Title: |
Numerical Modeling of Space Plasma Flows: ASTRONUM - 2008
Volume: |
Year: |
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Editors: |
Pogorelov, Nikolai V.; Audit, Edouard; Colella, Phillip; Zank, Gary P.
Synopsis: |
This volume contains the papers based on talks given at ASTRONUM-2008—the third in the series of international conferences organized by the Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics of the University of California and Institute for Research of the Fundamental laws of the Universe in the French Commissariat of Atomic Energy. The subjects of the conference included such topics as turbulence and cosmic ray transport; astrophysical flows; space plasma flows; kinetic and hybrid simulations; numerical methods, algorithms, and frameworks, data handling and visualization. All of these are of great importance for scientists investigating solar structure, the great importance for scientists investigating solar structure, the heliosphere, Sun-Earth connection, and various astrophysical phenomena. The problems discussed at the conference involved significantly different scales, regions, or particle populations, for which more than one set of defining equations or concepts are necessary to understand the physical system in its entirety. This book will be of interest for specialists in applied mathematics, astrophysics, space physics, and computer science working on the application of novel numerical algorithms to contemporary problems arising in these fields. It can also be used by graduate students to get acquainted with the fundamental approaches to solving fluid dynamics and Boltzmann equations governing space plasma flows.
Paper Title |
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Authors |
Cover |
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Volume 406 Cover |
Pogorelov, N.V.; Audit, E.; Colella, P.; Zank, G.P. |
Front Matter |
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Volume 406 Front Matter |
1 |
Pogorelov, N.V.; Audit, E.; Colella, P.; Zank, G.P. |
Part 1. Turbulence and Cosmic Ray Transport |
| |
Galactic Cosmic-Ray Transport in the Global Heliosphere: A Four-dimensional Stochastic Model |
3 |
Florinski, V. |
Numerical Simulations of MHD Turbulence in Accretion Disks |
9 |
Fromang, S.; Papaloizou, J.; Lesur, G.; Heinemann, T. |
Simulations of Supersonic Turbulence in Molecular Clouds: Evidence for a New Universality |
15 |
Kritsuk, A.G.; Ustyugov, S.D.; Norman, M.L.; Padoan, P. |
Model of Reconnection of Weakly Stochastic Magnetic Field and its Testing |
23 |
Lazarian, A.; Vishniac, E.; Kowal, G. |
Numerical Experiments with Shock-Turbulence Interaction |
31 |
Lele, S.K.; Larsson, J.; Bhagatwala, A.; Moin, P. |
Subgrid Models in Turbulent Mixing |
42 |
Lim, H.; Yu, Y.; Glimm, J.; Li, X.-L.; Sharp, D.H. |
Numerical Cosmic-Ray Hydrodynamics |
47 |
Miniati, F. |
Propagation of Solar Energetic Particles in 3-dimensional Interplanetary Magnetic Fields |
53 |
Zhang, M. |
On Challenges for Hypersonic Turbulent Simulations |
61 |
Yee, H.C.; Sjögreen, B. |
Part 2. Astrophysical Flows |
| |
Long Duration GRBs and the Birth of Magnetars |
73 |
Bucciantini, N. |
Numerical Simulations of the Wardle Instability |
80 |
Falle, S.A.E.G.; Hartquist, T.W.; van Loo, S. |
Relativistic Simulations of Magneto-rotational Core Collapse |
86 |
Font, J.A.; Cerdá-Durán, P.; Müller, E.; Antón, L. |
Simulations of the Gravitationally Confined Detonation Model of Type Ia Supernovae for Multiple Ignition Points |
92 |
Jordan, G.C.; Meakin, C.A.; Hearn, N.; Fisher, R.T.; Townsley, D.M.; Lamb, D.Q.; Truran, J.W. |
