Title: Proceedings of the 2009 Snowbird Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology Workshop (SNOWPAC 2009)
Volume: 426 Year: 2010 View this Volume on ADS
Editors: Kieda, D. B.; Gondolo, P.
The SnowPAC Conference Series was initiated in 2009 as a way to bring together researchers in Astronomy, Particle Astrophysics, and Cosmology to share common research interests and Ideas. SnowPAC 2009 was the inaugural conference of the yearly SnowPAC conference series. The seven day conference included sixty-one participants and fifty plenary talks.

The Scientific program SnowPAC 2009 was focused on four main topics: (1) High Energy Cosmic-Ray and Gamma-Ray Observations; (2) Neutrinos; (3) Dark Matter; and (4) Particle Cosmology and Gravity. These conference proceedings present highlights of the talks from the first SnowPAC conference.

This book is of interest to researchers in Particle Astrophysics, Astronomy, and Cosmology. It presents a review of current topics in these fields, as well as recent progress and discoveries.
ISBN: 978-1-58381-732-2 eISBN: 978-1-58381-733-9
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Paper Title Page Authors
Front Matter   
Volume Cover Kieda, D. B.; Gondolo, P.
Front matter 1 Kieda, D. B.; Gondolo, P.
Conference Photos 2 Kieda, D. B.; Gondolo, P.
Part I. High Energy Cosmic Ray and Gamma-Ray Observations   
Overview of the High Resolution Fly’s Eye: Some Results from the HiRes Experiment 3 Matthews, J. N.
The Telescope Array and Its Low Energy Extension: Status and Future Prospects for Ultrahigh Energy Cosmic Ray Physics in the Northern Hemisphere. 11 Jui, C. C. H.; TA/TALE Collaboration
Physics with HAWC 19 Goodman, J. A.; HAWC Collaboration
Recent Active Galactic Nuclei Results with VERITAS 27 Perkins, J. S.; VERITAS Collaboration
VERITAS Observations of Galactic Gamma-Ray Sources 35 Hui, C. M.; VERITAS Collaboration
Part II. Neutrinos   
Lessons from Neutrinos in the IceCube Deep Core Array 47 Mocioiu, I.
Nus and Anti-nus from MiniBooNE: Searching for the Shadow of the Ghost 52 Mills, G. B.
Neutrino Probe Comparisons of Supernovae as a Function of Redshift 60 Fryer, C. L.
Part III. Dark Matter   
Explaining the WMAP Haze with Neutralino Dark Matter 79 Caceres, G.
The Angular Power Spectrum of the Diffuse Gamma-Ray Background as a Probe of Galactic Dark Matter Substructure 87 Siegal-Gaskins, J. M.
Sneutrino Dark Matter in Light of PAMELA 95 Allahverdi, R.
Properties of Q-ball Dark Matter: Moving Away from Flat Directions 103 Shoemaker, I. M.
Part IV. Particle Cosmology and Gravity   
Digging into Dark Matter with Weak Gravitational Lensing 115 Massey, R.
LISA: Seeing the low-frequency gravitational wave Cosmos 123 Larson, S. L.
Inflation, Gravity Waves, and the LHC 131 Mazumdar, A.
Minimal Electroweak Scale Cosmology and the LHC 140 Ramsey-Musolf, M.
Cosmological and Astrophysical Implications of Sterile Neutrinos 149 Petraki, K.
Cosmic Flows on 100 h-1Mpc Scales and the Non-Linear σ8 158 Feldman, H. A.
Back Matter   
Author Index 169 Kieda, D. B.; Gondolo, P.