Paper Title |
Page |
Authors |
| |
Historical Perspective - Lessons Learned and Lessons to be Learned |
3 |
Linsky, J. L. |
Chandra and XMM-Newton: X-Ray Spectral Synthesis at High Resolution |
13 |
Brickhouse, N. S. |
Should You Trust Atomic Data? |
25 |
Laming, J. M. |
Active Region Studies with SOHO-CDS |
37 |
Mason, H. E.; Del Zanna, G. |
Observational and Interpretational Challenges |
45 |
Judge, P. |
AD Leo observed with Chandra LETG: emission measure distribution density, and element abundances of the coronal plasma |
57 |
Maggio, A.; Drake, J. J.; Kashyap, V.; Micela, G.; Sciortino, S.; Peres, G.; Harnden, F. R., Jr.; Murray, S. S. |
A Study of the Coronal Plasma in RS CVn binary systems: HR 1099 and co. |
65 |
Audard, M.; Güdel, M.; Sres, A.; Mewe, R.; Raassen, A. J. J.; Behar, E.; Foley, C. R.; van der Meer, R. L. J. |
The Chemical Compositions of Stellar Coronae |
75 |
Drake, J. J. |
X-ray and EUV Observations of Solar Flares |
89 |
Doschek, G. A. |
Stellar Flare Modeling |
103 |
Reale, F. |
Large stellar flares: a review of recent novel results |
115 |
Favata, F. |
Coronal density diagnostics with Helium-like triplets: Chandra-LETG observations of Algol, Capella, Procyon, ∈ Eri, α Cen A&B, and UX Ari |
127 |
Ness, J.-U.; Mewe, R.; Schmitt, J. H. M. M.; Raassen, A. J. J.; van der Meer, R. L. J.; Burwitz, V.; Predehl, P.; Brinkman, A. C. |
Energetic Particles in Solar and Stellar Coronae |
135 |
Brown, J. C.; O'Malley, L.; Smolkin, S. |
Chandra Observations of Embedded Young Stellar Objects |
143 |
Koyama, K. |
Chandra X-ray Observation of the Orion Nebula Cluster |
155 |
Flaccomio, E.; Damiani, F.; Micela, G.; Sciortino, S.; Harnden, F. R., Jr.; Murray, S. S.; Wolk, S. J. |
X-Ray Plasma Diagnostics of Stellar Winds in Very Young Massive Stars |
165 |
Schulz, N. S.; Canizares, C. R.; Huenemoerder, D. P.; Lee, J. C.; Tibetts, K. |
The role of accretion disks in the coronal activity of young stars |
173 |
Montmerle, T. |
Stellar, Substellar and Protostellar Coronae in the Very Young Cluster IC 348 |
185 |
Preibisch, Th.; Zinnecker, H. |
X-ray Study of Herbig Ae/Be Stars, Intermediate Mass Young Stars |
193 |
Hamaguchi, K.; Koyama, K.; Yamauchi, S.; Terada, H. |
Coronae in Cool Star Binaries |
201 |
Dupree, A. K. |
The joint XMM-Newton and Chandra view of YY Gem |
215 |
Stelzer, B.; Burwitz, V.; Neuhäuser, R.; Audard, M.; Schmitt, J. H. M. M. |
Coordinated Chandra HETGS and VLA Radio Observations of the Active Coronae on the Short-Period Binary ER Vul (G0 V + G5 V) |
223 |
Brown, A.; Osten, R. A.; Ayres, T. R.; Harper, G.; Guinan, E. |
The corona and upper transition region of ∈ Eri |
231 |
Sim, S. A.; Jordan, C. |
Chandra HETGS Observations of the Active Binary σ2 Coronae Borealis |
239 |
Osten, R. A.; Brown, A.; Ayres, T. R.; Linsky, J. L. |
The Coronae of Low Mass Stars and Brown Dwarfs |
247 |
Giampapa, M. S.; Fleming, T. A. |
Chandra Detection of a Middle Age Brown Dwarf TWA 5B |
255 |
Tsuboi, Y.; Chartas, G.; Feigelson, E. D.; Garmire, G.; Maeda, Y.; Mori, K.; Townsley, L.; Pravdo, S. |
Effects of age and metallicity on coronal emission |
263 |
Micela, G. |
The Solar Corona as Seen by Yohkoh |
277 |
Harra, L. K. |
