Title: Cosmic Evolution and Galaxy Formation: Structure, Interactions and Feedback
Volume: 215 Year: 2000 View this Volume on ADS
Editors: Franco, José; Terlevich, Lena; López-Cruz, Omar; Aretxaga, Itziar
ISBN: 1-58381-046-3 eISBN: 978-1-58381-551-9

Paper Title Page Authors
Reionization of the Universe by Starlight and the Photoevaporation of Cosmological Minihalos 1 Shapiro, Paul R.; Raga, Alejandro C.
Constraining Reionization Using the Thermal History of the Baryons 7 Schaye, Joop; Theuns, Tom; Rauch, Michael; Efstathiou, George; Sargent, Wallace L. W.
The Structure of Galaxy Formation: Disks in CDM Cosmologies 11 Bryan, Greg L.
Determining the Biasing Function from Galaxy Redshift Surveys 17 Branchini, Enzo; Sigad, Yair; Dekel, Avishai
Large Scale Structure in the Weakly Non-linear Regime 21 Gaztañaga, Enrique
Acceleration of CR at Large Scale Shocks and their Cosmological Role for Structure Formation in the Universe 27 Miniati, Francesco; Ryu, Dongsu; Jones, Thomas W.; Kang, Hyesung
Formation and Evolution of Disk Galaxies within Cold Dark Matter Halos 31 Avila-Reese, Vladimir; Firmani, Claudio; Klypin, Anatoly; Kravtsov, Andrey
On the Origin of the Color Tully-Fisher and Color-Magnitude Relationships of Disk Galaxies 35 Avila-Reese, Vladimir; Firmani, Claudio
CHVCs: Galactic Building Blocks at z = o 36 Braun, Robert; Butler Burton, W.
The Metamorphosis of Satellites in the Local Group 42 Mayer, Lucio; Governato, Fabio; Colpi, Monica; Moore, Ben; Quinn, Tom; Stadel, Joachim; Lake, George
The Colliding Galaxy System Arp 119: Numerical Models and Infrared Observations 46 Hearn, Nathan C.; Lamb, Susan A.; Gruendl, Robert A.; Gerber, Richard A.
Infrared Spectroscopy of Seyfert Galaxies: Testing the AGN-Starburst Connection in Seyfert Galaxies 47 Ivanov, Valentin D.; Alonso-Herrero, Almudena; Rieke, George H.; Groppi, Christopher E.; Rieke, Marcia J.; Engelbracht, Charles W.
An Infrared Stellar Library for Spectral Synthesis of Starburst Galaxies 48 Ivanov, Valentin D.; Rieke, Marcia J.; Alonso-Herrero, Almudena; Engelbracht, Charles W.; Rieke, George H.
Kinematics and Dynamics of the Isolated Interacting Galaxy Pair NGC 5426/27 (ARP 271) 49 Fuentes-Carrera, Isaura; Rosado, Margarita; Dultzin-Hacyan, Deborah; Bernal, Abel; Cruz-González, Irene; Amram, Philippe; Salo, Heikki; Laurikainen, Eija; Le Coarer, Etienne
The double ring of NGC 4736: a post-starburst example? 50 Muñoz-Tuñón, Casiana; Caon, Nicola
Giant Molecular Clouds in the Dwarf Galaxy NGC 1569 51 Taylor, Chris L.; Hüttemeister, Susanne; Klein, Ulrich; Greve, Albert
Spectrophotometric Observations of Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxies: Mkn 36 and Mkn 370 52 Marina Cairós, Luz; Caon, Nicola; Muñoz-Tuñón, Casiana; Vílchez, José M.
Chemo-spectrophotometric evolution of spiral galaxies: colour and abundance gradients 53 Boissier, Samuel; Prantzos, Nikos
Gas Kinematics in the inner 500 pc of Seyfert Galaxies 54 Schinnerer, Eva; Eckart, Andreas; Tacconi, Linda J.
Microjansky radio sources in DC0107-46 (Abell 2877) 55 Hopkins, Andrew; Georgakakis, Antonis; Cram, Lawrence; Afonso, José; Mobasher, Bahram
HI and CO mapping of two anemic galaxies in the Virgo cluster 56 Balkowski, Chantal; Vollmer, Bernd; Cayatte, Véronique; Boselli, Alessandro; Duschl, Wolfgang J.
