Title: |
Transiting Extrasolar Planets Workshop
Volume: |
Year: |
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Editors: |
Afonso, C.; Weldrake, D.; Henning, Th.
Synopsis: |
The search for extrasolar planets has established itself as a major research field in Astronomy in the last decade and promises to be one of the main science drivers for decades to come. Over 20 ground-based experiments using the transit technique are being undertaken worldwide. Several missions from space have been launched or are to be launched in the near future, such as MOST, Corot, and Kepler. Presently 16 transiting extrasolar planets are known, several having been announced at the workshop itself. These proceedings of the Transiting Extrasolar Planets Workshop held September 25-28 at the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy in Heidelberg address several topics related to Transit Astronomy. They offer a detailed overview of the status of the field, regarding observational strategies, methods to select transits, detections and characterization of planets, as well as new approaches and new methodologies.
Paper Title |
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Authors |
Cover |
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Volume 360 Cover |
Afonso, C.; Weldrake, D.; Henning, Th.; Bakos, G. |
Front Matter |
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Volume 366 Front Matter |
1 |
Afonso, C.; Weldrake, D.; Henning, Th. |
Part 1. Transit Surveys and Observing Strategies |
| |
The Potential of Photometric Searches for Transiting Planets |
3 |
Pont, F.; Aigrain, S.; Bakos, G.; Brown, T.; Collier Cameron, A.; Deeg, H.; Erikson, A.; Guillot, T.; Horne, K.; Lecavalier, A.; Moutou, C.; Rauer, H.; Queloz, D.; Seager, S. |
The Transatlantic Exoplanet Survey (TrES): A Review |
13 |
Alonso, R.; Brown, T.M.; Charbonneau, D.; Dunham, E.W.; Belmonte, J.A.; Deeg, H.J.; Fernandez, J.M.; Latham, D.W.; Mandushev, G.; O'Donovan, F.T.; Rabus, M.; Torres, G. |
The Search for Extrasolar Planets with BEST |
23 |
Kabath, P.; Erikson, A.; Rauer, H.; the BEST team |
Early Results fromthe KELT Transit Survey |
27 |
Pepper, J.; Pogge, R.; DePoy, D.L.; Marshall, J.L.; Stanek, K.; Stutz, A.; Trueblood, M.; Trueblood, P. |
The Monitor Project: Searching for Occultations in Young Open Clusters |
33 |
Aigrain, S.; Irwin, J.; Hodgkin, S. |
A Search for Transits and Stellar Variability in All Sky Photometry obtained from the Solar Mass Ejection Imager |
39 |
Spreckley, S.; Stevens, I.R. |
The University of New South Wales Extrasolar Planet Search |
45 |
Hidas, M.G.; Webb, J.K.; Ashley, M.C.B.; Philips, M.A.; Christiansen, J.L.; Hamacher, D.; Curran, S.J.; Irwin, M.; Aigrain, S.; Irwin, J. |
Transit Campaigns of the OGLE-III Survey |
51 |
Udalski, A. |
TrES Exoplanets and False Positives: Finding the Needle in the Haystack |
58 |
O'Donovan, F.T.; Charbonneau, D. |
A Search for Transiting Hot Planets as Small as Neptune in the Open Cluster M37 |
64 |
Hartman, J.D.; Gaudi, B.S.; Holman, M.J.; McLeod, B.A.; Stanek, K.Z.; Barranco, J. |
The Life Cycle of an XO Planet and the Potential to Detect Transiting Planets of M Dwarfs |
70 |
McCullough, P.R.; Burke, C.J. |
Fields Selection for Transiting Planets Surveys and Application to the ΩTranS Survey |
78 |
Barbieri, M. |
Search For Planetary Transits in Auriga |
84 |
Mandushev, G.I.; Dunham, E.W.; Latham, D.W.; Everett, M. |
The PAIRITEL Ultracool Dwarf Transit Survey |
87 |
Blake, C.H.; Latham, D.W.; Bloom, J.S. |
