Title: |
AMiBA 2001: High-Z Clusters, Missing Baryons, and CMB Polarization
Volume: |
Year: |
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Editors: |
Chen, Lin-Wen; Ma, Chung-Pei; Ng, Kin-Wang; Pen, Ue-Li
Paper Title |
Page |
Authors |
| |
The Current State of Astronomy in Taiwan and AMiBA |
3 |
Lo, K. Y. |
Probing SZ Source Detection with Gasdynamical Simulations |
15 |
Bond, J. R.; Ruetalo, M. I.; Wadsley, J. W.; Gladders, M. D. |
AMiBA, XMM, and Cluster Surveys |
27 |
Haida, L. |
SZ Surveys with the Arcminute MicroKelvin Imager |
35 |
Jones, M. E. |
The SZ-Array: Configuration and Science Prospects |
43 |
Mohr, J. J.; Carlstrom, J. E.; The Sza Collaboration |
Studies of Structure Formation and Cosmology with Galaxy Cluster Surveys |
49 |
Mohr, J. J. |
The Nonlinear Thermal and Kinetic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect |
61 |
Ma, C.-P.; Fry, J. N. |
The Thermal Sunyaev Zel'dovich Effect: A Powerful Probe for Missing Baryons |
69 |
Zhang, P.; Pen, U.-L. |
Simulations of Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Maps and Their Applications |
81 |
Delabrouille, J.; Melin, J.-B.; Bartlett, J. G. |
Simulation on AMiBA SZE Cluster Survey |
89 |
Lin, K.-Y.; Chiueh, T. |
Cosmological Implications of BIMA Deep Field Survey (POSTER) |
99 |
Lin, Y.-T.; Mohr, J. J.; Carlstrom, J. E.; Holzapfel, W. H.; The Sze Team |
Secondary Anisotropies of Cosmic Microwave Background from the Lyα Absorption Systems (POSTER) |
105 |
Lai, W.-C.; Hwang, C.-Y. |
Optical Surveys for Galaxy Clusters |
109 |
Yee, H. K. C.; Gladders, M. D. |
Galaxy Evolution in the Most Common Environments |
123 |
Zabludoff, A. |
An Overview of the Las Campanas Distant Cluster Survey |
133 |
Zaritsky, D.; Gonzalez, A. H.; Nelson, A. E.; Dalcanton, J. J. |
Population Gradients in Galaxy Clusters |
143 |
Ellingson, E. |
X-ray Properties of High Redshift Clusters |
151 |
Henry, J. P. |
X-ray Cluster Evolution in the ROSAT North Ecliptic Pole Survey |
165 |
Gioia, I. M. |
Chandra Observations of Cold Fronts in Clusters of Galaxies |
173 |
Mazzotta, P.; Markevitch, M.; Vikhlinin, A.; Forman, W. R. |
Dark Matter from Weak Lensing |
183 |
Kaiser, N.; Donovan, D.; Wilson, G. |
Clustering of Dark Matter Halos on the Light-cone |
195 |
Suto, Y. |
Weak Lensing Analysis of the High Redshift Cluster MS 1054-03 |
203 |
Umetsu, K. |
Numerical Study of the Lensing Deflection Angle due to the Large-scale Structures |
207 |
Hamana, T. |
3D Simulation of Ultra Light Scalar Field Dark Matter |
213 |
Woo, T. P. |
Analytical Study of Nonlinear Dark Matter Two- and Three-Point Correlation Functions (POSTER) |
221 |
Chang, C.; Chiueh, T. |
Bias and Merger of Nonspherical Halos (POSTER) |
225 |
Lin, L.; Chiueh, T.; Lee, J. |
Galaxy-Galaxy Correlation Function Determined by CDM+Gas Simulations (POSTER) |
229 |
Jeng, F. Y.; Pai, C. H.; Chiueh, T. |
Overview of Cosmic Microwave Background Polarization Experiments |
235 |
Timbie, P. T.; Gundersen, J. O.; Keating, B. G. |
The SPOrt Program |
243 |
Cortiglioni, S.; Baralis, M.; Bernardi, G.; Boella, G.; Bonometto, S.; Bruscoli, M.; Carretti, E.; Cecchini, S.; Fabbri, R.; Gervasi, M.; Macculi, C.; Monari, J.; Musso, C.; Nicastro, L.; Orfei, A.; Peverini, O.; Poppi, S.; Sbarra, C.; Sironi, G.; Tascone, R.; Tucci, M.; Vinyajkin, E.; Zannoni, M. |
Observation of CMB Anisotropies with AMiBA |
251 |
Ng, K.-W. |
CMB Can Probe Dark Ages |
259 |
Sugiyama, N. |
Extraction of CMB Polarization B and E Modes |
271 |
Chiueh, T.; Ma, C.-J.; Lin, H. |
Simulation of Cosmic Microwave Background Polarization Fields for AMiBA Experiment |
279 |
Park, C.; Park, C.-G. |
ATCA and CMB Anisotropies |
289 |
Subrahmanyan, R. |
Polarization of the Cosmic Microwave Background from Non-Uniform Reionization (POSTER) |
295 |
Liu, G.-C. |
Interferometers versus Bolometer Focal Plane Arrays: Technology Choices for Cosmic Microwave Background Telescopes |
301 |
Peterson, J. B. |
Observing the CMB with the AMiBA |
309 |
Subrahmanyan, R. |
Filtering VSA Data |
315 |
Grainge, K. |
Broadband Correlator for AMI |
321 |
Holler, C. |
Concluding Remarks: From Current CMBology to its Polarization and Sunyaev-Zeldovich Frontiers circa TAW8 |
327 |
Bond, J. R. |