Multi-component transition region structure of the Sun and stars |
291 |
Peter, H. |
The Solar Atmosphere at Radio Wavelengths |
299 |
White, S. M. |
Stellar Dynamos: Scaling Laws and Coronal Connections |
311 |
Saar, S. |
Scaling Laws for Solar and Stellar Coronae |
321 |
Klimchuk, James A. |
Solar and stellar high-resolution X-ray spectra: plasma diagnostics with the CHIANTI atomic database |
333 |
Del Zanna, G.; Mason, H. E. |
Observing the Sun as an X-ray Star: Active Region Evolution and Rotational Modulation |
341 |
Orlando, S.; Peres, G.; Reale, F. |
Cyclic Activity and Various Coronal Heating Mechanisms for Late-Type Stars |
349 |
Katsova, M. M.; Livshits, M. A. |
Multiwavelength analysis of Gl 355 (LQ Hya) |
357 |
Covino, S.; Tagliaferri, G.; Bertone, E.; Cutispoto, G.; Messina, S.; Panzera, M. R.; Pasquini, L.; Pallavicini, R.; Randich, S.; Rodonò, M.; Setiawan, J. |
Multiwavelength Aspects of Stellar Coronae |
367 |
Güdel, M. |
Recent Progress in Understanding the X-ray Sources in Hot Star Winds |
379 |
Miller, N. A. |
An XMM-Newton Pencil-Beam Deep Survey in Upper Sco-Cen |
389 |
Sciortino, S.; Damiani, F.; Favata, F.; Flaccomio, E.; Micela, G. |
Stellar prominences as tracers of coronal structure |
397 |
Collier Cameron, A.; Jardine, M. M.; Donati, J.-F. |
Modeling the corona of AB Doradus |
409 |
Hussain, G. A. J.; van Ballegooijen, A. A.; Jardine, M.; Collier Cameron, A. |
Evolution of Large-scale Coronal Structure with the Solar Cycle from EUV Data |
419 |
Benevolenskaya, E. E.; Kosovichev, A. G.; Scherrer, P. H. |
A Study Of Extreme Ultraviolet Flare Activity On Late-Type Stars |
425 |
Bloomfield, D. S.; Mathioudakis, M. |
Solar Flare-CME Events in November 2000 as based on Multifrequency Observations in Microwave Range |
431 |
Borovik, V. N.; Medar, V. G. |
XMM-Newton First Observation in the Pleiades |
437 |
Briggs, K. R.; Pye, J. P. |
Chromospheric and coronal activity in pre-main sequence stars |
443 |
Costa, V. M.; Gameiro, J. F.; Brooks, D. H. |
REM - Rapid Eye Mount. A fast slewing robotized infrared telescope |
449 |
Covino, S.; Zerbi, F.; Chincarini, G.; Rodonò, M.; Ghisellini, G.; Antonelli, A.; Conconi, P.; Cutispoto, G.; Molinari, E. |
Chandra X-ray Observations of Open Cluster NGC 2516 |
455 |
Damiani, F.; Micela, G.; Sciortino, S.; Flaccomio, E.; Harnden, F. R., Jr.; Murray, S. S.; Wolk, S. J. |
The X-ray Spectra Predicted to Be Emitted From Hot Astrophysical Plasmas Abnormally Enriched With High-Z Elements - The Case of Mercury |
461 |
Doron, R.; Feldman, U.; Doschek, G. A.; Bar-Shalom, A. |
Discovery of X-ray emission from the proto-stellar jet L1551 IRS5 (HH 154) |
467 |
Favata, F.; Fridlund, C. V. M.; Micela, G.; Sciortino, S.; Kaas, A. A. |
BeppoSAX observations of CF Tuc and TY Pyx |
473 |
Franciosini, E.; Pallavicini, R.; Maggio, A.; Tagliaferri, G.; Covino, S. |
MUSICOS 1998: Optical and X-rays Observations of Flares on the RS CVn Binary HR 1099 |
479 |
García-Alvarez, D.; Doyle, J. G.; Foing, B. H.; Oliveira, J. M.; Montes, D. |
XMM-Newton Observation of FK Comae |
485 |
Gondoin, P.; Erd, C.; Lumb, D. |
Flares and Coronal Heating in Active Stars - A Statistical Investigation |
491 |
Güdel, M.; Audard, M.; Kashyap, V.; Drake, J. J.; Guinan, E. F. |