Searching for Planetary Transits in the Lupus Galactic Plane |
90 |
Weldrake, D.T.F.; Bayliss, D.D.R.; Sackett, P.D.; Bessell, M.; Tingley, B. |
WIFSIP: Wide-field Imager for the Robotic Observatory STELLA |
93 |
Korhonen, H.; Strassmeier, K.G.; Granzer, T.; Weber, M.; Staude, A.; Schwope, A.D.; Andersen, M.I.; Jaervinen, A.S. |
Update and Recent Results of the STARE Instrument |
96 |
Rabus, M.; Brown, T.M.; Deeg, H.J.; Belmonte Aviles, J.A.; Almenara Villa, J.M.; Alonso, R. |
Searching for Variables in one of the WHAT Fields |
99 |
Shporer, A.; Mazeh, T.; Moran, A.; Bakos, G.; Kovacs, G. |
Byproducts of the University of New South Wales Extrasolar Planet Search |
102 |
Christiansen, J.L.; Hidas, M.G.; Ashley, M.C.B.; Webb, J.K.; Hamacher, D.; Young, T.; Lopez-Morales, M. |
RATS: an Italian project for Exoplanets Transit Search |
105 |
Granata, V.; Claudi, R.U.; Baruffolo, A.; Contri, L.; Montalto, M.; Piotto, G.P.; Bruno, P.; Scuderi, S. |
The Status of SuperWASP-South |
108 |
Lister, T.A.; Anderson, D.R.; West, R.G.; The WASP Consortium |
Part 2. Transit Identification: Photometry, Systematics and False Positives |
| |
DECPHOT: An Optimal Deconvolution-based Photometric Reduction Method |
113 |
Gillon, M.; Magain, P.; Chantry, V.; Let, G. |
The Sys-Rem Detrending Algorithm: Implementation and Testing |
119 |
Mazeh, T.; Tamuz, O.; Zucker, S. |
Expected Performance of the CoRoT Planet Search from Light Curve Beauty Contests |
127 |
Moutou, C.; Aigrain, S.; Almenara, J.; Alonso, R.; Auvergne, M.; Barge, P.; Blouin, D.; Borde, P.; Cabrera, J.; Carone, L.; Cautain, R.; Deeg, H.; Erikson, A.; Fressin, F.; Guis, V.; Leger, A.; Guterman, P.; Irwin, M.; Kabath, P.; Lanza, A.; Maceroni, C.; Mazeh, T.; Ollivier, M.; Pont, F.; Paetzold, M.; Queloz, D.; Rauer, H.; Rouan, D.; Schneider, J.; Tamuz, O.; Voss, H.; Zucker, S. |
Signal Search and Reconstruction by a Trend Filtering Algorithm |
133 |
Kovacs, G.; Bakos, G.A. |
First Results fromSuperWASP |
139 |
Street, R.A.; Collier Cameron, A.; Maxted, P.; The WASP Consortium; Bouchy, F.; Hebrard, G.; Fleenor, M.; Gillon, M.; Loeillet, B.; Moutou, C.; Queloz, D.; Udry, S. |
Transdet: a Matched-filter based Algorithm for Transit Detection : Application to Simulated COROT Light Curves |
145 |
Borde, P.; Fressin, F.; Ollivier, M.; Leger, A.; Rouan, D. |
The Color of Noise in SuperWASP Data and the Implications for finding Extrasolar Planets |
152 |
Smith, A.M.S.; Collier Cameron, A.; Christian, D.J.; Clarkson, W.I.; Enoch, B.; Evans, A.; Haswell, C.A.; Hellier, C.; Horne, K.; Irwin, J.; Kane, S.R.; Lister, T.A.; Norton, A.J.; Parley, N.; Pollacco, D.L.; Ryans, R.; Skillen, I.; Street, R.A.; Triaud, A.H.M.J.; West, R.G.; Wheatley, P.J.; Wilsons, D.M. |
Developments in Planet Detection using Transit Timing Variations |
158 |
Steffen, J.H.; Agol, E. |
MOST Spacebased Photometry of the Transiting Exoplanet System HD 209458b: Transit Timing to Search for Additional Planets |
164 |
Miller-Ricci, E.; Rowe, J.F.; Sasselov, D.; Matthews, J.M.; Guenther, D.B.; Kuschnig, R.; Moffat, A.F.J.; Rucinski, S.M.; Walker, G.A.H.; Weiss, W.W. |
Exoplanets and the Rossiter-McLaughlin Effect |
170 |
Winn, J.N. |
On using the Rossiter Effect to Detect Terrestrial Planets |
176 |
Welsh, W.F.; Orosz, J.A. |
Planet Hunting with SuperWASP |
180 |
Enoch, B.; Street, R.; the WASP Consortium |
Comparison of False Alarm Rejection Methods used in CoRoT Blind Test2 |
183 |
Almenara, J.M.; Deeg, H.J.; Regulo, C.; Alonso, R. |