Photometric Properties of Low Redshift Galaxy Clusters 57 Barkhouse, Wayne A.; Yee, Howard K. C.; López-Cruz, Omar
Feedback, Metal and Dust Production in the Early Universe 58 Ferrara, Andrea
The Metallicity Evolution of Damped Lyman-α systems 65 Savaglio, Sandra; Panagia, Nino; Stiavelli, Massimo
Physics of Grain Alignment 69 Lazarian, Alex
Star Formation and Galactic Evolution: Feedback Processes 79 Shore, Steven N.; Franco, José
The FUV Radiation Field and the Two phase Structure of the Interstellar Medium 87 Parravano, Antonio; Hollenbach, David; McKee, Christopher F.
Massive Starbursts and the Detection of Lyα in Distant Galaxies 92 Tenorio-Tagle, Guillermo
On the Feedback from Massive Starbursts 98 Tenorio-Tagle, Guillermo
Compact Starburst Galaxies at Low and Intermediate Redshift 102 Jangren, Anna; Bershady, Matthew A.
Starburst-AGN Connection; Radiation-Hydrodynamical Evolution of Galactic Nuclei 103 Ohsuga, Ken; Umemura, Masayuki
A New Spectral Diagnostic for Density-Bounded HII Regions 104 Iglesias-Páramo, Jorge
Gas and Stellar Kinematics in Gas-Rich Early-Type Galaxies 105 Caon, Nicola; Pastoriza, Miriani; Macchetto, Duccio
A low Metallicity Gas Shell surrounding the high Redshift Radio Galaxy 0943-242 109 Binette, Luc; Kurk, Jaron D.; Villar-Martin, Montserrat; Röttgering, Huub J. A.
Primordial Angular Momentum Distribution in Disk Galaxies and Bulge to Disk Ratios 113 Hernandez, Xavier
Two pattern speeds in the barred spiral galaxy NGC 3359 117 Rozas, Maite; Sempere, María J.
Detonation Waves in Interstellar Gas: an Engine for Sequential Star Formation? 118 Kuehn, Kyler; Trubachev, Anatoly M.
Surface Brightness Profiles and Colors of Galaxies in the Hubble Deep Field 119 Moth, Pimol; Elston, Richard J.
Study of the star formation history of galaxies in the UCM survey 120 Mateu, Juan; Magris, Gladis; Bruzual, Gustavo; Gallego, Jesús; Binette, Luc
BVRI Surface Photometry of (S+S) Binary Galaxies 121 Puerari, Ivânio; Hernández Toledo, Hector
Superwinds and Interactions in Galaxies: Gravitational Acceleration of Gas? 122 Marziani, Paolo; Dultzin-Hacyan, Deborah
A CO Survey of the Large Magellanic Cloud with NANTEN; Giant Molecular Clouds as the Formation Sites of Populous Clusters 123 Mizuno, Norikazu; Yamaguchi, Reiko; Onishi, Toshikazu; Mizuno, Akira; Fukui, Yasuo
Multi-zone Chemo-dynamical Single-collapse Models of Spherical Galaxies 124 Terlevich, Roberto; Friaca, Amancio
Dynamical Processes, Element Mixing and Chemodynamical Cycles in Dwarf Galaxies 130 Rieschick, Andreas; Hensler, Gerhard
Dynamical and Chemical Evolution of the Magellanic Clouds 136 Dottori, Horacio; Bica, Eduardo; Ramos de Oliveira, Marcio; Dutra, Carlos M.; Rodrigues Fo, Irapuan; Santos, Joao F. C., Jr.; Clariá, Juan J.; Piatti, Andres E.; Geisler, Doug
Chemical and dynamical evolution in gas-rich dwarf galaxies 140 Recchi, Simone; Matteucci, Francesca; D'Ercole, Annibale
Chemical Abundances in Star Forming Regions 144 Díaz, Angeles I.
Line-strength Trends Across Hubble Types - A Homogeneous Data Set 150 Proctor, Robert; Sansom, Anne E.