An Approach to Solve the Difficulties in the SPH Modeling of Viscous and Free-Boundary Layers |
98 |
Lanzafame, G. |
Numerical Simulations of Radiative Shocks in Herbig-Haro Objects with the PLUTO Code |
105 |
Mignone, A.; Tesileanu, O.; Zanni, C. |
3D MHD Simulations of Disk Accretion onto Magnetized Stars: Numerical Approach and Sample Simulations |
112 |
Romanova, M.M.; Koldoba, A.V.; Ustyugova, G.V.; Kulkarni, A.K.; Long, M.; Lovelace, R.V.E. |
3D MHD Modeling of Accretion Disks in Close Binaries |
118 |
Zhilkin, A.G.; Bisikalo, D.V. |
Part 3. Space Plasma Flows |
| |
Adaptive Mesh Refinement on Curvilinear Grids |
127 |
Borovikov, S.N.; Kryukov, I.A.; Pogorelov, N.V. |
Recent Advances in Electric Sail Development |
135 |
Janhunen, P. |
Numerical Simulation of Interplanetary Disturbances |
141 |
Odstrcil, D. |
Multi-scale Fluid-Kinetic Simulation Suite: A Tool for Efficient Modeling of Space Plasma Flows |
149 |
Pogorelov, N.V.; Borovikov, S.N.; Florinski, V.; Heerikhuisen, J.; Kryukov, I.A.; Zank, G.P. |
An MHD Solar Wind Model with Turbulence Transport |
160 |
Usmanov, A.V.; Matthaeus, W.M.; Breech, B.; Goldstein, M.L. |
Part 4. Kinetic and Hybrid Simulations |
| |
Hybrid Particle–Fluid Methods for Nonequilibrium Gas and Plasma Flows |
169 |
Boyd, I.D. |
Tsallis Statistics for Models and Observations of the Heliospheric Magnetic Field |
181 |
Burlaga, L.F. |
Kinetic Modeling of Neutral Atom Transport in the Heliosphere |
189 |
Heerikhuisen, J.; Pogorelov, N.V.; Florinski, V.; Zank, G.P.; Kharchenko, V. |
Fast Deterministic Methods for the Boltzmann Equation |
199 |
Sergej, R. |
Part 5. Numerical Methods, Algorithms, and Frameworks |
| |
High-Order Finite-Volume Methods on Locally-Structured Grids |
207 |
Colella, P.; Dorr, M.; Hittinger, J.; McCorquodale, P.W.; Martin, D.F. |
The ECHO Code for Classical and Relativistic MHD |
217 |
Del Zanna, L. |
New Developments in Modeling MHD Systems on High Performance Computing Architectures |
223 |
Germaschewski, K.; Raeder, J.; Larson, D.J.; Bhattacharjee, A. |
Solving Partial Differential Equations on Overlapping Grids |
231 |
Henshaw, W.D. |
Parsek2D: An Implicit Parallel Particle-in-Cell Code |
237 |
Markidis, S.; Camporeale, E.; Burgess, D.; Rizwan-uddin; Lapenta, G. |
A New Multidimensional Unsplit MHD Solver in FLASH3 |
243 |
Lee, D.; Deane, A.E.; Federrath, C. |
Adaptive Mesh Refinement Computation of Turbulent Flows – Pitfalls and Escapes |
249 |
Mitran, S.M. |
A Comparison of Spectral Element and Finite Difference Methods Using Statically Refined Nonconforming Grids for the MHD Island Coalescence Instability Problem |
255 |
Ng, C.S.; Rosenberg, D.; Pouquet, A.; Germaschewski, K.; Bhattacharjee, A. |
Fast and Robust Integration of N-body Systems |
261 |
Omelchenko, Y.A.; Karimabadi, H. |
A Finite-Volume Dynamical Core on the Cubed-Sphere Grid |
268 |
Putman, W.M.; Lin, S.-J. |
The Athena MHD Code: Extensions, Applications, and Comparisons to ZEUS |
277 |
Stone, J.M. |
Hall MHD on Block-Adaptive Grids |
287 |
Tóth, G.; Ma, Y.-J.; Gombosi, T.I. |
Elliptic Solvers For Structured Adaptive Mesh Refinement |
293 |
Van Straalen, B.; Colella, P.; Graves, D.; Ligocki, T.; Keen, N. |
Part 6. Data Handling and Visualization |
| |
Modern Scientific Visualization is More than Just Pretty Pictures |
301 |
Bethel, E.W.; Rübel, O.; Prabhat; Wu, K.; Weber, G.H.; Pascucci, V.; Childs, H.; Mascarenhas, A.; Meredith, J.; Ahern, S. |
A Visual Insight into the Horizon Simulation at MareNostrum |
317 |
Pomaréde, D.; Fidaali, Y.; Teyssier, R. |
Back Matter |
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Volume 406 Back Matter |
323 |
Pogorelov, N.V.; Audit, E.; Colella, P.; Zank, G.P. |