Paper: |
Fitting and Modeling of AXAF Data with the ASC Fitting Application |
Volume: |
145, Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems VII |
Page: |
157 |
Authors: |
Doe, S.; Ljungberg, M.; Siemiginowska, A.; Joye, W. |
Abstract: |
The AXAF mission will provide X-ray data with unprecedented spatial and spectral resolution. Because of the high quality of these data, the AXAF Science Center will provide a new data analysis system--including a new fitting application. Our intent is to enable users to do fitting that is too awkward with, or beyond, the scope of existing astronomical fitting software. Our main goals are: 1) to take advantage of the full capabilities of the AXAF, we intend to provide a more sophisticated modeling capability (i.e., models that are $f(x,y,E,t)$, models to simulate the response of AXAF instruments, and models that enable ``joint-mode'' fitting, i.e., combined spatial-spectral or spectral-temporal fitting); and 2) to provide users with a wide variety of models, optimization methods, and fit statistics. In this paper, we discuss the use of an object-oriented approach in our implementation, the current features of the fitting application, and the features scheduled to be added in the coming year of development. Current features include: an interactive, command-line interface; a modeling language, which allows users to build models from arithmetic combinations of base functions; a suite of optimization and fit statistics; the ability to perform fits to multiple data sets simultaneously; and, an interface with SM and SAOtng to plot or image data, models, and/or residuals from a fit. We currently provide a modeling capability in one or two dimensions, and have recently made an effort to perform spectral fitting in a manner similar to XSPEC. We also allow users to dynamically link the fitting application to their own algorithms. Our goals for the coming year include incorporating the XSPEC model library as a subset of models available in the application, enabling ``joint-mode'' analysis and adding support for new algorithms. |