The dynamical state of Coma from a VLA HI survey 151 Bravo-Alfaro, Hector; van Gorkom, Jacqueline H.; Cayatte, Véronique; Balkowski, Chantal
Analysis of Balmer Profiles of early type stars 152 Mollá, Mercedes; Díaz, Angeles I.; Alvarez Alvarez, Mar; González Delgado, Rosa M.
NIR 2D images of a selected sample of nearby spiral galaxies 153 Garzón, Francisco; Castro, N.; Rozas, Maite
Giant Extragalactic HII regions as seen by ISO 154 Garzón, Francisco; Ulla, Ana
The Evolution of Cluster Elliptical Galaxies 155 Barrientos, Luis F.; Lilly, Simon
Statistical Properties of the Emission in Mixed Morphology (E+S) Pairs. The FIR Results 156 Hernández Toledo, Héctor M.; Dultzin-Hacyan, Deborah; Sulentic, Jack W.
The discovery of a highly luminous ring of star formation in the infrared galaxy NGC 1614 157 Alonso-Herrero, Almudena; Engelbracht, Charles W.; Quillen, Alice; Rieke, Marcia J.; Rieke, George H.
Observations of jets in H II regions: HH 444 158 López-Martin, Luis; Raga, Alejandro C.; López, José A.; Meaburn, John
Self-Organized Criticality and the IMF of Starbursts 159 Melnick, Jorge; Selman, Fernando J.
The History of Star Formation in Normal Late-Type Galaxies 166 Boselli, Alessandro
Star-formation in the Local Universe 170 Treyer, Marie; Sullivan, Mark; Ellis, Richard; Bridges, Terry
A Continuous Star Formation Rate in Dwarf Galaxies? 174 Legrand, François
The Morphology, Color, and Gas Content of Low Surface Brightness Galaxies 178 O'Neil, Karen
Cosmological and Star Formation Constraints Using Extremely Red Objects 182 Moustakas, Leonidas A.
The Implications of Compact Groups for Galaxy Evolution 186 Sulentic, Jack W.; Dultzin-Hacyan, Deborah; Rosado, Margarita; Xu, Cong; Trinchieri, Ginevra
Gamma-ray bursts as a cosmic window for galaxy evolution 192 Mirabel, Felix; Sanders, David B.; Le Floc'h, Emeric
A Bird's Eye View of Ocular Galaxies 197 Brinks, Elías; Kaufman, Michele; Elmegreen, Debra M.; Struck, Curtis; Elmegreen, Bruce G.; Thomasson, Magnus; Klarić, Mario
Star Formation and Galaxy Environment 201 Yee, Howard K. C.
The role of Outflows and Star Formation Efficiency in the Evolution of Early-Type Cluster Galaxies 207 Ferreras, Ignacio; Silk, Joseph
Molecular Outflows in Orion 211 Rodríguez-Franco, Arturo; Martin-Pintado, Jesús; Wilson, Tomas L.
The Evolution of Dark Halos during Major Mergers 212 Valenzuela, Octavio; Klypin, Anatoly; Vitvitska, Mayrita
New Results on the HI Content of Spirals in Clusters 213 Solanes, José M.; Manrique, Alberto; García-Gómez, Carlos; González-Casado, Guillermo; Giovanelli, Riccardo; Haynes, Martha P.
NGC 3521: stellar counter-rotation induced by a bar component 214 Zeilinge, Werner W.; Vega Beltrán, Juan C.; Rozas, Maite; Beckman, John E.; Pizzella, Alessandro; Corsini, Enrico M.; Bertola, Francesco
The Galaxy Cluster Core 215 Vílchez-Gómez, Rosendo; Postman, Marc; Lauer, Tod R.
Kinematics and size distribution of the HII regions in the irregular galaxy IC 1613 216 Valdez-Gutiérrez, Margarita; Rosado, Margarita
Delving into large-scale structures of the X-ray Universe 217 Tesch, Frank; Engels, D.; Carrera, F.; Ledoux, C.; Hu, J.; Wei, J.; Ugryumov, A.; Valls-Gabaud, David; Voges, W.
What is 'cool' about cool dust and gas in the Small Magellanic Cloud? 218 Stanimirović, Snežana; Jones, P. A.
