Paper Title |
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Authors |
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Mechanism of formation of optical turbulence (Invited Speaker) |
2 |
Vernin, J. |
Atmospheric turbulence parameters measurements |
18 |
Lukin, V. |
Observing at Oukaïmeden through the extended wave system of the upper atmosphere emissive layer |
28 |
Pautet, D.; Moreels, G.; Rousselot, P.; Reylé, C.; Clairemidi, J. |
Estimation of the spatial coherence outer scale for daytime observations |
36 |
Seghouani, N.; Irbah, A.; Borgnino, J. |
Turbulence amplification (Poster) |
44 |
Chadid-Vernin, M. |
Observational methods for the study of optical turbulence (Invited Speaker) |
48 |
Avila, R. |
Atmospheric turbulence profiles C2n(h) deduced from solar limb observations |
64 |
Bouzid, A.; Irbah, A.; Borgnino, J.; Lantéri, H. |
Turbulence profiling using a scanning scintillometer |
72 |
Chun, M.; Avila, R. |
Atmospheric turbulence effects on solar diameter measurements: validation of numerical simulation using data recorded at Calern Observatory |
78 |
Lakhal, L.; Irbah, A. |
Simultaneous measurements of the Fried parameter r0 and the isoplanatic angle &thetas;0 using SCIDAR and adaptive optics - First results |
86 |
Weiß, A.; Hippler, S.; Kasper, M.; Wooder, N.; Quartel, J. |
Application of wavefront sensors to the analysis and prediction of the imaging performance of a 4m telescope |
96 |
O'Mahony, N. |
Measuring turbulence profile from scintillations of single stars |
104 |
Tokovinin, A.; Kornilov, V. |
GSM: a monitor of wavefront optical parameters for the site evaluation |
114 |
Ziad, A.; Martin, F.; Conan, R.; Borgnino, J. |
Principles of the data reduction software of the VLTI mid-infrared instrument MIDI (Poster) |
124 |
Nafati, M.; Perrin, G.; Coudé Du Foresto, V.; Chagnon, G. |
GSM Campaign at Oukaimeden: II- Spatio-temporal analysis of the wavefront (Poster) |
130 |
Jabiri, A.; Benkhaldoun, Z. |
A generalized solar seeing monitor : M.I.Sol.F.A. (Moniteur d'images solaires franco - algérien) (Poster) |
134 |
Assus, P.; Borgnino, J.; Martin, F.; Bouzid, A.; Chibani, M.; Irbah, A.; Seghouani, N. |
Optical parameters for high angular resolution astronomy estimated from the GSM (Generalized Seeing Monitor) experiment at several major astronomical sites in the world (Poster) |
138 |
Martin, F.; Ziad, A.; Conan, R.; Borgnino, J.; Tokovinin, A. |
Turbulence effects in narrow-angle astrometry from Scidar measurements at Pic du Midi (Poster) |
142 |
Daigne, G.; Prieur, J.; Avila, R. |
Site Characterization for mm/submm Astronomy (Invited Speaker) |
148 |
Radford, S. |
220 GHz tipping radiometer for monitoring sky opacity at Hanle |
164 |
Ananthasubramanian, P.; Yamamoto, S.; Prabhu, T. |
Comparisons of saturated water vapor column from radiosonde, and mm and submm radiometric opacities at the South Pole |
172 |
Chamberlin, R. |
Relation between 183 GHz Water Vapor Line and Water Continuum Absorption Measured with FTS |
180 |
Matsushita, S.; Matsuo, H. |
Modeling the atmospheric longwave spectrum: State of the art in the horizon of ALMA |
188 |
Pardo, J.; Cernicharo, J.; Serabyn, E. |
IR properties of the GTC 10m telescope site |
198 |
Espinosa, J.; Kidger, M.; Pinilla, N. |
FTS measurements of submillimeter quasi-continuum atmospheric opacity terms |
206 |
Serabyn, E.; Pardo, J. |
Operation of the IAC water vapour monitors in observatory conditions (Poster) |
216 |
Pinilla, N.; Kidger, M.; Espinosa, J. |
Cross-calibration of a GPS water vapour monitor in low water vapour conditions - The La Palma experience (Poster) |
220 |
Kidger, M.; Pinilla, N.; Espinosa, J. |
Comparison of atmospheric phase fluctuations with a 22 GHz water vapor line measurements along a single line of sight |
230 |
Asaki, Y.; Hirosawa, H.; Ichikawa, M.; Hirabayashi, H.; Kobayashi, H.; Ishiguro, M. |
Atmospheric Phase Correction for Connected-Element Interferometry and for VLBI |
238 |
Bremer, M. |
Phase correction of 11.2 GHz interferometric measurements using a pair of 183 GHz water line radiometers at Chajnantor |
246 |
Delgado, G. |
Phase Retrieval in Very-Long-Baseline Interferometry |
254 |
Mezaoui, A.; Baudry, A.; Charlot, P. |
Anomalous refraction measurements at FCRAO and tip-tilt compensation on the Large Millimeter Telescope |
260 |
Olmi, L. |
Phase fluctuation at the ALMA site and the height of the turbulent layer |
268 |
