Paper Title |
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Authors |
| |
Stellar Structure of the Galaxy: Overview |
2 |
Kennicutt, R. C., Jr. |
A New Census of the Solar Neighborhood |
17 |
Kirkpatrick, J. D. |
Red Giants in ISOGAL: Tracers of the Evolution of the Galaxy |
36 |
van Loon, J. Th. |
Distribution of dust and stars in the Galaxy |
45 |
Drimmel, R.; Spergel, D. |
The Milky Way as a Key to Structural Evolution in Galaxies |
53 |
Weinberg, M. D. |
A Survey of Selected Areas in the Galactic Plane with ISOCAM |
75 |
Burgdorf, M.; Ott, Stephan; Cohen, Martin; Price, Steve; Egan, Michael; Ganesh, Shashi; Schuller, Frederic; Alard, Christophe |
Distribution of Stellar Populations at Selected Areas on the Galactic Plane |
78 |
Garzón, F.; Hammersley, Peter L.; Lopez-Corredoira, Martin |
Is the Milky Way a Double-barred Galaxy? |
81 |
Hammersley, P. L.; López-Corredoira, M.; Garzon, F. |
Star Formation at the Edge of the Optical Disk of Our Galaxy |
83 |
Kobayashi, N.; Tokunaga, A. T. |
Successful Inversion of the Stellar Statistics Equation Applied to the Galactic Bulge |
86 |
López-Corredoira, M.; Garzon, F.; Hammersley, P.L. |
The Galactic Spheroid Density Law |
89 |
Robin, A. C.; Reylé, C. |
The Composition of Circumstellar and Interstellar Dust |
92 |
Tielens, A. G. G. M. |
Formation and Evolution of Interstellar Dust |
127 |
Knapp, G. R. |
IR to millimeter Dust Emission: An Overview of Recent Observations |
144 |
Bernard, J.-Ph.; Lagache, G.; Abergel, A.; Boulanger, F.; Lamarre, J.-M.; Stepnik, B.; Le peintre, F.; Ristorcelli, I.; Giard, M.; Serra, G. |
Composition of Organics &Volatiles in the ISM |
152 |
Sandford, S. A. |
The Nature of Very Small Interstellar Grains |
171 |
Jones, A. |
The Composition and Distribution of Dust Along the Line of Sight Towards the Galactic Center |
179 |
Chiar, J. E.; Tielens, A.G.G.M.; Whittet, D.C.B.; Schutte, W.A.; Boogert, A.C.A.; Lutz, D.; van Dishoeck, E.F.; Bernstein, M.P. |
A Broad 22 Micron Emission Feature in the Carina Nebula H II Region |
181 |
Chan, K.-W.; Onaka, T. |
The UIR Emission Bands and the FIR Emission Observed by IRTS and ISO |
183 |
Onaka, T.; Chan, Kin-Wing; Mizutani, Masahiko; Roelling, Thomas L.; Okumura, Ken'ichi; Shibai, Hiroshi; Nakagawa, Takao |
Galactic Molecular Gas: Large-Scale Distribution, Kinematics, and Structure |
186 |
Clemens, D. P.; Simon, R.; Jackson, J.M.; Bania, T.M. |
The Formation, Evolution, and Destruction of Molecular Clouds |
204 |
Bally, J. |
A Deep Submillimeter Survey of the Galactic Center |
228 |
Pierce-Price, D.; Richer, J. S.; Greaves, J. S.; Holland, W. S.; Jenness, T.; Lasenby, A. N.; White, G. J.; Matthews, H. E.; Ward-Thompson, D.; Dent, W. R. F.; Zylka, R.; Mezger, P.; Hasegawa, T.; Oka, T.; Omont, A.; Gilmore, G. |
Effects of Low Metallicity on the Gas and Dust Properties in Dwarf Galaxies |
236 |
Madden, S. C. |
Chemistry in Quiescent and Star-Forming Molecular Clouds |
244 |
van Dishoeck, E. F. |
The BU-FCRAO Milky Way Galactic Ring Survey |
265 |
Clemens, D. P.; Jackson, J.M.; Bania, T.M.; Simon, R.; Kolpak, M.; Law, C.; Heyer, M.H. |