Optical Monitoring of Seyfert Galaxies and Quasar Nuclei in 1998 219 Shapovalova, Alla; Burenkov, Alexander; Spiridonova, Olga; Vlasyuk, Valery; Mikhailov, Valery; Carrasco, Luis; Chavushyan, José; Valdés, Vahram; Bochkarev, Nicolai; Doroshenko, Valentina; Lyuty, Victor; Ezhkova, Olga; Martinez, Oscar
Current Development of Cloudy 220 van Hoof, Peter A. M.; Martin, Peter G.; Ferland, Gary J.
Determination of Membership in the Open Cluster NGC 2244 221 Sabogal-Martínez, Beatriz-Eugenia; García-Varela, José A.
Stellar Populations and the Colour-Magnitude Relation in Coma 222 Terlevich, Alejandro; Kuntschner, Harald; Bower, Richard
Stellar populations in nearby low luminosity AGNs 226 Jiménez-Benito, Luis; Díaz, Ángeles I.; Aretxaga, Itziar; Terlevich, Elena; Terlevich, Roberto J.; Salamanca, Isabel
Near Infrared Study of Ionization Mechanisms of Gas in Starburst and Seyfert Galaxies 227 Valdés, José R.; Carrasco, Luis
Basic Parameters of Turbulence in Star Formation Regions According to Maser Observations 228 Silantyev, Nicolai A.; Lekht, Eugeni E.; Mendoza-Torres, José Eduardo
Fabry-Perot observations of the spiral galaxy NGC 6951 229 Rozas, Maite; Relaño, Mónica; Beckman, John E.
HII region luminosity functions: A new standard candle for extragalactic distances? 230 Rozas, Maite; Zurita, Almudena; Cardwell, A.; Beckman, John E.
The Evolution of Lyα Absorber Counts from Galaxies 231 Linder, Suzanne M.
Extended Lyα emission from two zabs ≈zem QSO absorbers. 232 Fynbo, Johan U.; Møller, Palle
The Toronto Red-Sequence Cluster Survey: First Results 233 Gladders, Michael D.; Yee, Howard K. C.
X-Ray Galaxy Cluster and the Cosmic Star Formation Rate 237 Menci, Nicola; Cavaliere, Alfonso
Cosmological Constraints on X-ray Cluster Evolution 241 Voit, Mark; Donahue, Megan
The Dusty Universe as revealed by ISOCAM 245 Elbaz, David; The Igtes Consortium; Chanial, Pierre
7 and 15 μm ISO Observations: The Nature of ISO Sources and the Star Formation History 251 Flores, Hector; Hammer, François
Observational Constraints on the Formation of Elliptical Galaxies: a NICMOS-Optical Survey 255 Treu, Tommaso; Stiavelli, Massimo
Merger-Driven Evolution of High-Redshift Galaxies and Quasars 259 Somerville, Rachel S.
Assessing the Quality of Submillimetre Surveys 265 Hughes, David H.; Gaztañaga, Enrique
Detailed Characteristics of Starforming Galaxies at z ~ 3 271 Lowenthal, James D.; Simard, Luc; Koo, David C.
The Internal Kinematics of Rapidly Evolving Field Galaxies in the CFRS 275 Mallén-Ornelas, Gabriela
What do High Redshift Galaxy Clusters Look Like? 279 Francis, Paul J.; Wilson, Greg M.; Woodgate, Bruce E.
Mining for Metals in the Lyα Forest 283 Ellison, Sara L.; Schaye, Joop; Pettini, Max; Songaila, Antoinette
Lyα Absorbers Associated with Very Nearby Galaxies 287 Côté, Stéphanie; Broadhurst, Tom; Carignan, Claude; Freeman, Ken; Wyse, Rosemary F. G.
Galaxy Collisions and Star Formation 291 Lamb, Susan A.; Hearn, Nathan C.
Dust in Spectral Galaxy Evolution Models 297 Möller, Claudia S.; Fritze-v. Alvensleben, Uta; Fricke, Klaus J.; Calzetti, Daniela
The masses and evolution of galaxies from z = O to z = 1 301 Brinchmann, Jarle
The Dependence of Tidally-Induced Star Formation on Cluster Density 305 Moss, Chris; Whittle, Mark