XMM-Newton Probes the Solar Past: Coronal Abundances of Solar Analogs at Different Ages |
497 |
Güdel, M.; Audard, M.; Sres, A.; Wehrli, R.; Behar, E.; Mewe, R.; Raassen, A. J. J.; Magee, H. R. M. |
Flare Heating of Stellar Coronae |
503 |
Kashyap, V.; Drake, J. J.; Audard, M.; Güdel, M. |
PINTofALE: Analysis of UV-X-Ray High-Resolution Emission Spectra |
509 |
Kashyap, V.; Drake, J. J. |
A Large Flare on EQ Peg Simultaneously Observed in the X-Ray and Optical Wavebands |
515 |
Katsova, M. M.; Livshits, M. A.; Schmitt, J. H. M. M. |
EUV Line Emission from Coronal Loop Models in Thermal Non-equilibrium |
521 |
Lanza, A. F.; Spadaro, D.; Lanzafame, A. C.; Karpen, J. T. |
On the Origin of Large X-ray Flares on RS CVn Subgiants |
527 |
Livshits, I. M.; Livshits, M. A. |
The Relationship between Duration and Intensity for Ejective and Non-Ejective Solar and Stellar Flares |
533 |
Magee, H. R. M.; Harra, L. K.; Matthews, S. A. |
X-ray variability in ROSAT-PSPC observations of dF7-dK2 stars |
539 |
Marino, A.; Peres, G.; Micela, G.; Sciortino, S. |
Influence of radiation fields on the density diagnostics Chandra-LETGS observations of Algol and Procyon |
545 |
Ness, J.-U.; Mewe, R.; Schmitt, J. H. M. M.; Raassen, A. J. J. |
A Lot of Observations of the Coronae of AR Lac |
551 |
Pease, D.; Drake, J. J.; Kashyap, V.; Ratzlaff, P. W.; Saar, S.; Haisch, B.; Dobrzycki, A.; Adams, N. R.; Wolk, S. J. |
The stellar activity-rotation relationship revisited: Dependence of saturated and non-saturated X-ray emission regimes on spectral type for main-sequence stars |
557 |
Pizzolato, N.; Maggio, A.; Micela, G.; Sciortino, S. |
Singles, Binaries and X-rays from Hot Stars |
563 |
Pollock, A. M. T.; Oskinova, L. M. |
Emission measure modeling and abundance determination of α Centauri and Procyon |
567 |
Raassen, A. J. J.; Mewe, R.; Ness, J.-U. |
Emission measure modeling and abundance determination of Procyon by means of a variety of instruments on board Chandra and XMM-Newton |
573 |
Raassen, A. J. J.; Audard, M.; Mewe, R.; Güdel, M.; van der Meer, R. L. J.; Behar, E. |
Saturation of X-ray emission in simple models of rapidly rotating stellar coronae |
579 |
Ryan, R. D.; Neukirch, T.; Jardine, M. |
Quiescent and Flaring Coronal Structure in RS CVn Stars |
585 |
Sanz-Forcada, J.; Brickhouse, N. S.; Dupree, A. K. |
Recombination rate coefficients for astrophysical applications from storage-ring experiments |
591 |
Schippers, S.; Böhm, S.; Müller, A.; Gwinner, G.; Schnell, M.; Schwalm, D.; Wolf, A.; Savin, D. W. |
Hydrodynamics of coronal loops undergoing transient heating |
597 |
Spadaro, D.; Lanza, A. F.; Lanzafame, A. C.; Karpen, J. T.; Antiochos, S. K.; MacNeice, P. J. |
Dissipation of non-linear circularly polarized Alfvén waves |
603 |
Turkmani, R.; Torkelsson, U. |
Coronal Variability in the Young Cluster NGC 2516 |
609 |
Wolk, S. J.; Harnden, F. R., Jr.; Murray, S. S.; Adams, N. R.; Damiani, F.; Flaccomio, E.; Micela, G.; Sciortino, S.; Jeffries, R. D. |
MHD Simulation of a Solar Flare and Derived Scaling Law between the Temperature and the Emission Measure of Stellar/Solar Flares |
615 |
Yokoyama, T.; Shibata, K. |
Conference Summary |
621 |
Jordan, C. |