony Brook |
544 |
Lanzetta, K. M.; Chen, H.-W.; Fernández-Soto, A.; Pascarelle, S.; Yahata, N.; Yahil, A. |
Galaxies at z > 5: The View from Hawaii |
554 |
Hu, E. M.; Cowie, L. L.; McMahon, R. G. |
Searches for Quasars at z > 5 |
566 |
Osmer, P. S. |
Kinematics of Ionized and Neutral Gas in Damped Lyα Systems |
575 |
Wolfe, A. M. |
The First Sources of Light in the Universe |
586 |
Loeb, A. |
Reionization of the Universe |
598 |
Gnedin, N. |
NICMOS Imaging of Damped Ly-α Absorbers at z =2 |
603 |
Kulkarni, V. P.; Hill, J. M.; Schneider, G.; Weymann, R. J.; Storrie-Lombardi, L. J.; Rieke, M. J.; Thompson, R. I.; Jannuzi, B. |
Damped Lyα Systems in Semi-Analytic Models: Sensitivity to dynamics and disk properties |
608 |
Maller, A.; Somerville, R. S.; Prochaska, J. X.; Primack, J. R. |
ChaMP and the High Redshift Quasars in X-rays |
612 |
Mathur, S.; Marshall, H.; Evans, N.; Green, P.; Wilkes, B. |
3D Modelling of the Lyα Radiation from (Proto-)Galaxies |
618 |
Wehrse, R. |
Future Ground-Based Radio and Submillimeter Observations |
625 |
Partridge, R. B. |
Future Observations with SIRTF and Other Mid-IR/Sub-mm Missions |
639 |
Eisenhardt, P. |
The Future Hy-Redshift Universe - A Hy-E Perspective |
651 |
Mushotzky, R. |
The Future: Prospects for Observational Cosmology (and Cosmology) - Ground -Based Optical-IR |
662 |
Illingworth, G. |
Probing z > 5 with the Multiband Imaging Photometer for SIRTF (MIPS) |
669 |
Hines, D. C.; Rieke, G. H.; Low, F. J.; Engelbracht, C. W. |