Title: Stellar Evolution at Low Metallicity: Mass Loss, Explosions, Cosmology
Volume: 353 Year: 2006 View this Volume on ADS
Editors: Lamers, Henny J. G. L. M.; Langer, Norbert; Nugis, Tiit; Annuk, Kalju
ISBN: 978-1-58381-221-1 eISBN: 978-1-58381-287-7
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Paper Title Page Authors
Volume 353 Cover Lamers, H.J.G.L.M.; Langer, N.; Nugis, T.; Annuk, K.
Front Matter   
Volume 353 Front Matter 1 Lamers, H.J.G.L.M.; Langer, N.; Nugis, T.; Annuk, K.
Part 1.
Mass Loss from Massive Stars - What We Don't Know 3 Lamers, H.J.G.L.M.
Massive Star Evolution at Low Metallicity – What We Don't Know 15 Langer, N.
Part 2.
The Effect of Metallicity on Early Evolution Phases
Massive Stars in the SMC 29 Lennon, D.J.; Evans, C.J.; Trundle, C.
VLT-FLAMES Observations of Young Stellar Clusters in the Magellanic Clouds 41 Evans, C.J.; Lennon, D.J.; Smartt, S.J.
Evolution of rotating stars at very low metallicity 49 Meynet, G.; Hirschi, R.; Ekstroem, S.; Maeder, A.
Evolution of Gamma-Ray Burst Progenitors at Low Metallicity 63 Yoon, S.-C.; Langer, N.
The Luminous Blue Variable Phase — do Low Metallicity Stars go through it? 71 Weis, K.
The role of non-gray model atmospheres in the evolution of low mass metal poor stars 83 Harris, G.J.; Lynas-Gray, A.E.; Tennyson, J.; Miller, S.
Testing Binary Evolution at SMC Metallicity 91 de Mink, S.E.; Pols, O.R.
Part 2 – General Discussion: The Effect of Metallicity on Early Evolution Phases 93 various participants
Part 3.
The Effect of Metallicity on Mass Loss During Early Evolution Phases
The Observed Metallicity Dependence of the Mass Loss of O and Early-B Stars 99 de Koter, A.
Massive Star Feedback – from the First Stars to the Present 113 Vink, J.S
SMC B-type Supergiants: Stellar Winds in a Low Metallicity Environment 127 Trundle, C.; Lennon, D.J.; Puls, J.; Dufton, P.L.; Evans, C.J.
Mass Loss from Massive Zero–Metallicity Stars 133 Krticka, J.; Kubat, J.
Effects of Rotation on Mass Loss for Population III stars 141 Ekstroem, S.; Meynet, G.; Maeder, A.
NLTE Wind Models for SMC stars 147 Krticka, J.
On the Peculiarities of Evolution History of EHB Objects in Binary Systems with Hot Subdwarf Companions 149 Pustynski, V.-V.; Pustylnik, I.
Part 3 – General Discussion 152 various participants
Part 4.
The Effect of Metallicity on Mass Loss During Advanced Evolutionary Phases
Observed Metallicity Dependence of Winds from WR Stars 157 Crowther, P.A.
The Metallicity Dependence of WR Wind Models 171 Graefener, G.; Hamann, W.-R.
The Galactic WN Stars: Line-Blanketed Analyses versus Evolutionary Models 185 Hamann, W.-R.; Graefener, G.; Liermann, A.
Optically thick Wind Models of WNE Stars: the Dependence of Mass Loss on Metallicity 191 Nugis, T.
The Wolf-Rayet Hydrogen Puzzle – an Observational Point of View 197 Foellmi, C.; Marchenko, S.V.; Moffat, A.F.J.
Observational Evidences for the Dependence of WNE-star Mass Loss on metallicity 203 Nugis, T.; Annuk, K.; Hirv, A.
Part 4 – General Discussion 206 various participants
Part 5.
The Effect of Metallicity on Advanced Evolutionary Phases and Endpoints
On the Metallicity Dependence of the Winds from Red Supergiants and Asymptotic Giant Branch Stars 211 van Loon, J.Th.
Circumstellar Dust in the Large Magellanic Cloud 225 Dijkstra, C.; Speck, A.K.; Reid, R.B.; Markwick-Kemper, C.; Leisenring, J.
Carbon-enhanced metal-poor stars – effects of binary evolution at low metallicity 233 Pols, O.R.; Izzard, R.G.
Spitzer Mid-IR Spectroscopy of Wolf-Rayet Stars: the Frequent Detection of Circumstellar Dust 241 Barniske, A.; Oskinova, L.; Hamann, W.-R.; Graefener, G.
Wolf-Rayet stars of the carbon sequence 243 Barniske, A.; Hamann, W.-R.; Graefener, G.
LBVs in M33: Their Environments and Ages 245 Burggraf, B.; Weis, K.; Bomans, D.J.
How Extreme are the WR Clusters in NGC 3125? 247 Hadfield, L.J; Crowther, P.A.
Part 5 – General Discussion 249 various participants
Part 6.
Extremely Low Metallicity Stars
The Lowest Metallicities: What Do They Tell Us? 253 Oey, M.S.
Formation of the First and Second Generation Stars 263 Omukai, K.
The most Metal-Poor Stars of the Galaxy: Surveys, Abundances, an Implications 271 Christlieb, N.
The Early Generations of Low-metallicity Stars 285 Bromm, V.
Dust Production in the High-Redshift Universe 299 Marchenko, S.V.
Investigating Zero-Metallicity Low Mass Stars 307 Lau, H.B.; Tout, C.A.
Part 6 – General Discussion 309 various participants
Part 7.
Cosmological Consequences of Low Metallicity Stars
The Role of Primordial (possibly Massive) Stars in Reionization 315 Ciardi, B.
The End of the Dark Age and The Formation of the Structure of the Universe 329 Einasto, J.; Saar, E.
Gamma Ray Bursts from Proto-Globular Clusters? 339 Zinnecker, H.
Low Metallicity Galaxies at Low Redshifts 349 Izotov, Y.I.
Low (and High) Metallicity Galaxies at High Redshift 363 Pettini, M.
Stellar Feedback in Dwarf Galaxies: the Case of IC 5152 379 Bomans, D.J.
Light-Cone Simulations: Evolution of Dark Matter Haloes 381 Heinaemaeki, P.; Suhhonenko, I.; Saar, E.; Einasto, M.; Einasto, J.; Virtanen, H.
Part 7 – General Discussion 383 various participants
Part 8.
Outlook: The Gaia and Planck Emissions
Gaia and Metal-Poor Stars 387 Gustafsson, B.
Estimation of Stellar Astrophysical Parameters with the Gaia Baseline Photometric System 401 Malyuto, V.
The Planck Mission and Beyond 403 Heinaemaeki, P.
Part 9.
Concluding Remarks: The Ingredients for Understanding the First Stars in the Universe 415 Maeder, A.
Back Matter   
Volume 353 Back Matter 427 Lamers, H.J.G.L.M.; Langer, N.; Nugis, T.; Annuk, K.
Volume 353 Photographs 999 Lamers, H.J.G.L.M.; Langer, N.; Nugis, T.; Annuk, K.