SuperWASP - Transiting Planet Candidate Selection |
187 |
Wilson, D.M.; the SuperWASP Consortium |
Part 3. Characterization: Follow-up Observations and Determination of Planetary System Parameters |
| |
Radial Velocity Follow-up for Confirmation and Characterization of Transiting Exoplanets |
193 |
Bouchy, F.; Queloz, D. |
Spectroscopic and Photometric Follow-Up Observations |
203 |
Latham, D.W. |
Precision Photometry for Planetary Transits |
209 |
Pont, F.; Moutou, C. |
The Kepler Follow-up Observation Program |
219 |
Gautier, T.N.; Borucki, W.J.; Caldwell, D.A.; Koch, D.G. |
Simultaneous Subaru/MAGNUM Observations of Extrasolar Planetary Transits |
225 |
Narita, N. |
X-ray Detection of the Host Star of a Transiting Extrasolar Planet |
230 |
Wheatey, P.J.; Briggs, K.R. |
Transit and Secondary Eclipse Photometry in the Near-Infrared |
236 |
Snellen, I. |
Detecting Exomoons |
242 |
Cabrera, J.; Schneider, J. |
Asteroseismology: a Powerful Tool to Complement Planet Transits |
247 |
Stello, D.; Kjeldsen, H.; Bedding, T.R. |
Follow up Photometry for Transiting Extrasolar Planets and Low-Mass Stars |
253 |
Fernandez, J.M.; Beatty, T.G.; Latham, D.W.; Everett, M.E.; Esquerdo, G.A.; Hergenrother, C.W. |
Precise Photometry of Extrasolar Planet Transits with SOFIA |
256 |
Dunham, E.W.; Elliot, J.L.; Brown, T.M.; Charbonneau, D.; McLean, I.S. |
A Ground-Based Search for L Band Thermal Emission from TrES-1 |
259 |
Knutson, H.A.; Charbonneau, D.; Deming, D.; Richardson, L.J. |
Phase-differential NIR Integral Field Spectroscopy of HD209458b |
262 |
Angerhausen, D.; Krabbe, A.; Iserlohe, C. |
Radial Velocity Follow-up of Planetary Transit Candidate MACHO.120.22303.5389 |
265 |
Weldrake, D.T.F.; Setiawan, J.; Weise, P.; Henning, Th. |
High Temporal Resolution Transit Observations with ESA’s Cryogenic Camera |
268 |
Stankov, A.; Martin, D.; Schulz, R.; Erd, C.; Oosterbroek, T.; Peacock, A.; Verhoeve, P.; Stuewe, J. |
Part 4. Simulations and Planet Statistics |
| |
Statistics and Simulations of Transit Surveys for Extrasolar Planets |
273 |
Gaudi, S. |
On the Influence of Blends on the Potential of Ground-based Transit Surveys |
283 |
Gillon, M.; Magain, P. |
Searching for Planetary Transits in Globular Clusters - 47 Tucanae and ω Centauri |
289 |
Weldrake, D.T.F.; Sackett, P.D.; Bridges, T.J. |
Part 5. Planetary Atmospheres |
| |
Hot Jupiter Model Atmospheres and Spectra |
297 |
Fortney, J.J. |
Transiting Planet Simulations from the All Sky Extrasolar Planets Survey |
303 |
Kane, S.R.; Ge, J. |
KEPLER Mission Status |
309 |
Borucki, W.J.; Koch, D.G.; Lissauer, J.; Basri, G.; Brown, T.; Caldwell, D.A.; Jenkins, J.M.; Caldwell, J.J.; Christensen-Dalsgaard, J.; Cochran, W.D.; Dunham, E.W.; Gautier, T.N.; Geary, J.C.; Latham, D.; Sasselov, D.; Gilliland, R.L.; Howell, S.; Monet, D.G.; Batalha, N. |
The SkyMapper Transit Survey |
320 |
Bayliss, D.D.R.; Sackett, P. |
The Pan-Planets Project |
326 |
Afonso, C.; Henning, Th. |
The International Concordia Explorer Telescope (ICE-T): an Ultimate Transit-Search Experiment for Dome C |
332 |
Strassmeier, K.G.; Andersen, M.I.; Granzer, T.; Korhonen, H.; Herber, A.; Cutispoto, G.; Rafanelli, P.; Horne, K. |
Part 7. Microlensing and Astrometry |
| |
Microlensing Search for Extrasolar Planets |
337 |
Cassan, A.; Kubas, D. |
Astrometry inWide-Field Surveys |
340 |
Pal, A.; Bakos, G.A. |
Back Matter |
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Volume 366 Back Matter |
343 |
Afonso, C.; Weldrake, D.; Henning, Th. |