Title: AMiBA 2001: High-Z Clusters, Missing Baryons, and CMB Polarization
Volume: 257 Year: 2002 View this Volume on ADS
Editors: Chen, Lin-Wen; Ma, Chung-Pei; Ng, Kin-Wang; Pen, Ue-Li
ISBN: 1-58381-097-8 eISBN: 978-1-58381-593-9

Paper Title Page Authors
The Current State of Astronomy in Taiwan and AMiBA 3 Lo, K. Y.
Probing SZ Source Detection with Gasdynamical Simulations 15 Bond, J. R.; Ruetalo, M. I.; Wadsley, J. W.; Gladders, M. D.
AMiBA, XMM, and Cluster Surveys 27 Haida, L.
SZ Surveys with the Arcminute MicroKelvin Imager 35 Jones, M. E.
The SZ-Array: Configuration and Science Prospects 43 Mohr, J. J.; Carlstrom, J. E.; The Sza Collaboration
Studies of Structure Formation and Cosmology with Galaxy Cluster Surveys 49 Mohr, J. J.
The Nonlinear Thermal and Kinetic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect 61 Ma, C.-P.; Fry, J. N.
The Thermal Sunyaev Zel'dovich Effect: A Powerful Probe for Missing Baryons 69 Zhang, P.; Pen, U.-L.
Simulations of Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Maps and Their Applications 81 Delabrouille, J.; Melin, J.-B.; Bartlett, J. G.
Simulation on AMiBA SZE Cluster Survey 89 Lin, K.-Y.; Chiueh, T.
Cosmological Implications of BIMA Deep Field Survey (POSTER) 99 Lin, Y.-T.; Mohr, J. J.; Carlstrom, J. E.; Holzapfel, W. H.; The Sze Team
Secondary Anisotropies of Cosmic Microwave Background from the Lyα Absorption Systems (POSTER) 105 Lai, W.-C.; Hwang, C.-Y.
Optical Surveys for Galaxy Clusters 109 Yee, H. K. C.; Gladders, M. D.
Galaxy Evolution in the Most Common Environments 123 Zabludoff, A.
An Overview of the Las Campanas Distant Cluster Survey 133 Zaritsky, D.; Gonzalez, A. H.; Nelson, A. E.; Dalcanton, J. J.
Population Gradients in Galaxy Clusters 143 Ellingson, E.
X-ray Properties of High Redshift Clusters 151 Henry, J. P.
X-ray Cluster Evolution in the ROSAT North Ecliptic Pole Survey 165 Gioia, I. M.
Chandra Observations of Cold Fronts in Clusters of Galaxies 173 Mazzotta, P.; Markevitch, M.; Vikhlinin, A.; Forman, W. R.
Dark Matter from Weak Lensing 183 Kaiser, N.; Donovan, D.; Wilson, G.
Clustering of Dark Matter Halos on the Light-cone 195 Suto, Y.
Weak Lensing Analysis of the High Redshift Cluster MS 1054-03 203 Umetsu, K.
Numerical Study of the Lensing Deflection Angle due to the Large-scale Structures 207 Hamana, T.
3D Simulation of Ultra Light Scalar Field Dark Matter 213 Woo, T. P.
Analytical Study of Nonlinear Dark Matter Two- and Three-Point Correlation Functions (POSTER) 221 Chang, C.; Chiueh, T.
Bias and Merger of Nonspherical Halos (POSTER) 225 Lin, L.; Chiueh, T.; Lee, J.
Galaxy-Galaxy Correlation Function Determined by CDM+Gas Simulations (POSTER) 229 Jeng, F. Y.; Pai, C. H.; Chiueh, T.
Overview of Cosmic Microwave Background Polarization Experiments 235 Timbie, P. T.; Gundersen, J. O.; Keating, B. G.
The SPOrt Program 243 Cortiglioni, S.; Baralis, M.; Bernardi, G.; Boella, G.; Bonometto, S.; Bruscoli, M.; Carretti, E.; Cecchini, S.; Fabbri, R.; Gervasi, M.; Macculi, C.; Monari, J.; Musso, C.; Nicastro, L.; Orfei, A.; Peverini, O.; Poppi, S.; Sbarra, C.; Sironi, G.; Tascone, R.; Tucci, M.; Vinyajkin, E.; Zannoni, M.
Observation of CMB Anisotropies with AMiBA 251 Ng, K.-W.
CMB Can Probe Dark Ages 259 Sugiyama, N.
Extraction of CMB Polarization B and E Modes 271 Chiueh, T.; Ma, C.-J.; Lin, H.
Simulation of Cosmic Microwave Background Polarization Fields for AMiBA Experiment 279 Park, C.; Park, C.-G.
ATCA and CMB Anisotropies 289 Subrahmanyan, R.
Polarization of the Cosmic Microwave Background from Non-Uniform Reionization (POSTER) 295 Liu, G.-C.
Interferometers versus Bolometer Focal Plane Arrays: Technology Choices for Cosmic Microwave Background Telescopes 301 Peterson, J. B.
Observing the CMB with the AMiBA 309 Subrahmanyan, R.
Filtering VSA Data 315 Grainge, K.
Broadband Correlator for AMI 321 Holler, C.
Concluding Remarks: From Current CMBology to its Polarization and Sunyaev-Zeldovich Frontiers circa TAW8 327 Bond, J. R.