Interstellar C2 towards the Cyg OB2 Association - A Case Study of X-ray Induced Chemistry |
267 |
Gredel, R.; Dalgarno, Alex; Yan, Min |
Self-Gravitating N-Body Systems Out of Equilibrium |
270 |
Huber, D. |
Local Simulations of Self-Gravitating Disks |
272 |
Huber, D.; Pfenniger, D. |
Milli-Parsec Structure in High-Latitude Molecular Cloud MBM-12 |
274 |
Ingalls, J. G.; Reach, William T.; Bania, T.M.; Carpenter, John M. |
Galactic Plane 13CO Survey: 13CO Column Density Distribution |
276 |
Lee, Y.; Kim, Hyun-Goo; Stark, Antony A. |
Infrared Spectroscopy of UV Photons: The M16 PDR |
279 |
Levenson, N. A.; Graham, James R.; McLean, Ian S.; NIRSPEC Commissioning Team |
Carbon Recombination Lines near 327 MHz: A Study of "Diffuse Photo-ionization Regions" in the Galactic Plane |
281 |
Roshi, D. A.; Kantharia, Nimisha G.; Anantharamaiah |
Large [O]/[CO] Ratios in Cold Molecular Clouds Towards W49N |
283 |
Vastel, C.; Caux, E.; Ceccarelli, C.; Castets, A.; Gry, C.; Baluteau, J.P. |
Stars, Jets and the ISM: Modelling Their Interactions |
286 |
Viti, S.; Girart, J. M. |
Experimental Determination of UV and VUV f-values |
288 |
Wiese, L. M.; Fedchak, J.A.; Lawler, J.E. |
The Non-Uniformly Expanding Neutral Shell of the Gum Nebula |
290 |
Woermann, B.; Gaylard, Michael J.; Otrupcek, Robina |
The McKee/Ostriker Model: Paradigm? |
294 |
Heiles, C. |
Structure and Motions in the Diffuse Interstellar Medium |
318 |
Dickey, J. M. |
The Warm Local ISM: Structure, Properties, and Theory |
337 |
Linsky, J. L.; Redfield, S.; Wood, B. |
The Wisconsin Hα Mapper Northern Sky Survey |
345 |
Haffner, L. M. |
Interfaces in the ISM: Comparing MSX and Radio Continuum Imagery |
353 |
Cohen, M.; Green, Anne; Carey, Sean; Kuchar, Tom; Mizuno, Don; Price, Stephan D.; Shipman, Russell |
Diffuse Ionized Gas, a Tool to Study the Disk-Halo Interaction |
355 |
Dettmar, R.-J.; Tüllmann, R. |
Probing the Magnetic Field with Molecular Ion Spectra |
357 |
Houde, M.; Peng, Ruisheng; Yoshida, Hiroshige; Phillips, Thomas G.; Bastien, Pierre |
Brackett-γ Line Survey of the Ionized Hydrogen in the Galactic Plane |
360 |
Kutyrev, A.; Bennet, C.L.; Moseley, S.H.; Reynolds, R.J.; Roesler, F.L. |
The Spectacular Warm ISM of NGC 4214 |
362 |
Maíz-Apellániz, J.; MacKenty, John W.; Norman, Colin A.; Walborn, Nolan R. |
[Ne II] 12.8 μm Images of Galactic UC H II Regions |
364 |
Matsuhara, H.; Watarai, Hidenori; Takahashi, Hidenori |
Imaging the Entire Southern Sky in Hα |
366 |
McCullough, P. R.; Gaustad, John E.; Rosing, Wayne; Van Buren, Dave |
Evaluating Nebular Sulfur Abundance Diagnostics |
368 |
Oey, M. S.; Shields, J. C. |
A Study of Low-density Ionized Gas in the Galactic Plane |
371 |
Roshi, D. A.; Anantharamaiah, K. R. |
A Quantitative Investigation of Extraplanar Diffuse Ionized Gas in Edge-On Spiral Galaxies, Based on a Hα Survey |
373 |
Rossa, J.; Dettmar, R.-J. |
HST Observations of the Disk-Halo Interface in the Edge-On Galaxy NGC 891 |
376 |
Rossa, J.; Dettmar, Ralf-Juergen; Walterbos, Rene A.M.; Norman, Colin A. |
HST-STIS Observations of a Nonradiative Shock in the Cygnus Loop Supernova Remnant |
379 |
Sankrit, R.; Blair, W.P.; Raymond, J.C.; Long, K.S. |
