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Paper: Solar-Stellar Connection: Relevance of YOHKOH Data
Volume: 154, Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun: Tenth Cambridge Workshop
Page: 1130
Authors: Orlando, S.; Peres, G.; Reale, F.; Rosner, R.; Hudson, H.
Abstract: The similarity of late-type stars to the Sun is often assumed when studying the physical conditions in their coronae. In order to explore better such a ``solar-stellar'' connection we use the Yohkoh/SXT X-ray images to generate the distribution of the emission measure vs. temperature of the Sun and, from that, the expected emission, as it would be observed by non-solar X-ray telescopes such as ROSAT/PSPC and ASCA/SIS. We discuss the role of the various solar structures in determining the total distribution of the emission measure vs. temperature and in determining the stellar-like synthesized X-ray spectra.
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