Title: |
Stellar Populations and the Distance Scale
Volume: |
Year: |
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Editors: |
Joseph Jensen, R. Michael Rich, and Richard de Grijs
Synopsis: |
More than 25 years ago, science writer Dennis Overbye wrote a book titled “Lonely Hearts of the Cosmos” that narrated the saga of the conflict in the extragalactic distance scale between Allan Sandage and Gerard de Vaucouleurs. The debate, which had raged for years, was finally cleared up in the 1990's by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope (HST) when accurate Cepheid distances were determined out to 20 Mpc for the first time. Now, 25 years later, the current value of the Hubble parameter H0 and age of the universe are known with an accuracy of a few percent. Jeremy Mould was a leader on the H0 Key Project Team that worked tirelessly to make the era of precision cosmology a reality today. It was therefore fitting that a conference on stellar populations and the distance scale be held in his honor. This volume contains contributions covering a range of topics including the properties of variable stars in the Milky Way, stellar populations in nearby galaxies, and the application of stellar population studies to the extragalactic distance scale and implications for observational cosmology.
Paper Title |
Page |
Authors |
Front Matter |
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Volume Cover |
Front Matter |
1 |
Conference Photos |
2 |
Stellar Populations and Variable Stars |
| |
Testing the Extremes of IMF Variability with New Stellar Population Models |
3 |
Villaume, A. |
The Galactic Synthesis Population Model GalMod |
7 |
Pasetto, S. |
The AGB in the Early 1980's: When Theorists and Observers Met |
13 |
Renzini, A. |
From BRAVA to BAaDE: A New Kinematic Survey of the Bulge AGB |
17 |
Rich, R. M.; Trapp, A.; Morris, M. R.; Sjouwerman, L.; Stroh, M.; Claussen, M.; Pihlstrom, Y. |
Large Magellanic Cloud Near-Infrared Synoptic Survey (LMCNISS): Overview and Science Highlights for Classical and Type-II Cepheids |
31 |
Ngeow, C.; Bhardwaj, A.; Macri, L. M.; Kanbur, S. M. |
HI–Star Formation Relations from the Local Volume HI Survey |
37 |
Wang, J. |
Increasing the Sample of Galactic Red Supergiants |
41 |
Messineo, M.; Zhu, Q.; Figer, D.; Menten, K.M.; Ivanov, V.D.; Kudritzki, R.-P.; Rosie Chen, C.-H. |
AGB Variables in Local Group Dwarf Irregular Galaxies |
49 |
Whitelock, P.A. |
Modelling TP-AGB Stars in M31 with PHAT Data |
57 |
Chen, Y.; Marigo, P.; Girardi, L.; Pastorelli, G.; Williams, B. F.; Rosenfield, P.; Dalcanton, J. J.; Aringer, B.; Trabucchi, M |
Comparing Stellar Populations of Type Ia Supernovae |
67 |
Uddin, S. A. |
The Resolved Stellar Populations Around Core-Collapse Supernovae |
71 |
Maund, J. R. |
The Contribution of Faint, Failed, and Defunct Stars to the “Stellar” Masses of Galaxies |
79 |
Schechter, P. L. |
The Distance Scale |
| |
Gaia, Stellar Populations and the Distance Scale |
89 |
Clementini, G.; Garofalo, A.; Muraveva, T.; Ripepi, V. |
Dwarf Cepheids in the Satellites of the Milky Way |
99 |
Vivas, A. K.; Alonso-García, J.; Mateo, M.; Walker, A.; Nidever, D.; Howard, B. |
An Internally Consistent Distance Framework in the Local Group |
105 |
de Grijs, R.; Bono, G. |
Long-Period Variables in the Large Magellanic Cloud |
111 |
Trabucchi, M.; Wood, P. R.; Montalbán, J.; Marigo, P.; Pastorelli, G.; Girardi, L. |
Distance Determination to the Eclipsing Binary System OGLE-LMC-ECL-25658 |
119 |
Elgueta, S. S.; Graczyk, D.; Gieren, W. |
The Impact of Eclipsing Binaries with Pulsating Components on the Distance Scale and Stellar Evolution |
123 |
Pilecki, B. |
Using RR Lyrae Stars as High-Precision Distance Indicators in the Infrared |
129 |
Neeley, J. R.; Marengo, M.; Bono, G.; Braga, V. F.; Marconi, M.; Dall'Ora, M.; Magurno, D. |
3D Stellar Cartography: Mapping the Local Group in the Mid-Infrared using Variable Stars |
135 |
Scowcroft, V. |
The TRGB and the Hubble Constant in 2017: TIPSNU |
143 |
Lee, M. G.; Jang, I. S. |
Cepheid and RR Lyrae Variables as Standard Candles and What Else? |
153 |
Bhardwaj, A. |
Hubble Catalog of Variables |
159 |
Yang, M.; Bonanos, A. Z.; Gavras, P.; Sokolovsky, K.; Hatzidimitriou, D.; Moretti, M. I.; Karampelas, A.; Bellas-Velidis, I.; Spetsieri, Z.; Pouliasis, E.; Georgantopoulos, I.; Charmandaris, V.; Tsinganos, K.; Laskaris, N.; Kakaletris, G.; Nota, A.; Lennon, D.; Arviset, C.; Whitmore, B.; Budavari, T.; Downes, R.; Lubow, S.; Rest, A.; Strolger, L.; White, R. |
Cosmology from Gravitational Lens Time Delays |
165 |
Wong, K. C. |
The IR Surface Brightness Fluctuation Distance Scale |
171 |
Jensen, J. B. |
Supernova Host Spectra from the OzDES Survey |
179 |
Mould, J. |
An Informal Retrospective and Appreciation of a Part of Jeremy Mould's Career Contributions |
193 |
Hanes, D. |
Poster Session |
| |
Mapping the Milky Way Halo Substructures Using RR Lyrae Stars |
201 |
Carballo-Bello, J. A.; Duffau, S.; Vivas, A. K.; Navarrete, C.; Catelan, M. |
Towards an Accurate Distance Determination with Early-Type Eclipsing Binaries |
205 |
Taormina, M. S. |
Back Matter |
213 |