Title: Nearby Large-Scale Structures and the Zone of Avoidance
Volume: 329 Year: 2005 View this Volume on ADS
Editors: Fairall, Anthony P.; Woudt, Patrick A.
ISBN: 1-58381-192-3 eISBN: 978-1-58381-263-1

Paper Title Page Authors
Part 1.
Large Surveys, Large-Scale Structures
Quantifying the Cosmic Web in the New Era of Redshift Surveys 3 Lahav, O.
The 6dF Galaxy Survey: First Data Release 11 Jones, H.; Saunders, W.; Colless, M.; Read, M.; Parker, Q.; Watson, F.; Campbell, L.
Beta, Local SNIa data and the Great Attractor 21 Lucey, J.; Radburn-Smith, D.; Hudson, M.
Clusters and Superclusters in the Sloan Survey 27 Einasto, J.; Tago, E.; Einasto, M.; Saar, E.
The Large-Scale Distribution of Dark and Luminous Matter 39 Hudson, M.
The Large Local Hole in the Galaxy Distribution: The 2MASS Galaxy Angular Power Spectrum 49 Frith, W.J.; Outram, P.J.; Shanks, T.
The Growth of the Local Void and the Origin of the Local Velocity Anomaly 59 Iwata, I.; Ohta, K.; Nakanishi, K.; Chamaraux, P.; Roman, A.T.
The Relation of Compact Groups of Galaxies with Larger-Scale Structures 67 Andernach, H.; Coziol, R.
Hot Gas in Galaxy Groups: Impact on Galaxy Evolution 77 Burstein, D.
CIZA: X-ray Selected Galaxy Clusters as Tracers of Large-Scale Structure and Streaming Motions behind the Galactic Plane 83 Ebeling, H.; Kocevski, D.; Tully, R.B.; Mullis, C.R.
The Dipole Anisotropy of the First All-Sky X-ray Cluster Sample 89 Kocevski, D.D.; Ebeling, H.; Tully, R.B.; Mullis, C.R.
Part 2.
Topics Related to ZOA Research
Total Opacity of Local Group Galaxies and Large-Scale Structure Behind the Galactic Bulge 103 Gonzalez, R.A.; Holwerda, B.; Loinard, L.; Allen, R.J.; Muller, S.
Using Galaxies to Determining Reddenings in the Zone of Avoidance 111 Burstein, D.
Part 3.
Large-Scale Structures in the Zone of Avoidance
The Zone of Avoidance: Optical Compared to Near-Infrared Searches 119 Kraan-Korteweg, R.C.; Jarrett, T.
The PSC-z Behind the Plane Survey and the IRAS Dipole 133 Saunders, W.; Tully, R.B.
The 2MASS Redshift Survey and Low Galactic Latitude Large-Scale Structure 135 Huchra, J.; Jarrett, T.; Skrutskie, M.; Cutri, R.; Schneider, S.; Macri, L.; Steining, R.; Mader, J.; Martimbeau, N.; George, T.
Peculiar Velocities in the Zone of Avoidance: Determining the Distance to the Norma Cluster 147 Woudt, P.A.; Fairall, A.P.; Kraan-Korteweg, R.C.; Lucey, J.; Schroder, A.C.; Burstein, D.; McCall, M.L.
A 2 x 2 Degree I-band Survey around PKS 1343-601 159 Kraan-Korteweg, R.C.; Ochoa, M.; Woudt, P.A.; Andernach, H.
DENIS Detections of Highly Obscured Galaxies in the Area around PKS1343-601 167 Schroder, A.C.; Kraan-Korteweg, R.C.; Mamon, G.A.; Woudt, P.A.
Deep Near-Infrared Survey of PKS1343-601 and CIZA J1324.7-5736 177 Nagayama, T.; Nagata, T.; Sato, S.; Woudt, P.A.; IRSF/SIRIUS team
XMM-Newton Observations of CIZA J1324.7-5736 -- A Massive, Newly Discovered Galaxy Cluster in the Great Attractor Region 183 Mullis, C.R.; Ebeling, H.; Kocevski, D.D.; Tully, R.B.
The Ophiuchus Cluster and a Large-Scale Structure toward the Galactic Centre 189 Wakamatsu, K.; Malkan, M.A.; Nishida, M.T.; Parker, Q.A.; Saunders, W.; Watson, F.G.
The HI Parkes Deep Zone of Avoidance Survey 199 Henning, P.A.; Kraan-Korteweg, R.C.; Staveley-Smith, L.
Part 4.
Nearby Large-Scale Structures
Nearby Large-Scale Structure and Massive Galaxies 209 Staveley-Smith, L.; Meyer, M.; Zwaan, M.; Webster, R.; Donley, J.
Local Structures as Revealed by HIPASS 217 Koribalski, B.S.
Visualisations of Nearby Large-Scale Structures 225 Fairall, A.P.; Hultquist, C.; Perumal, S.; Tully, R.B.
Percolation Properties of Nearby Large-Scale Structures: Every Galaxy has a Neighbour 229 Fairall, A.P.; Turner, D.; Pretorius, M.L.; Wiehahn, M.; McBride, V.; de Vaux, G.; Woudt, P.A.
Part 5.
Special Properties of Certain Galaxy Samples
The Current Status of Primary Distance Indicators 241 Feast, M.W.
The Properties of Radio Selected Galaxies in HIPASS/HIJASS and SDSS 251 Garcia-Appadoo, D.; West, A.; Disney, M.; Dalcanton, J.; Kilborn, V.
Catalogue of Nearby Galaxies and the Local Cosmic Web 255 Karachentsev, I.D.; Makarov, D.I.; Karachentseva, V.E.; Huchtmeier, W.K.
First Results from THINGS: The HI Nearby Galaxy Survey 265 de Blok, W.J.G.; Walter, F.; Brinks, E.; Thornley, M.D.; Kennicutt, R.C., Jr.
Part 6.
Southern African Large Telescope
SALT First Generation Instruments 273 Buckley, D.A.H.
Part 7.
Poster Presentations
Redshifts and Distribution of ACO Clusters of Galaxies 283 Andernach, H.; Tago, E.; Einasto, M.; Einasto, J.; Jaaniste, J.
The Cluster M/L Ratio and the Value of ­Ωm 289 Andernach, H.; Plionis, M.; Lopez-Cruz, O.; Tago, E.; Basilakos, S.
Part 8.
Conference Summary and Assessment 297 Fairall, A.P.; Lahav, O.