Extinction in the Ionized Gas in the Central 4 Parsecs of the Galaxy |
382 |
Stolovy, S. R.; Scoville, N.; Yusef-Zadeh, F. |
Hydrogen Recombination Lines from the Gum Nebula |
384 |
Woermann, B.; Woermann, Beate; Gaylard, Michael J.; Otrupcek, Robina |
Beyond M: Ultracool Dwarfs in the Solar Neighborhood |
388 |
Reid, I. N. |
T Dwarf Discoveries by 2MASS |
411 |
Burgasser, A. J. |
Young, Low-mass Stars Observed with ISOCAM |
419 |
Olofsson, G. |
Cool Stellar Atmospheres |
427 |
Hauschildt, P.; Allard, France; Barman, Travis; Schweitzer, Andreas; Baron, E.; Leggett, S.K. |
Irradiated M Dwarfs |
447 |
Barman, T. S.; Hauschildt, P. H. |
A VLT View of the Bottom of the Main Sequence in M4 |
450 |
Schweitzer, A.; Krautter, J.; Wagner, S.; Appenzeller, I.; FORS Team |
Mass Loss From Cool Massive Stars |
454 |
Jura, M. |
Stellar Explosions Inside and Outside the Galaxy |
466 |
Starrfield, S. |
Atomic Gas in Evolved Stars: PDRs or Shocks? |
488 |
Meixner, M.; Fong, David; Sutton, Edmund C.; Castro-Carrizo, Arancha; Bujarrabal, Valentin; Latter, William B.; Tielens, Alexander; Kelley, Douglas M.; Barlow, Michael J. |
IR and Millimeter Studies of Evolved Stars |
496 |
Cox, P. |
The Extraordinary Death of Ordinary Stars - The Impact of HST |
528 |
Sahai, R. |
Optically Thick Winds of Novae |
539 |
Aufdenberg, J. P.; Hauschildt, Peter H.; Short, C. Ian; Starrfield, Sumner G. |
Mass-Losing AGB stars in Galactic Bulge ISOGAL Fields |
541 |
Blommaert, J.; ISOGAL Collaboration |
Survey of Large Planetary Nebulae in Decay |
543 |
Kerber, F.; Rauch, T. |
NLTE Model Atmospheres for post-AGB Stars |
546 |
Rauch, T.; Dettjen, J. L. |
Non-LTE Modeling of Nova Cygni 1992 |
548 |
Short, C. I.; Hauschildt, P. H.; Baron, E. |
Mineralogy of Dust Around Oxygen-rich Evolved Stars |
550 |
Speck, A.; Barlow, Mike; Sylvester, Roger; Hofmeister, A.M. |
ISOPHOT Observations of Protoplanetary Nebulae |
553 |
Speck, A.; Meixner, Margaret; Ueta, Toshiya; Knapp, Gillian |
COBE DIRBE Infrared Light Curves of Mira Variables |
556 |
Smith, B. J.; Castelaz, M. W.; Luttermoser, D. |
Observations of Circumstellar Disks |
563 |
Koerner, D. W. |
Millimeter Interferometry of HST Circumstellar Disks |
586 |
Padgett, D.; Stapelfeldt, K.; Sargent, A. |
Dynamical Evolution of Protoplanetary Disks |
594 |
Kenyon, S. J. |
A Hubble Space Telescope Imaging Survey of Nearby T Tauri Stars |
620 |
Stapelfeldt, K. |
Dynamics of Flattened Molecular Gas Envelopes around Protostars |
622 |
Wiseman, J. J. |
Prospects for the Next Decade (Rapporteur) |
626 |
Harwit, M. |
Test and Science Applications with FLITECAM on SOFIA |
634 |
Horn, J. M. M.; Rich, R.M.; Becklin, E.E.; McLean, I.S. |
Doing Astronomy with FORCAST, the Faint Object infraRed CAmera for the SOFIA Telescope |
637 |
Keller, L. D.; Herter, Terry; Stacey, Gordon; Gull, George; Schoenwald, Justin; Pirger, Bruce; Nikola, Thomas; Bowman, Harry |
The Uniqueness Space for SPIRIT and SPECS |
639 |
Leisawitz, D.; Yorke, H.W. |
Infrared Imaging Surveyor (IRIS): ASTRO-F Mission |
641 |
Onaka, T. |
Infrared Camera (IRC) onboard ASTRO-F (IRIS) |
643 |
Watarai, H. |