Paper: |
TY Pyx: X-ray Light Curves and Spectra |
Volume: |
154, Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun: Tenth Cambridge Workshop |
Page: |
1061 |
Authors: |
Huenemoerder, David P. |
Abstract: |
TY Pyx is a three-day period RS CVn binary, comprised of two coronally active G-stars. It was observed with ASCA from orbital phases 0.35 to 0.65. Its count-rate (all detectors) was about 1/s, allowing enough statistics to extract PH spectra for several time intervals. Strong variations were seen in the rate outside of the nearly-total eclipse. However, the variations do not seem to be due to occultation of extended loops of X-ray emitting gas, but rather to flares. Spectra were hotter for higher rates. There was a small gradual decline in rate before first contact, and a sharp increase followed by exponential decay after last-contact. There was no evidence of inhomogeneity in emission over the occulted disk. |