Robson, Y.; Hills, R.; Richer, J.; Delgado, G.; Nyman, L.; Otárola, A.; Radford, S. |
183 GHz water vapor monitors |
278 |
Wiedner, M.; Hills, R.; Pardo-Carrión, J. |
What can meteorological numerical models do for the astronomers? (Invited Speaker) |
288 |
Masciadri, E. |
On-line prediction of astronomical seeing fluctuations with neural networks |
302 |
Aussem, A.; Tran, G.; Sarazin, M. |
Utilizing satellite data for evaluation and forecasting applications at astronomical sites |
310 |
Erasmus, D.; Sarazin, M. |
Progress in the validation of the atmospheric model Meso-Nh adapted to provide 3D maps of optical turbulence |
328 |
Masciadri, E. |
Statistical Analysis for Seeing Climatology: Preliminary Work |
336 |
de Gurtubai, A.; Varela, A.; Muñoz-Tuñón, C.; Mahoney, T. |
The ideal site revisited for future ground based telescope projects (Invited Speaker) |
342 |
Sarazin, M. |
Daytime seeing measurements for the advanced technology Sslar telescope |
350 |
Beckers, J. |
Optical seeing measurements at Cerro La Negra |
358 |
Carrasco, B.; Carramiñana, A.; Avilés, J. |
Optical seeing and infrared atmospheric transparency in the upper Atacama desert |
366 |
Giovanelli, R. |
Night-time seeing monitoring at Maidanak observatory with differential image motion monitor for the period 1996-2000 |
376 |
Ilyasov, S. |
GSM campaign at Oukaimeden: I- Optical characterization of the site |
382 |
Jabiri, A.; Benkhaldoun, Z.; Ziad, A. |
The contribution of individual atmospheric layers to optical instability over various regions of the NIS countries as deducted from aerological DATA |
386 |
Kovadlo, P. |
New astronomical station of Valencia University Observatory |
398 |
López García, A.; Moraño Fernández, J.; Yagudin, L.; Martínez, A. |
Site surveying for the FAST in Guizhou province of China |
408 |
Nan, R.; Peng, B.; Su, Y.; Zhu, W.; Zhu, L.; Qiu, Y.; Zhu, B.; Nie, Y. |
Oukaimeden as a potential observatory: Site testing results |
414 |
Benkhaldoun, Z. |
Indian Astronomical Observatory, Hanle |
424 |
Cowsik, R.; Srinivasan, R.; Prabhu, T. |
The "Galileo" telescope at ORM: site characterization |
432 |
Porceddu, I.; Buffa, F.; Ortolani, S.; Zitelli, V. |
Comparison of the Pampa La Bola and Llano de Chajnantor sites in northern Chile |
440 |
Sakamoto, S. |
Beyond the atmosphere - Other factors in telescope site selection |
448 |
vanden Bout, P. |
Site-testing results at the Teide Observatory |
454 |
Varela, A.; Muñ0z-Tuñón, C.; de Gurtubai, A.; Saviron, C. |
Site testing in Chile for the extremely large telescope |
466 |
Walker, A. |
Site characterization at the "Observatorio Astrofísico Guillermo Haro" (Poster) |
470 |
Ortíz, M.; Carrasco, B.; Carramiñana, A.; Pacheco, S. |
Italian site testing activities in antarctica (Poster) |
474 |
Valenziano, L.; Mandolesi, N. |
Statistic determination of significative meteorological variables for image quality (Poster) |
478 |
Ferrer, F.; Muñoz-Tuñón, C. |
Intensive observing campaign of atmospheric turbulence at San Pedro Mártir (Poster) |
484 |
Avila, R.; Vernin, J.; Azouit, M.; Agabi, A.; Sánchez, L.; Masciadri, E.; Cuevas, S.; Garfias, F.; Harris, O.; Voitsekhovich, V.; Orlov, V. |
MERLIN telescopes: New site RFI surveys and a possible new MERLIN Irish, radio telescope (Poster) |
488 |
Gizani, N.; Garrington, S.; Lawson, D.; Shearer, A.; Golden, A. |
The astroclimatic station: A Must for any major observatory (Invited Speaker) |
498 |
Muñoz-Tuñón, C. |
Site Testing and Site Monitoring for Extremely Large Telescopes |
516 |
Quirrenbach, A. |
Antarctic Site Testing |
524 |
Storey, J.; Ashley, M.; Burton, M. |
ESO Weather-Watch: an automated service for observatory operation |
532 |
Sarazin, M. |
Sky brightness variations, limiting magnitudes and exposure times with large telescopes |
540 |
Dennefeld, M. |
Atmospheric limitations to adaptive image compensation (Invited Speaker) |
546 |
Roddier, F. |
Multi-conjugate Adaptive Optics: Experiment in Atmospheric Tomography |
562 |
Beckers, J. |
AO curvature system for segmented primary telescopes |
568 |
Cuevas, S. |
Reference beacon design and models of atmospheric turbulence |
578 |
Lukin, V. |
Multi Scintillation Layer-Oriented Seeing Monitor |
588 |
Ragazzoni, R.; Ghedina, A. |
What kind of adaptive optics for the rotating slit aperture telescope? |
596 |
Touma, H. |
Sites and adaptive phasing for 1-10 km hypertelescopes |
608 |
Lardière, O.; Dejonghe, J.; Riaud, P.; Gillet, S.; Arnold, L.; Labeyrie, A. |